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emerson massey

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Everything posted by emerson massey

  1. There is a few interesting comments on this article which basically say that SAF was at their Millwall game - i wonder if he is interested in 're-investing'..... We can only hope http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/Halford-It39s-an-honour-to.6590265.jp?CommentPage=2&CommentPageLength=10#comments
  2. I have a feeling that nay be one of us on the wind up If not then.........
  3. At least someone is speaking some sense... On another note, has it actually been confirmed are we all still just speculating on an Echo story
  4. Wow, this forum is rapidly going downhill (unfortunately). I rarely post on here because i dislike having to explain and justify why i have a specific view on a subject, if it is not in agreement with the majority. It's a personal viewpoint, no-one should have to explain themselves of be subjected to a barrage of abuse for having an opinion. I think there are a few people on here who have managed to reach such levels of animosity towards other posters, that they automatically see their viewpoint as incorrect. You may personally think it is incorrect or wrong or callous or whatever, but it is still a right that we all have, to have our own opinion. The constant 'you are horrible because you deal with this in a different way to me' posts are unfortunately becoming to prevalent, not just on this thread/topic, but all across the board. As it happens, i'm glad the game has been postponed, as it will give the people who actually knew and worked with him a bit of time to get their heads together, by this i mean the staff (FOH, Playing, Administrative etc) However, i can also understand why some people think this is not the best course of action - i dont agree with them, but i'm certainly not going to call the out because of their views - that way danger lies
  5. I'm sorry, and dont want to be rude/argumentitive, but there is no way there are 3000 people (minimum!) that won't have bought a season ticket simply due to the fact there was no external advertising. A season ticket is not something you pick up on a whim having seen a flyer, or an ad in the echo, but rather something which you would have thought about in advance, at least in most cases. I concur that this could be the case in some situations, but not 3000 (minimum!) Also, we can all debate it as much as we like, this is the clubs policy on season tickets. End of. We either like it or we dont, we either buy or we dont. Apart from maybe 10-15 posters on here, everyone i have spoken to (who does not post on here) does not really have any issues. (I do however agree on the ST installment plan issue, not the fact it has been withdrawn, but in the lack of time to allow people to find alternative methods of payment - please nobody say go get a credit card, because i have tried twice for a 0%, and been turned down twice. But, i digress! )
  6. Just out of interest, what other methods of advertising season tickets should be used, and would their cost be viable?
  7. Think this is conformation that the appeal will go ahead !(albeit not from HMRC, but from the Administrator) Administrator Michael Kiely said: “The Revenue have advised us they are going to appeal. The club will remain in administration until the appeal hearing takes place. “They have the right to appeal and we will wait until we know the grounds for appeal before deciding our best course of action.” http://mysportsnews.co.uk/tag/hmrc/
  8. One thing i'm finding it hard to understand is how it is possible to come out of Admin without a CVA. Does AA just say, we are no longer in admin? Do they need to prove to anyone that they will not be continuing to trade as insolvent? If so, who would that be? Sorry if this has been covered, but could not remember if it has. Ta
  9. While i do think he is a bit of a fool, he certainly makes a valid point.
  10. I can understand the frustration about the seating policy, but i dont think the pricing is too bad. At the end of the day, we spent alot on players last year, and will probably again this year. All these players will probably be on good money, and our only real revenue stream is ticketing - prize money in this league is not even really worth it. If we want to go up to the Championship and then beyond, we will have to fund it somehow. May people say 'we have a rich owner - yay' and then go on to say ' but he doesn't like debt, wants to run the club well' - well, if thats the case, we will all have to pay a few extra pounds to help fund the push upwards. This is only my take on the situation, and i will probably be torn to pieces but it is how i see it.
  11. http://www.hilton.co.uk/dalaman This may be worth a punt Very nice, all inclusive include international brand drinks, private beach, seperate kids pool/park etc set in a lovely area.
  12. Well said that man
  13. Fair enough, and i see your point, to which you are entitled. As with most things, there are good and bad sides to it.
  14. Well said, i live in london, have done for many years (GM, does this makes me an ex-pat...?) and i dont really have a problem with contributing - as you say, most of the venues are already in existence, and i can say from 1st hand experience that these things do leave a legacy, maybe those moaning should reserve their judgement until after the games and see what happens. Sport of all types helps people to empower themselves and try and achieve something of themselves. There are very few accessible public facilities available in london, so i dont see how this can be a negative thing - comparing it to the Athens Olympics is ridiculous, as the 2 countries situations are massively different. I'm sure 90% of the British people who actually attend the olympics will not have contributed not a single penny (apart from maybe buying a lottery ticket or 10) It would be nice if occasionally people did not try to jump on the media bandwagon of "oh, such a waste, nothing in return, we brits will mess it up etc" and actually look into the situation little more.
  15. Pretty much the entire columbian team also, awesome collection of barnets
  16. Completely agree, its always nice to see something like this, regardless of who it involves.
  17. Errrrm, rather embarrasingly my subscription is no longer active. Ahem......
  18. i cant get the thing to work - i am logged in but still get the message "please login to listen to commentary" aaaargh Anyone have any ideas?
  19. I genuinely dont have any real preference for specific parties, as i dont really feel that, as individuals, we actually really benefit in any way from any specific party. This however i do like, dont know if its really financially viable, but an extra £700 or so in my pocket each year would help! If fact, if they win and get into power, i will promise to spend that extra money on travelling to more home and away games! Oh, and the have pretty good policies on University fees.
  20. While i think this is abhorrent, there is something to be said about the pilots attitudes. Having spoken to a heli pilot previously, he commented that they are often strangely removed from all the actual carnage and the shocking visuals. Because everything is done from a distance, through a camera, it removes that awful part of war. 2nd world war bomber crew had similar issues. Deal death from a distance, and it can be made into something less than real. The 1st half is understandable, to a degree, given the context, although i disagree with their method of identifying - it is awful, chilling and tragic, but it is a war zone and people do die (unfortunately mainly innocents), especially if standing around, in groups, in a active zone like that. The 2nd half, with the van is dispicable, there is no reason for them to engage as there was no threat, and forces on the ground were en route. All in all a very sad tale - i genuinely feel the pilots thought they were doing the correct thing, based on their rules of engagement - however, those rules could do with a rethink. All imo, i'm not trying to enflame anyone, i just thought the point about the pilots was worth contributing
  21. great point, did not really think of that, but i was agreeing anyway, just pointing out the info Good if your a lady i guess!
  22. While i agree that there were plenty of queues for the loos, this was a bit of a surprise "Over 2,500 toilets - more than any other stadium in the world" http://www.wembleystadium.com/gloriouspast/greatmemories/stadiumconcerts Strange
  23. "But their loyalty has shown no sign of fading, as 44,000 travelled from the south coast to see their side lift the trophy at the first time of asking and in their first appearance at the new Wembley" "The Cumbrians will have to take solace in the £350,000 worth of gate receipts that each side received for making it to Wembley. Given their recent history, the money will also come in handy for Southampton, who will see this trophy as another step on their long road to redemption" These comments make me happy , i'm glad people are starting to wake up and realise what is going on down here. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/8583783.stm
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