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  1. 9 down, "total ****", 7 letters, starts with L
  2. Knowing our luck we will finish 4th and this will happen
  3. mui

    Dusan Tadic

    When Lallana had had the ball at his feet with a bit of space and time he was just mesmerising to watch, so many times last season I would see the little touches on the ball and passes while mid dribble he would do and think he was just about unplayable, however at this stage after seeing Tadic, while he is not as technically proficient, he may be the better footballer in regards to creating chances and making things happen for the team. Ultimately as far as team structure is concerned we probably have ended up with the superior player, but I guess only time will tell.
  4. As some have pointed out Garados did very well in distribution from defense. We are a good side, I love it.
  5. We did it. Very very tough to win away, even if only 10 men (some may say that makes it even harder), just kept the pressure up, just immense, it seemed like it was only ever going to be us winning or them escaping with a draw, would have taken a draw before the match, but again super impressed in the team, we are legit better than last year, only thing is it's disappointing that we didn't win by more (really pelle should have got at least 1 more) but maybe I'm just being greedy. It's 2am in australia, I'm glad I stayed up that's for sure.
  6. mui

    Sadio Mane

    If we are going to assume worst case scenarios how come no one suggested Ebola?? Anyway, it's probably Ebola.
  7. Would go absolutely spastic (in a good way) if that happens, which means it probably won't.
  8. Poch should be the England coach at the next WC, his style would probably suit a young fit squad, which is the way you should be looking, pick players that can play the style that they are used to. I think you lot need a full rebuild with a team that has some bloody determination and grunt, as an Aussie with no allegiance either way I thought Wellback was pants and Lallana added a dimension of skill that Wellback didn't have and he really should have started the second game. It's all well and good to go on about whether JRod is better than Wellbeck, but one could walk and one couldn't, I think Welbecks pace would have been a great asset off the bench and he deserved to be in the squad, but not necessarily as a starter. Seriosly, Australia has a way way way worse squad on paper, but at this stage I think you could argue that Australia has been a better performer this WC (I thought they wouldn't even score before it started) and I guess that's based on will, maybe the FA needs to look at who is going to bleed for the 3 lions and give it their all and forget what bloody team they play for.
  9. Furious with that result. Should have been all over in the first half. Jrod needs to work on finishing when the goal is at his mercy, he makes the hard stuff look easy but missing those two sitters cost us.
  10. Thanks for the tips guys, I am here with the mrs so there will be no picking up backpackers, but can always go for a look!
  11. I assume since it's vs Liverpool there will be plenty of places showing the game, but would be good to watch it with some like minded supporters to celebrate/commiserate, I've only been here a day, is there a preferred bar for this sort of thing?
  12. I can't imagine how good it must feel for you people that have been following this club since forever and those that could be lucky enough to be at the game, I feel really happy for you! I just want to reach out and hug everyone everywhere!!!!
  13. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say, I'm in Australia, I only get whatever the minimum posts are, I still remember how gutted I was when we got relegated - no one even knew who Southampton where (and still dont!). I remember when "soccer" started to become popular here and everyone barracked for Man U, I thought "screw that, winning is boring" and saw some bloke name Matt Letissier kick the ball around and fell in love with this club. This is the happiest day since I discovered the true spirit of football (winning isn't everything, but it sure does feel good!!). I can't wait for next year!!!
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