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emerson massey

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Everything posted by emerson massey

  1. here it is - comedy gold, i love the commentator....
  2. Yes, it is similar to this - pigeon holing an entire religion, race, nationality etc because of belief/ideal that a few hold and forming your opinion on that alone (although i get the feeling you may be employing sarcasm - hard to tell sometimes) Every nation has good aswell as bad, idiotic aswell as clever, etc Except the French.... That was, of course, a joke
  3. I agree - many are morons, as are many British and all other nationalities - all idiots though......hmmmm....? Unless you have met every American, how can you say all Americans are idiots. Its just very frustrating when people do this. I have met mainly nice Americans, but wouldn't say that all Americans are nice, so it works both ways. Not having a personal dig at you but its not right to say such an ignorant ill informed statement which just fosters further resentment, when its just not the case.
  4. Not all Americans are idiots - some are, some aren't. Like some posters on here are idiots, and some aren't..... This type of sweeping ingnorant statement is one of the reasons why there is so much hatred in this world. Some of the Americans i have met have been lovely people, some of the British people i have met, and read posts of, are complete muppets. Dont get me wrong, most stereotypes exist for a reason, it's just helpful if you can look past them and form an individual opinion
  5. He does have a point though doesn't he............ If you dont like it, there are plenty of other boards you could post on. I doubt anyone forced you to pay the fiver I know i shouldn't get involved in this pettyness but sometimes i just cannot help myself - its almost arguing for the sake of it but then i guess this is in the Muppet show after all
  6. oh and yes, he should be charged, he knew what he was getting in to, if not then precedence will have been set and anyone will feel they can get away with it imo
  7. Not all anti-military comments deserve contempt, and people who may have a different opinion to you on that matter are not 'spineless keyboard warriors' - that is a massive case of pigeon-holing.... i'm sure most people would repeat their views in a face to face conversation, it is their view and own opinion after all. I know plenty about the military, and come from a long line of soldiers and sailors and am very proud that is the case, it just vexes me when people cannot accept someone elses opinion - i for one will always support our troops, even if i disagree with the way they have been currently deployed but will never feel the need to show contempt for people who have a different view to me. That way danger lies.... This is not meant as a dig, but merely a voicing of my opinion - i dont want to labelled as another one of those 'spineless keyboard warriors'
  8. Very true indeed, the amount of hours i put into FM09 makes me concerned, let alone the missus! When you count in CoD, Fallout etc.... But hey, i enjoy it and she can watch crap reality TV without me moning at her I'm just near North station, almost stockwell but not quite, how about you?
  9. How wierd, i could almost have written this...... I have the PC version, love it greatly, have a missus that rolls her eyes at me all the time (re computer games) AND i also live in clapham... Strange
  10. There is a great film called Goodbye Lenin that is based around this time. It's a dark german comedy and is subtitled, but i highly recommend it, a good watch Check it out at IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0301357/
  11. A couple of good cheap players i have picked up for saints so far include: Jonatan Cristaldo (from a south american club - Velez i think) about 20yo, got him on loan for 500k upfront, 1M in future and has scored plenty of goals Wael Gomaa - Egyptian CB - get for around 100k at start of game - is 33yo but with him and Jaidi we completely dominate in the air almost every game As on of the ss above, Omozusi is a good RB (Better than murty) and i also got a young(ish) LB from Tel Aviv (Name bypasses me atm but there are only a few available players from there anyway) - a very good, cheap singing who will go onto bigger things. Been ok - currently sitting 9th, but would be 4th or so w/out -10. However, keep being described as under-achieving and have also seen a report saying i " only have 2 games to save job" or something very similar, which is a little frustrating (although out of all cups so maybe something to do with this - oh well hth
  12. My sentiments exactly Unfortunately, If you go looking, it will come to you - i would never, ever condone it but we all know that some 'fans' do, how they feel they can best represent the club/city - football is by its very nature is tribal. However, the idea of kicking/stamping or continuing to attack someone that is prone, is disgraceful, sickening and cowardly. Unfortunately, this is not just a football phenomenon, this type of cowardly behaivour occurs all the time, all over the country. I would never report someone to the police for protecting themselves or family with violence if they were threatened, but if i knew any of the people involved in a savage group assault over a petty squabble, they would be locked up in a second.
  13. Dont think its a bad thread, i think there are a few issues with players not being fully comitted, however i understand why they may not be. Things haven't been great and for them it is a Job, they are not supporters (mostly not anyway) like we are. Just so you know (and before i get labelled as a 'negative'), i am a positive person, but that does not mean i cannot look and understand negative aspects. If something is posted on a message board by someone i dont even know (or care about - nothing personal) that i dont like the look of, i will ignore it. Especially if it causes me to get as wound up as some people on here. There are more important things in life ffs All in my very humble opinion of course
  14. ok fair point, just being nosey
  15. Dont want Gillett to leave as i rate him as a player (given a prolonged run in 1st team) My question is why the animosity to J Bizzle, he has an opinion, a few people seem to be incinuating (sp) that his opinion is not valid due to his personal views/background Why is this? - genuine question as it seems there is an agenda, and i was just being nosey I cannot PM or would ask this direct
  16. Say's Gary The No Trash Couger? Pick it up pick it up pick it up...Thanks sweetie Awesome
  17. Is it possible the delay is due to medical reasons, i was under the impression that there was an issue with his knee. Maybe we are awaiting test results? Or has he passed his medical already? I was under the impression that a medical would usually only go ahead after the club & player agreed contractual terms. Probably wrong but thought i would put it out there. Em
  18. emerson massey


    Well, it seems there are some really strong opinions, some reasoned and thought provoking, and some that just smack of ignorance (imho) My opinion is (if anyone cares) that while both sides in the ongoing conflict have done terrible wrongs, there is a difference between persecuting an entire population due to the actions of one group, be they legitimately voted into power or not. During the recent conflict, there was clear and deliberate targeting of sites that the Israeli army knew where not a place where 'terrorists' would be using, such as the UN school etc. If this were to happen in any other warzone, by any other western 'civilized' society, then there would be international outrage. While true that similar targeting of civilians occurs from the Palestinians towards Israelis, they are committed by a terrorist group, not a national army (albeit one mostly made up of reservists who had never seen combat) The actions of these terrorist groups have forced israel into a situation of annexing the territories, and in the process, creating ghettos full of the pain and misery of normal people, which in turn breeds hatred. The situation is almost impossible - the arbitrary killing of civilians (either by the Palestinian 'terrorists' or the Israeli 'Army') will continue - imo, the only way is to put the two sides together and say fight it out away from civilians - however, Israel will not allow civilians to leave the territories to get out of the fighting zone, so more will continue to be killed. Due to the nature of our sensationalist media, we have been give the impression that all Palestinians (and indeed Muslims in general) hate the western world. This is just not true. A majority of people in the West Bank & Gaza yearn for a normal life, with running water and electricity, the chance to further themselves by going to university, or at least get work to support their family. However, this is difficult or impossible for many - that must be an awful feeling, a feeling of helplessness and insignificance. Now, i dont in anyway claim to be an expert, far from it, it is just a situation i follow with genuine interest and sadness. I have met several people from both sides of the equation (including a Israeli friend who did his national service) and they all have genuine points that are difficult to argue with. There was in effect no real reason to write this, but i just felt that having read some of the bile on this thread (from both perspectives), i wanted to put across my point of view. Em
  19. I have a team on there already, let me know if you set up a league - tbh i prefer the way that one works (just preparing my excuses...)
  20. i will be interested in a SWF league also
  21. How true I'm pretty sure some of these actually defy the laws of physics! If anyone can/could, it is MLT FWIW, i have no less respect for the man (probably more) - he tried, and listening to him today on SSN made me realise he is as happy and relieved as all of us. There is only one MLT Em
  22. Originally Posted by Arizona And just to put the sugar on the icing on the cake... Rupert is gone!! For the first time in over a decade we can categorically say he wont be back. He owns no shares. The club is owned by a single wealthy benefactor. There is officially no chance of him coming over the hills in a white horse (or lame ass) with an army of local businessmen to bring Total f**king Football back to Southampton. That a nice feeling not as nice as being confirmed as safe (and hopefully prospering over the next few years) but still pretty damn sweet. It may not have been all him but **** me he was a pompus man. TBH, i had no major gripe with him - thought they were all pretty much the same - bickering like children! But, now they are all gone ! NICE As a collegue(sp) said to me today, you have'nt smiled while talking about saints for over 2 years! Too true Onwards and upwards, here's to stability, solid leadership and a united fanbase - we are all red & white inside COYR Forever and always a saint Em
  23. Cheers Markus Looking forward to some good times at last! Em
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