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emerson massey

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Everything posted by emerson massey

  1. for what it's worth, i dont(/cant) think he will be back i guess if anyone may have the audacity to do so, then it would be him but i genuinley think we will be ok and move on and leave these awful last few years behind us If however he is in anyway involved with the eventual buyers, it will be a bit too much - just hope it doesn't come to it Em
  2. have to say i agree completely - 2 situations that cannot really be compared, he is gone - please just forget him (and all the other mercenaries(sp)) and move on....... i want to feel positive about 09-10, and i think (know) i will be - i just want to see some good football at long last (it's been a while - something we can ALL agree on), with passionate players and passionate support I just want my club back - i dont give a **** about RL or his cronies, or anyone else in the past, it's new dawn and all that all imho of course (i know what some of you are like) COYR em
  3. OK many thanks for the reply While i agree a clean sweep is best, if he does end up in a non exec role i wont shed too many tears, mainly because i think a passionate fan on the board is a good thing - a shame that it may be someone with links to previous failed regimes, but there may be a positive side as imo he has already proved may times over that he has our best interests at heart - i guess we will just have to hope it works out and we dont have to be put through this again in a few years
  4. Is it possible to take control of a privately owned club without buying it from the owner (I cant imagine crouch has the readies or surely he would have done already? ) Genuine question as you seem to suggest that it would be possible, and i know little about how these things work.
  5. Crouch as chairman...not for me On the board...i'm fine with that Would rather have a passionate fan (with an obviously good business accumen (sp)) than someone who may be a good businessman but has no real love for the club other than hoping that it becomes a viable business. At this moment i'm mainly hoping we are in a position to need a board, so anyone will do Well, maybe not anyone...... imho
  6. Everyone has their own opinion, some stayed away, some because of him(as proved by people posting), others for different reasons (including myself) Some people still wanted to go and support no matter what Who gives a ****? We are all saints fans, there is no specific way to support a club, you do it however you want because you enjoy it These are all moot points, we are where we are, which is rock bottom and we need to move on form this travesty of a few years, no matter what you think caused it Debate is good but this is bordering on the surreal All imho of course
  7. Could anyone point me in the direction of a player that will let me watch this - i am currently using VLC and i see an ITV intro, but then nothing - maybe i am being dumb I REALLY want to see this!
  8. Apologies if i have missed something silly, but is this not something ACTUALLY happening - i would read the rest of the thread but, tbh, i cant quite focus correctly I dont mean this in any type of pedantic manner - will someone who understands this more than me (or is at least a little more sober) confirm whether this is a good thing (surely it is...?) or if this is just more brinkmanship and we still have a way to go before we should breathe safely... A slightly concerned but more optimistic Em
  9. Or rather: I agree with your points 100% Been a long day..
  10. Thanks for saving me having to write this I with your points agree 100%
  11. Firstly, i think, as with most, if not all businesses, failure will will lead to less interest in that business, i know a footbal club is slightly different, but the fundamentals (sp) still apply. Second, did that many people stay away due to the class issue? i dont know as i cant spend all day trawling (or 'trolling' ) through all the posts on here to find out, but i can't imagine that may people stayed away just because RL was regarded as being upper class (i'm common as muck before anyone asks ) - i may of course be wrong, but i hope (and think) not Thirdly, while potential investors may have noticed any rifts, if they were really serious in planning any investment, this would not have deterred them, but spurred them on to regain all the fans that had stayed away and therefore push the club forward This is of course is all IMHO, and in answer to your question, my answer is (albeit a rather convoluted) NO
  12. Agreed, in my eyes there is simply no excuse for driving under the influence, so many people have had their lives destroyed (and their families lives) by the sheer arrogance of people who think that this is a good idea and ok to do I liked claus as a player (except for the last season or so) and always respected him - i still like him for what he did as a player, by my overall estimation of him has dropped and my respect for him has almost dissapeared Only applies if true of course!
  13. Does it matter where it is from..... - it still has the same meaning ffs, some people......
  14. "The hour before dawn is always the darkest" - read that somewhere and always syuck with me - hoping it applies to us now
  15. Pretty much sums up my thoughts also I have not been as often over the last season or 2 because i find it hard to spend well over £150 for each home game to leave dissapointed andfeeling like i wasted money that i work damn hard for. If i lived closer, i would probably go more as the cost would be less or if the football was better. But i dont live closer, the football has been **** for ages, and i just cannot afford to follow as much as i used to Of course, i accept that this means it is my fault that we had to enter administration, along with all the other 'stay aways'.... FFS, some people need to get a grip - i accept passions are high and everyone has their own (well informed opinion) but some of the sweeping generalisations (sp) on here are crazy. IMHO, the board and their continuous mistakes have bought this once great club to its knees, if a board cannot supply the customers with what they require, the customers will walk - its the same in all business all around the world I dont post much and when i do i try and keep neutral, but hey, i feel pretty strongly about this (prepares tin hat)
  16. not my cup of tea but good song, and at least they've put the effort in to try and do something positive that helps us Good job COYR
  17. I was originally quite keen on Crouch being involved, but the more i read and hear the less this idea appeals to me (albeit alot was from on here so that is taken with a pinch of salt) While i don't doubt for a second that his heart is in the right place, i think a clean sweep is best for everyone imho
  18. Ok that makes a bit more sense now, i was thinking weekly - apologies, it was a long weekend Still, thats alot out for very little return.....
  19. Is this true? - that those 3 are on an average of 33k each??!! Surely thats too high - i'm definately not saying you are wrong because i dont know myself, but it just seems absurdly high, so just wanted to make sure If so i'm not surprised we are where we are (financially i mean) COYR
  20. Yew know, i just wish we get someone with some cash and not someone who is broak Oh well, maybe i will branch out and read another thread and leaf this one alone for now....
  21. Some very fair points there and i agree completely about his poor dead ball delivery, when he first broke through to the first team i thought he put in good, promising performances, and looked a potential good player to me - i agree that he has not had any consistency in recent times, which leaves me to wonder a) he had a first good season but that was maybe exhuberance at breaking through but is actually a pretty bog standard ccc player or b) he still has the ability to play well, but was adverasly affected by the goings on at the club (he is a fan after all) and with better people around him (i'm including players, training staff and managers) would have flourished i lean towards b myself, but tbh i dont make it many games, maybe 8-10 a season so my opinion is flawed, but i'm just basing this on what little i have seen and again, i completely agree about the old dead ball situation, if drew was our best then i'm not surprised we are where we are, especially considering the importance of goals from set pieces in this league
  22. This pretty much sums up my feelings also - very innapropriate and antagonistic IMHO
  23. I agree with most on this thread, a very promising player that has been either restricted or held back by our current 'team' Its a shame we will not be the ones to benefit (as with others we have brought through and had to sell for various reasons) All IMHO of course I know my low post count will probably raise suspicions but no, i am not drew just a heartbroken saint that laments our current situation and just trying to defend what could have been a potential top player for us, COYR
  24. my 1st post on this forum, i've been a long time observer and am not one to really post on forums, but after reading this i had to just say that some of this is fantastic, hilarious stuff!!! Has put a smile on my face for the 1st time all week, which has been a tough one for all Am glad there positivity, makes me realise why i love sfc COYR
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