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emerson massey

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Everything posted by emerson massey

  1. Luckily i dont have you on ignore, and i thank you
  2. You do talk some sh1t on here, but this is very good. I was unaware you could formulate such prose. I may just have to change my opinion of you. I hope this snippet brightens your afternoon.
  3. Very impressed with that number, 22k is more than some other Prem clubs get with general sale included
  4. Very impressed with that number, 22k is more than some other Prem clubs get with general sale included
  5. Agreed, some decent saves, especially the nearpost @07:54 Good reactions
  6. Bulliet or Woodford Reserve for me, a little ice/water - mmmm
  7. As a relatively new father myself, I can only begin to imagine how traumatic this must have been. So sad, but acting with absolute dignity
  8. Sorry if this has been posted, or should be in a different thread Basically saying we need to get in 1 if not 2 GK's, and 1 if not 2 CB's http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11700/7897625/Adkins-reveals-recruitment-plan
  9. This could be another option, Seagate are pretty good £70, but not as portable http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004LFLCFC/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d0_g147_i5?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=03QJXMABRW5D4SAEZZ4H&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=467128533&pf_rd_i=468294
  10. Hi I use this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Western-Digital-Passport-Essential-Portable/dp/B002KQ1Z3I Relatively cheap and very portable
  11. Did it at White Hart Lane for the 5-1 in 2004. A bad, bad day. Everyone around us could tell by the 3rd goal going in, but just felt sorry for us by that point.
  12. Post Production Sound Engineer. Challenging, time consuming, stressful but ultimately fun!
  13. You cant believe that is really the case...? Surely.... I'm confused by this....I always found you one of the more rational posters, so i will assume this is tongue in cheek!
  14. He has a point though Its really starting to become a yarn. At first is was a little bit amusing, haha here we go again, how quaint etc But now, its really starting to grip my sh1t Sarcasm is definately the lowest form of wit.
  15. Agreed - i'm pretty sure there has been another socialist government in France within the last 68 years, and they never did it. Cheap point scoring.
  16. I understand where you are coming from and agree - but it is almost a necessity these days - if we didn't have a '5 year plan' (in effect a roadmap of where the club should, or hopes to, be at a specific point in time), i'm sure people would probably be deriding the club for lack of ambition.
  17. and [video=youtube_share;ob24IMbI6gM]
  18. [video=youtube_share;D7qOvNcE4TA]
  19. While i have no idea what this thread and the OP are about, i do like the term 'Whelk Eater' as an insult, very condescending I may have to use that in future when addressing the lower classes
  20. As a few people here have already mentioned, 'Christmas' is a festival that has been adopted by the christian church, and adapted to fit their perception of events. The fesival, and the traditions of gift giving behind it, have been in existence alot longer than the christian faith has existed. In my view, religion and the belief in a higher being that is all seeing/knowing, was developed by humans as a coping mechanism to help them understand things in which they have no comprehension. However, i feel that the need for religion has been eroded by science answering alot of the questions that people attributed to religion. So while Britain is still classed as a christian country, it wont be for much longer. I dont know many people, of any race/creed, who regularly participate in any religios festival for any other reason than tradition or fun! However, there is still room for belief (just not organised religion that states the earth was formed in 7 days and that dinosaurs did not exist!) This is one of my favourite quotes from the great man himself "What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began. This doesn't prove that there is no God, only that God is not necessary". [stephen W. Hawking, Der Spiegel, 1989]
  21. I'm a Post Production Sound Engineer, mainly for TV/Radio/Cinema Adverts, but also viral, online interactive and film work. Cant offer much in the way of everyday help, but i can help with any of you audio needs!
  22. No worries, i have been following the saga of the DFCSB's since the beginning!
  23. Have someone very close to me that works for them, will bring it up
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