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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. So it is so difficult to believe that Boj would act in this unfair and unscrupilous manner, so a wind-up is the only answer. Lets have Boj post the PM he sent to Tiggs on here for us all to see. Then we can make up our own minds. Maybe once you see the proof it will stop you being such a soppy lap-dog to the Admin who reports pretty much every post he reads, like a little baby.
  2. It is interesting that everything else I say you assume is a wind-up, until I say something that it is possible to be prejudiced against, then it must be true. Presumably, though, as a serviceman and a sailor-boy you practice both homophobia and homsexuality in equal measure.
  3. Update for everyone: I was banned from the main board with no explaination or any sort of correspondence with the Mods/Adin on here about a year ago. The same happened to Kadeem Hardison at around the same time. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to speak to the mdos on here about it, as discussed above. No one has been forthcoming. I believe KH has tried the same. Anyway, skip forward to yesterday. Boj started this thread: http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?26051-Anyone-on-here-live-in-the-northeast-or-northwest-of-england in the Lounge. Kadeem mentioned that he lived in the North of England. Boj got back to him straight away, saying that he would return KH's right to access the mainoard, provided that Kadeem did him some sort of weird favour involving collecting sand. I continue to receive no comment from anyone, including Boj. So there we have it. The rules are just changed at random, such as handing out a weird and unusual punishment such as banning mainboard access wth no comment/explaination/timespan. The rules also change back, arbitrarily, provided you do the Admins a favour. Why is this important to anyone except me or KH? Because the same could happen to you. Or anyone on here.
  4. I think we'd all like to see exactly what boj said to you (though hypo is watching this thead closely and is ready to report any posts that make him cry (which is all of them))
  5. I live on Blackpool beach, and I have relatives who live on several other beaches across the northwest, if this is any help (it probably isn't).
  6. I am happy for the reason(s) whatever they are to be posted on this thread for all to see. Interesting that the mods moved this from the Lounge to the Muppet Show but still haven't graced me with a response or reason as to why I am excluded. Gutless.
  7. Dear Mods/Admin, Thank you very much for returning the right of thread-starting to registered users. I think it is a good idea and in the right spirit of the messageboard to allow this. It now seems fair to me that registered users get three posts and paid-up members get unlimited. The messageboard has been following a 'new era' policy which I admire and will do a lot to repair some of the damage of past mistakes made by the mods and admin of this previously excellent site and service. However, there is still one thing that I think is unfortunate. My account has been prohibited from both viewing and posting on the main board for coming on a year now. I used to have a lot of infractions but I behaved for a long time and now I have none. I do not see it written anywhere in your rules that people will get banned from even viewing the main board due to any such offence. I still think it is not right that I am banned from the main board, even if I was a fool in the past. I have been on these messageboards for over ten years now. This is the greatest injustice I have suffered, and no Mod or Admin has ever explain or even conversed with me about this main-board bannign decision, never even explaining why it happened in the first place or when it would expire, if ever. I would like some sense of why this has happened, if it will ever expire, and/or what I need to do to end this unjust main-board injunction. Regards, AFoM
  8. Essruu likes to be all 'crazy' and 'controversial' but, as you can see, it is all a bit old-hat now and he himself is a bit tired and worn out from all that taxi-driving.
  9. That should say '15' not '1'. Stupid wireless keyboard!!
  10. I have been struggling with feelings of being gay for a number of years. I am 30 now and had my first gay experience when I was 1. Since then I have had a number of male lovers, and a smaller number of female lovers.
  11. I have been following this deal for a little while. I have been looking for a snooker/pool table and have a £100 burning a hole in my pocket. Will you accept £30?
  12. I would like to be restored to the main board now please. Or at least be told why i am not allowed on there and where in the rules it says that people will be banned from the main board for over a year for the following reasons...
  13. anyone else think these photos are sh*te?
  14. my ex gf is quite good friends with ricky hatton knowing her, if that's all he's taking, its a bloody miracle
  15. please elaborate
  16. I couldn't agree with you more. Exactly my sentiments.
  17. 2 things that dont make sense about this story and headline: 1: Where exactly does it say that they are asylum seekers? 2: How the f*ck does this add up to the quoted '2 million'?
  18. WFT are you talking about? what is this middlesborough stuff? i figure that you have got your pants all in a tizzy because of something that someone else did that you attribute to me. I have absolutely no knowledge of widderington being linked with middlesborough. bear in mind that i am NOT wiltshire saint or anyone else, despite what people say. show me the middlesborough stuff because i am completely unaware of it.
  19. I have ALWAYS been vocal and forthright in my support for Widderington. As I said, I lived in Salisbury for a long time and saw the good work he did there. I don't know what else I need to say to make it clear to you that I support Tommy for manager. As for the gag, go off and gag on some guy's c*ck you hilarious wheeze.
  20. When I broke up from my second girlfriend I got really drunk and took the car we had bought together and drove it high-speed around the streets near where I live and country lanes and stuff. In the end I left it in a field and walked back to my falt. Turns out my gf's little girl (from a previous relationship) was in the back seat the whole time. Oops! She still now hasn't forgiven me.
  21. You can laugh and me and my opinions all you want. i dont f*cking care. Widderington will be a premiership manager one day, he is already top-class and i for one will be 'lmfao' when the rest of you finally see what i have been getting at all this time
  22. f*ck off. I am sick to death of this. If we were the same people then the accounts would have all been closed when the amnesty ended on joint accounts. we are different people.
  23. Yeah, but you have struck the nail on the head. Widderington will be running the club day-to-day. Southend just hired a 'name' so that the fans would be pacified. Everyone knows that Widderington will be running the show from behind the scenes.
  24. My business, since you ask. I have been behind Pardew since the start, but proven track record? Widderington is a real up-and coming manager and we are idiots for having passed up on him when we had the chance, idiots. I have already said that I don't like people telling me my business, and I mean it. I have had that my whole life from everyone who I have grown up with and I am not gonna take it from anyone anymore, especially from failed nobodies on a cr*p internet forum.
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