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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. It is interesting that you lie about this. It at least shows, in part, that you admit it was the wrong thing to do and now you don't want to admit it. Though obviously, if you were telling the truth, all you'd have to do is put the PM on here as it was originally written, rather than speculate as to what you might have said. That would end the discussion once and for all. And I ask again, where in the rules does it say this will happen?
  2. That is polite. How was I supposed to know who banned me? I have never ever received any correspondence from anyone on here regarding the ban, which has now been in place for well over a year. Can you show me where in the rules it says that this might happen? So you didn't ban me or Kadeem, though you did think it was acceptable to offer to remove Kadeem's ban provided he does you a favour? ****inghell
  3. hey baj, why dont you go on my other thread and comment?
  4. What is the point of voting 8? Whoever voted 8 should be banned from the forum.
  5. Still banned. Still no reason. Still no contact.
  6. I have seven chickens. I had eight but killed one of them today. They are really excellent pets. They are very easy to care for, and cheap. I use an old coal-bunker to keep them in, with individual nesting boxes inside made of wood. I fill the nesting boxes with shredded paper from work which i clean out and compost every week. I have seven hens of differen breeds. During the day they roam around the garden and put themselves to sleep every night when it gets dark. They drink water and will eat almost anything (including cat poo!). I give them leftovers from dinner, and corn which I can buy for 7 quid a sack and lasts about a month. Honestly, really easy and lovely pets to keep. They dont need much to keep them happy, just each other. Very cheap to keep. They DO attract rats, as an above poster said. I suggest a metal or stone home for them that the rats cant chew through. I have 1 cat as well and he is much more work than all the chickens combined. They dont lay in cold weather, and they dont lay every day in summer. Obviously, the more chickens you have the more likely you'll have a fresh supply of eggs. During the summer they lay on average every 2-3 days. The eggs are the best I have ever tasted. I live in a built up area of stoke and they dont create much noise. The one I killed today was a cockeral who was way too noisy, so I gave him to the butchers. It was unfortunate but I think you have to be realistic and not too sentimental when keeping pets like chickens. You need to make sure the chickens can't escape and foxes can't get in. Chickens arent very smart and they will wander off and not find their way back. They also wreck the grass, ust so you know.
  7. What on earth is eveyone here talking about?
  8. I am going to use that line in my comedy act
  9. Are you still selling the loft insulation?
  10. The EDL are racists. And I have met enough of them.
  11. I had a sex dream about Colbury last night. I took his long, throbbing c*ck in my mouth and sucked until it was spurting only cum fumes. Oh god, I love Colbury. And I was hetrosexual until I met him. Ohhhhhh Colbury. (And yes I would like to say this to your face. I'd do many more things to your face besides. Sexual things)
  12. Let's count how many people in the world find Dubai Phil funny:
  13. This is topical news-based humour of which even Paul Merton and Ian Hislop would be proud. Everyone on this thread is so so funny. You should all be appearing on Mock the Week based on the strength of these contributions. I can't wait for the next murder, or maybe nursery school shooting, to see you guys rippng the p*ss out of it. Especially loved the Adkins-Cortese references. Humour AND intelligence. Keep it coming everyone! LOLZ!
  14. LOLZ! Superb humour everyone!
  15. I worked with Pete at the Salisbury Playhouse when he was in 'Scaramouche Jones'. He was a really nice guy and during the afternoon he would stop and chat to me for ages. He was a full-blown alocholic by then (this was 2003) and would drink guiness all day before he was on the in the evening from when the pubs opened in the morning. He also get them delivered to him backstage. He died of cancer apparently but his drinking couldn't have helped. When the run finished and I claned out his dressing room, I found an empty box that had once contained a blow-up sex-doll. Make of that what you will.
  16. I don't find jokes about disabled people funny as a rule, but i also believe that no 'group' of people are above humour or mickey-taking. I think Frankie Boyle should be judged on the quality of his humour. That's what he should live or die by. I have never seen his channel 4 show but he was funny on Mock The Week, which as a rule wasn't a particularly hilarious programme. Mock The Week is just a low-brow version of Have I Got News For You, which is very funy and features intelligent humour, which I know is lost of a lot of people. So Mock The Week was topical news for more stupid people and Frankie Boyle slotted in quite nicely, IMHO. I alwasy assumed that Frankie Boyle was being ironic when he made crass jokes on Mock The Week, and I still do. I mean, if he believed everything he said he wouldn't be on telly, he wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes before isulting a television executive and getting the boot. He does it because that is his stage persona. It does make me laugh whent he Daily Mail try and be 'moral crusaders'. Is there anything more consistently offensive than the Daily Mail?
  17. Nielsen - Do you really think you can beat the champ? Boxer - I can beat him blindfolded. Nielsen - Yeah, but what if he wasn't blindfolded? Boxer - I can still beat him.
  18. only a complete tw*t would write that
  19. you are all a bunch of ignorant, naive tossers they couldn't possibly be protestibng about what they said they were protesting about no, the march has to be infiltrated by 'anarchists' what do these anarchists do, i wonder, when they are not infiltrating student riots? are they watching frasier repeats and borrowing a strimmer like the rest of us? its like the 'outside agitators' and 'secondary picketing' claims during thatcher (die, *****, die) times. history repeating itself. suprise suprise with a tw*t like cameron in charge. we might as well write off the next ten years of his crappy government. labour were sh*te as well, btw. I am no labour supporter. but dont keep ignoring the point. or you'll never learn a f*cking thing. everyone on this thread (including me) are complete c*nts.
  20. Jimmy D, this was your first trial as a Mod and you, umm, lost. It will take a while for people to take you seriously as a Mod again. If ever.
  21. I don't like Hypo but this is ridiculous. Who is Jimmy D anyway and why is he now a Mod? He comes across as a complete tool (maybe that explains it). Maybe, Hypo, you are starting to see what I was getting at on my 'Mainboard' thread.
  22. Stupid PC government allowing murderers/rapists to vote for whoever they wish. Presumably they will just vote for the party that are softest on criminals and on crime, and it appears that party is the Conservatives. At least the Labour Party wanted to machine-gun our prison population.
  23. As I understand it: Racism is not offensive provided you are StuRomesySaint Humour of any kind is offensive to Hypochondriac and will earn you another instant ban provided he reposts the post enough times.
  24. I dont understand why you are trying to remember from memory when you could just check in your 'sent messages' folder. You are also talking to me as if I am also KH, which I am not. The point is that you were willing to communicate with him and not me because he could give you something in return and I could not.
  25. Post your PM on here, then, so we can clear this up once and for all.
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