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Al de Man

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Everything posted by Al de Man

  1. Shame. I thought it was going to be this....
  2. Given the choice of Ricky providing decent delivery or Ricky fruitlessly waiting for a ball which fails to clear the first defender, I know which I'd prefer.
  3. Without trawling through the nine pages of this thread so far I don't know if it's already been mentioned, but the match will go ahead. You are confusing Administration with Liquidation. Lots of football clubs have gone into administration during the season and continue to fulfill their fixtures. Palace played on Tuesday despite going into administration the week before. An administrator is appointed who sells the assets to keep the business afloat whilst a new buyer is sought. Liquidation is the point at which a club ceases to exist and is quite some way after administration.
  4. Is that supposed to be ironic?
  5. What type of floor are you looking to put down? I have connections with a ceramic tile business that are agents for Heat Mat. I have you still got my number? I have yours ending in ...389
  6. That was my point.
  7. In the sixth paragraph, I was taught it should be St. James' Street. Confuzzled
  8. It is random. Having not renewed, I am unable to start a new thread so have had to post my question on an existing random thread. This being my second post out on a daily allowance of three, I don't want to waste it so may as well double it up to ask how Wayne Bridge is getting on since his move all the way up north and splitting with his longterm girlfriend of four years at the end of last year. Random, I know. I think I'll use my third post to ask a question about the French PM in a Miss Gibratar thread for even further randomness.
  9. Not being a full member anymore I have to ask my question on to a totally random thread. Has anyone got any ideas who this cheating footballer may be? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1246925/Court-gagging-order-soccer-stars-secret-affair.html
  10. Are you not Mrs Bridgey?
  11. And the reasoning? 9 Eastleigh-Ugly, but with great employment prospects. So basically, it is a sh*thole but can always get a job at the Ford factory to make up for it. D'oh!
  12. It gives the residents of Eastleigh a place to live other than Southampton.
  13. If I recall correctly, the usual figure quoted was six times over, but various arms limitation talks brought that down to twice over. Phew, lucky us!
  14. I remember ****ting myself everytime they tested the warning siren at the Civic Centre every Friday at noon and that would have been the late 70s. When I was driving home with my Dad at night, I'd often look out across the horizon wondering what a mushroom cloud would look like. Films and documentaries like Threads certainly didn't help when you were growing up. I still consider myself fortunate not to have grown up during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  15. He's playing the Talking Heads on 12th Feb. I have my tickets reserved already. :cool:
  16. Done it without needing any tips. I actually drew a diagram and worked out how to get the third key before I even found it.
  17. Started last night when it was first posted. Picked it up again this afternoon. Got one key for secure box in the briefcase. Can't figure out the second. Can't even see the third! Haven't gone to the forum as yet.
  18. He's on the Echo website. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/4838047.Saints_match_postponed/?ref=mr
  19. That would be the obvious answer.
  20. Simply trying to prevent getting horribly screwed on the price of the inevitable player sales.
  21. I know someone who chopped a New Forest deer in half with their motorbike four months ago.
  22. Now now Crabby. You're taking things a bit too far. Cats aren't that bad.
  23. With any luck, it'll get snowed off.
  24. TFT screens are made up of a specific number of pixels. For example 1280 columns by 1024 rows. Unless you drive that screen with a video output of 1280×1024, the image on screen will be slightly scaled making it appear a bit blurry. It will be most noticable with text. That laptop has a couple of possible screens with native resolutions of 1280×800 and 1440×900. I'd hazard a guess that the external screen you attached was a different resolution and video adapter in the laptop has changed its output to match. Try setting you resolution to 1280×800 and see if it improves. Failing that, next try 1440×900.
  25. TFTs are actually designed to run at 60Hz since they don't suffer from latency anything like as much as the old CRTs did. What resolution is the graphics card outputting and what's the native resolution of the screen itself? If you're not too sure of the native resolution, what model laptop is it?
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