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Everything posted by cambsaint

  1. Everybody agrees that the top six are way out in front. As for the rest, I can see no point in guessing yes guessing, not predicting the final positions without evidence of how the squads gel and how the managers perform. After half a dozen games then it may be possible to make a reasoned judgement. One thing is certain imo and that is that any of the 14 are capable of beating each other. Personally I think that MH's experience and the squad depth will ensure our safety this season, although I hope for better.
  2. The problem is that Chelsea had several top class international players, we didn't. Have we anyone approaching the class of Giroud. Hazard, Willian, Alonso and many more. Our problem early in the season. at was down to gross mismanagement a team and board level. The tragedy is that even after losing all our best players we still had better players than most outside the top six to eight clubs, It was leadership that was so sadly lacking.
  3. Two possible reasons: They have discreetly approached a preferred manager(s)and been turned down. They don't fancy any of the others available. I tend to agree that it's probably too late now, and the best option may be too hope for the best and replace in close season, thus allowing new manager a whole year and the opportunity to sign his own choices and rebuild. Even if we go down, then with a good new manager, and parachute payments we would have a good chance of returning next season. I am however extremely disappointed with the situation and though heart says sack him immediately, head says only if there is a good replacement willing and able to come immediately.
  4. So if 90% plus of fans get their way and MoPe goes, who do you want. I can't see an immediate successor, but would make two points. I don't particularly want a foreign manager for the sake (and economy)of it. Only for the reason that there must be good young British managers to grow with. I'd like to see a young British manager appointed, particularly if we are relegated. An experienced manager just to try to avoid relegation on a short term contract may be an answer, but IMO we really need to start anew. Living a long way away and now unable to get to many matches I'd be very interested in your opinions.
  5. I find the comments that we can compete with the top six to keep top class players totally unrealistic. We have a potentially very good young CB learning his trade, we don't have a reliable striker. The midfield and full backs are very strong. the best players will only go to the top clubs. we have been incredibly skilful/fortunate in finding excellent replacements in past years but perhaps other clubs have caught up. We've had a poor season, but hopefully we will stay up. Get real moaners , we were in the third division south when I and my schoolfriends started supporting.
  6. Perhaps the nervousness and negativity of the home crowd is affecting the players. I know I can't go for a number of reasons but we must really get behind the team and stop all this booing unless or until we go down. I'm sure it does no good at all, and it's far too late to sack him now.
  7. Self-delusion of fans who think we can keep or attract the very top class talent Hindsight is always 20/20 and totally pointless. The only way to rationally analyse this decision is to think what you would have done in the same situation at the same time. Most of our problems were inevitable, and don't forget the power of agents in players moving on, they all want their £5million or however much they can get from persuading a player to move to a richer club. There are therefore only really two or three questions to ask yourself. Would you have sacked Puel? Who would you have replaced him with (who would have come)? Would you have gone all out for a striker of proven quality? Would you have sacked Pellegrino at year end and who would you have replaced him with? Simple isn't it. My answers for what they are worth are: I would have given Puel another year, despite fan pressure. I would have tried everything for the very best striker. I wouldn't waste time trying to keep unhappy players. As for sacking Pellegrino at year end- yes but only if I could have lined up a better successor. I still hope and think we will stay up, many have forgotten that most of the nineties were just like this, but I do think that with Stephens still learning his craft and a new goalie, we should play all three centre backs when fit, and use a 3421 pattern of play. We definitely have the players to stay up, how many of our closest opponents players do you envy, very few except a couple of strikers and goalies I think.
  8. Never forget that Sir Alex Ferguson was one game away from the sack in his first season. It is very harsh to judge a manager on somebody else's team. Goal diff suggests we will be safe, it is invariably an amazingly accurate indicator of final league positions. I have just one question to the Pellegrino out fans - who do you bring in that is a guaranteed safe pair of hands. I can't see anyone at the moment.
  9. Due to poor health I haven't been to St Mary's for years and anyway as a pensioner cannot justify spending well over £100 on the round trip. However I was very gratified to hear a few hundred Saints away fans completely outsing about 65000 Man-Ure fans (well I suppose most of them are really away fans as well) on TV. That match was the first time I have been happy with a Saints TV match this year, and I was really happy. I was livid when I got saw the result against Palace. However a couple of reports I read suggested it was extremely difficult to play against the wind, and I remember from my playing days decades ago that it was usually best to have the wind in your favour when players started to tire.
  10. He could stand in for the Statue of King Alfred in Winchester Broadway.
  11. cambsaint


    Agree, I've often thought he looks a little lightweight and too easily bullied off the ball, but he played well today.
  12. Although I was extremely disappointed that we conceded late on, I thought from watching the match on BT that we played extremely well. To have kept out Arsenal so well for so long was exceptional. A lot of commentators forget that they are fielding exceptionally talented internationals, and although we only drew I thought that they looked a lot less dangerous than against Man U last week when only the brilliance of De Gea saved them. I thought that everybody played well, some exceptionally well and I really can't understand the criticism of some of our players it can only be down to personal prejudice imo. I really like the 3 at the back strategy, particularly against the better teams, and I thought for some time that with three excellent CBs it is entirely logical. The comments regarding VVD seem logical as well, he certainly has the ability and class to be playing for a top Champion's League team, and I would have thought he is a logical replacement for an aging Vincent Kompany. Too good for Liverpool imo, but after Lovren's display this pm they certainly need him. He appeared on TV to be well in the team, and enthusiastic.
  13. Be careful of what you wish for. I was looking at a list of available managers and there were none that inspired any confidence, except perhaps Gordon Strachan Big Sam would be a safe pair of hands and probably prevent relegation, but he would be only a very short term fix. In reality sacking Puel was probably a mistake, but Koeman who most of us wanted to stay hardly set the world on fire even though the youth at Everton are supposedly some of the best in the Prem. I'm glad it's not my decision, but if it was then one would really know what's happening with the players.
  14. when I started supporting Saints when the third division south ended, promotion and second divison football was considered an acheivement. Saints have come a long way since then and if I'm honest have done far better than I could ever have imagined.
  15. I had a thought last night that Yoshida looks as likely to score as well as our strikers. I then wondered if we used his height and strength playing as a target man to get the ball to Gabbiadiani might actually work. We have enough cover at centre-back at the moment to try it. Obviously a training ground tryout first, it's a bit bizarre but he couldn't do any worse anyway.
  16. A sensible CEO doesn't sack a manager without having lined up a better replacement. A sensible owner would be taking soundings to see if there was a better manager available in the New Year if results don't improve. If relegation looks a definite threat then we should try to go for Big Sam as a short term measure. Does a sensible CEO sack a manager who took the club to 8th place and a cup-final, even if the football was pretty turgid at times?
  17. The squad is good when compared to other Prem teams outside the top five or six. We must be realistic and realise the very best players will always want to play in the very top clubs and earn top money' so we can only develop very good players and enjoy them for a few years. I was appalled on Sunday when after having Brighton under the cosh until the first excellent goal we allowed them back into it instead of going for it until we had a three goal lead. This must surely be due to instructions as I can't imagine all eleven players deciding to play safety first and sit reidiculously deep after going ahead. If Pellegrino doesn't improve by Christmas then he must go, and I have only very rarely thought this (except for Branfoot at al) before.
  18. It used to cost five shillings, 25p to watch a game on the Milton. Using a multiplyer of 40 (based on a pint was 10p and is now 350p) this is only a tenner. Anybody could afford to go, and the young used to sing themselves horse. We are now boring old farts and not going to shout all the way through a match. Who has replaced us-certainly not like for like. The stands used to bang their feet on the highly inflammable wooden floors, and if you were foolish enough to look up your eyes were filled with dust. It made a lot of noise and under the stands was very hostile to away players and match officials. I remember that we really intimidated one particularly inept linesman. I don't know the answer, but the Northam could and should be improved. As a student I remember it being so crowded at a non-ticket Man U v Liverpool game they let adults in through the boys gates for half a crown-25p Unimaginable now! I can only get to occasional away games now and the away supporters are pretty vocal, but the Pompey gun song is sung far too often, and we don't and never have had many original songs. Embarrassing as it may seem when I first went, I had a rattle and a bike horn, and we still sang 2468 who do we appreciate.
  19. I think the badge does its job well. However perhaps all EPL clubs should have a badge with a circle of greedy pigs with their snouts in a trough being kept warm by an obscenely large bonfire of money.
  20. If it's really true that there is a bid of over £80 million then Saints would be daft not to accept it for an unsettled player. At a certain level pragmatism counts. Supporters should be pleased as long as it is used to reinvest in players and not just to part pay for the club purchase by the new majority shareholder.
  21. I for one am absolutely delighted, three easy games to get to. Should be interesting and not too expensive.
  22. His agent stands to make 7 to 10million on the deal. He must be desperate for it to go through. He is certainly the one keeping the press pressure on IMO. Saints would probably like to see a transfer request come in to save them £7 to 10million on the deal. May depend on whether VVD's agent can get a club to recompense both of them as well as pay Saints a huge fee. The moral of the story is that football at the highest level has been thoroughly corrupted by money and agents. It is beginning to smell like a huge cess-pit now. Personally the sooner he puts in a transfer request and goes giving us a huge profit, the better for us. I can myself supporting Cambridge United if the Prem carries on like this.
  23. John McGrath Those of my age who watched him always run out last, wearing a shirt two sizes too small to emphasise his barrel chest, and his sleeves cut short to show his bulging biceps( Looked more like a bouncer at Winchester Lido Ballroom) than a footballer. Must have put the fear of ##### up most of the opposition. The perfect player for one such as myself not too gifted in skills to try to emulate. Must give Jimmy Gabriel his partner in crime an honourable mention, as the only player ever to have knocked down an opposing centre forward with one clean punch and got clean away with it because the ref and linesman were all haring up the field trying to catch up with play. Can't remember who it was but it was one of the cocky centre forwards like Frank Astle, who had the audacity to think they were hard. These two were the foundation of the celebrated "Ale House Brawlers" PS If anyone else with a better memory can remember who it was Gabby hit I'd be obliged. Think it was probably the 67/8 season.
  24. He made the Telegraph team of the week, last week. Bearing in mind central defenders usually start to mature about 25, he looks a real prospect.
  25. With the run in we have we will be luck to get 4 points, and could finish fourteenth or fifteenth. Puel seems to lack passion and enthusiasm. This isn't a trait shred by man very successful managers, and his stle of football seems to match his personality. Regrettably concluded that we need a new manager next season. The reporter in today's Telegraph suggested that Marco Silva may suit us. He certainly looks very promising.
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