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emerson massey

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Everything posted by emerson massey

  1. Nice bit of character assassination going on here - the man has a point
  2. The Dubliners (Better with Luke Kelly RIP, but still amazing)
  3. Is it possible that people are Saints fans but Saints is not there no. 1 priority? It seems like it is being portrayed as black or white, 100% fan or not at all. I have been supporting saints for many many years, and unfortunately only get to about 4 home games a season and 1-2 away games. Weekday games are out of the question due to work, and weekend games have to be planned well in advance due to having children. It also costs about £150 for each i attend. So what me and my group of friends do is plan in advance when we are all free, and attend whatever game is that weekend, no matter the oppo. We all have fun, sing as loud as the rest of the Northam, and 100% support our team. I would like to think this allows us to be acknowleged as saints supporters. If i was still young, single and had nothing else to spend my money on (ie food and clothes for my family) i would probably be a season ticket holder there every week. However, i know for a fact i would never chastise someone else, or call them a 'plastic' (what a crap word to use) because they couldn't attend every game. If it makes all you 100%, die hard, uber fans happy, i did not attend the Man U game as i was busy. However, i was at Wallsall as i was not. I did not attend the JPT final as i was busy. I did attend Orient away because i was not (which was a great day!). I know this is a bit of a ramble, but i guess the point i am trying to make, albeit not very succinctly, is that while some people go every week and spend alot of money supporting our team (and great, good on them), others simply cant, because life gets in the way. However, we are all fans and do what we can within our own means.
  4. I love this thread, pure gold
  5. We have a winner! Dont think that is trolling, just using evidence to support a opinion
  6. Exactly, i really dont see much of a problem - if you want it posted it to you for free then the club loses out surely.
  7. By far the best post i have read in a very very long time. Some people think Football Manager is real life, when in reality it is very different. Dont get me wrong, i enjoy the game, GAME being the operative word -but it has a lot to answer for
  8. Wow, how about you calm the "f'ck" down eh...? It was a reasonable question was it not? Your tone is so argumentative. Could it not be possible that they were printed incorrectly, and the club then sent them out in good faith thinking that they had got a service they paid for? How the hell were the club supposed to know that a 3rd party would mess up (if this is the case). Maybe the See Into The Future Pixies had a day off? Oh, of course not, then we couldn't blame the club. I'm not saying it is not there fault, you just seem 100% convinced that it is SFC's fault. I personally like to think things through with evidence presented to me before i start pointing fingers and running around with my knickers in a twist. If the club are to blame then it will just have to be accepted that they have messed up, and are doing their best to rectify the problem. There is little that can be done but learn from the experience and ensure it doesn't happen again.
  9. He is very impressive, especially live He oftens says himself that he is cheating, but just doesnt want the viewer to believe he is, so acknowledges that it is all showmanship. Still, some of the stuff he does is very hard to work out His better stuff is on youtube, where it has not been edited for TV, especially the Adidas stuff in Miami
  10. Just wondering where it has been proved that this "f'ck up" is the fault of the club? Maybe i missed it (if so i apologise), or maybe you are jumping to conclusions, as it is obvious you have an axe to grind?
  11. Agreed You are a fking moron, who is obviously a drama queen looking for a rise. Any death that is caused by someone else is a tragedy. I dont care whether its in Norway, Libya, Iraq et al. To support someone who has deliberately killed someone else who is an innocent is truly reprehensible. You sir, are a ****
  12. Good stuff! Go for it
  13. Cant see the HCDAJFU thread, must have missed something ! Interesting article about Anthony Gardner on Sky, who is currently a free agent. Would prefer Prem but would be interested in Championship clubs. From what i remember, a good solid defender. More than likely will get offers from Prem teams but would be the type of player i would like to see come in http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11096_7037781,00.html
  14. Go to the Which Website, fill in a few boxes, and they will provide you with an email to send (or a letter). You will need your Loan Ref number etc http://e-activist.com/ea-campaign/clientcampaign.do?ea.client.id=49&ea.campaign.id=2126
  15. I'm a new face and have read many of your posts and recently you really do come across as a pedant with nothing better to do HTH
  16. WOW Really....? I dispair
  17. Really - i must have missed all the info that makes it appear fairly obvious what has happened, sorry...... Also, i dont think it will damage our season, never said anything of the sort - i did however say that it was a decisive issue, which i think is evident from this thread. If that is the case, fair enough, i agree. I may have missed something somewhere - who has made the judgement, and are they an official body? If so, are there any potential penalties/ramifications the could occur depending on the outcome? Do you know? Why do am i asking so many questions? Who knows?
  18. It would be really useful if Mr Illingsworth himself would explain why he personally feels the club has implemented this policy. He of course is under no obligation to do so, and i respect the fact he has not been running to the press (well, the echo i mean), but now this is very obviously in the public domain it would be good to get the facts. This is turning out to be a very devisive issue amongst fans on here, at a time when we really could do with pulling together as a club. With the facts (albeit from only one side) were known to all, then we could form an educated (hmm, relatively educated) opinion without relying on our preconceptions of NI or NC to make our minds up for us. Until i see anything of the sort, from either side, it is all heresy in my eyes, so i think i will copy trousers and reserve judgement for now. And if neither side want to discuss it any further or release any details, then we will just have to move on ......
  19. Sunday morning. I know what i will do, start a pointless thread taking the **** out of someone..... There obviously are a few people with issues, but i dont think Liquidshokk is one of them. Well, maybe a few issue, but that is not the point.
  20. Anti-Missile Missile
  21. Good point well made. I concur.
  22. I'm happy with these responses, cleared up alot for me - what more do people want the man to do?
  23. Although i consider myself to be relatively down the middle when i comes to such things, our current status in Europe seems to hold far less benefits for the average joe on the street (ie: me) Of course there are 2 sides to every situation, and i'm sure there are many +ve's to being involved in the EU, but the amazing spending required to keep it going must be rectified. Also, Europe is a massive continent, and the current member states of the EU are massively diverse in culture, so it does not seem reasonable to try and have single rules applying to such diversity. As you can probably tell, my understanding is very limited, but i think i represent most britons, who maybe have an inkling or a small interest, but in reality know very little about the whole situation. While trying to do some research, I was directed to the following video, which i found quite an eye opener when it comes to understanding the level of wastage. Of course the purpose of this vid is to highlight the negatives, but it is still interesting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DxPnjOBlRI
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