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Al de Man

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Everything posted by Al de Man

  1. I just accidentally clicked on your username beneath a thread title so don't include that in any stalker visits. And anyway, I still remember where you live so I'd do it in person.
  2. Promise? This subscription is the best plan you admins have ever had.
  3. That's a euphemism if ever I heard one.
  4. Is that the one about the motorway, trunk road and cycle path?
  5. A footlong Sub of the day.
  6. So you're looking at a complete re-program? [sucking through teeth]That's not gonna be cheap[/sucking through teeth]
  7. I think it's back up to 50mph. I've been going through at 30mph for the last few weeks to be on the safe side, but went through at 40mph yesterday matching the speed of a car in front of me and didn't set it off.
  8. Are you likely to go and park anywhere near here again? I'm thinking more in terms of an opportunist who may find the key.
  9. Well stop wasting your time with idle chit-chat and get on with it man.
  10. Fair enough. I've only ever used them once to complete a football sticker collection book in the early 80s. It cost me 60p for a 40p postal order which I thought was a bit excessive.
  11. That would have bought you a lot of lego. But now the kids will have to go without. More importantly, whereabouts did you lose the key?
  12. Have you never heard of postal orders?
  13. It was at least a week from when I first knew until they got taken down. I have no idea how long they were up there before I was told. My girlfriend tells me that temporary doesn't come into it and a week wouldn't be considered temporary anyway. I think in my mind I was coming to that conclusion and wanted a second opinion. Thanks Ash.
  14. When I had a VW Caddy van, extra keys cost about £30 through Testwood because they had an "immobiliser" so the additional key needed "programming". We took one apart and to deactivate the immobiliser was a tiny magnet which had to be within the proximity of the ignition barrel to start up. I'd warn the kids they're going without presents this Christmas.
  15. Got a life. Thankfully, I can return it within 7 days for a full refund.
  16. The spellcheck's always been there if you have the Google toolbar installed.
  17. The cheapest is probably cycling and camping. You'd better get started if you want to make it inside a week.
  18. I have had sixteen of my gig photos used by Heineken in Ireland on their Website to promote the Oxegen 2008 festival. I'm in the same boat as hundreds of other gig photographers who post their pictures on Flickr. I've not personally contacted them yet but this seems to be the standard reply they're sending out to those that have. "Dear ****, Thank you for your email of July 8th 2008, which brought to our attention the alleged use of images owned by you on the website http://www.heinekenmusic.ie. As you have previously been informed the use of any images at the time your letter was received resulted in the removal of all such images from the website - that course of action was taken by us on a precautionary basis until we investigated the matter. In the above circumstances, and after our investigations, we have concluded that any use of the images was at best (if it could be said to be use at all, given they were immediately removed) use of a temporary nature only and would not form the basis of any copyright claim in this jurisdiction. However, in order to resolve matters, and save time, strictly without admission of any liability, and on a without prejudice basis, we would be willing to make a small payment for the inconvenience caused in having to write to us. Accordingly, we would be willing to pay in full and final settlement an amount of €15 per image allegedly used. This in our view represents a reasonable commercial royalty for the use of such images in this jurisdiction if, as we say above, there was any actual use in legal terms. Before making any payment however, we will require you to provide us with evidence of the alleged use of each image, and proof of ownership by you of the copyright in each such image. Please note that no further payment offer will be made in relation to this matter. If you wish to take up the offer, please provide us with the proofs referred to above. Yours faithfully, ****" Should I just accept £200 and be done with or should I hold out for more? The photographers that have received this response consider it quite insulting and derisory given that an image service such as Getty could charge something like $700 per image and I know one guy has submitted an invoice for £500 per image.
  19. Only they're not. Now the 205 1.9 GTi or Daihatsu Charade GTti Turbo, they were nippy small cars.
  20. Al de Man


    It's a bit extreme to wipe the forum and start the whole thing from scratch just because no one could find how to adjust the clock. 22:49
  21. Ones which keep on crashing and are slow because they're packed to the brim full of advertising.
  22. Three posts a day is more than enough for a troll.
  23. Which form? I just went to PayPal.
  24. So we'd do fine as long as the Championship was populated with teams like West Ham and Arsenal?
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