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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. I have read it. I didn't think it was my sort of book at all but it was really good. It was very long but I was absorbed from the first page the the last. The ending is excellent too.
  2. Except that the Greens have 60 council seats at the BNP only have 2.
  3. Killing 3000 people in the World Trade Centre was worse than another other atrocity in history. FACT. (except the Holocaust). 320,000 people killed in Darfur? World Trade Centre was worse. 30,000 people expelled or killed in Bosnia? World Trade Centre was worse. Rwanada? 750,000 people killed? World Trade Centre was worse. Stalin killed 20 million people. Bin Laden was worse though. Mao? 50 million. But Bin Laden was worse.
  4. Turns out it was Hitler.
  5. Forgot to swear.
  6. Right. But look at what is happening here. There have been people on this forum calling for extermist parties to tule this country. They have called for tighter laws. They want us to bring back the death penalty and brutalise criminals. They demand quick and brutal attacks on their perceived enemies, celebrate their demise and dance on their graves. Sounds suspiciously like Middle Eastern Extremism to me. They say our country is great, which it is, then they demand changes to the things that made it great in the first place. Unfortunately you cannot take the moral highground unless you are willing to make certain concessions. When your enemies try to kill you, you respond with bravery, not with cowardice, and you may defend yourself, though also you respond with opporunities for reconciliation, and an end to violence. If we don't do that, we are no better than the Osamas of the world.
  7. Yeah, right. I bet that dumb f*ck would rather that we wouldn't have caught him through fear of retaliation. Speaking to Martin Luther King is like speaking to David Icke. You can always rely on someone on the SWF to quote that nutter Martin Luther King. I bet that moron would invite rats into his house for cheese and milk. Martin Luther King was a violent man. Martin Luther King was a tree-hugging, Ban The Bomb, sandal-wearing member of the anti-war brigade! What Martin Luther King never understood is that everyone in the world who is not white is evil and will stop at nothing to kill and rape every decent honest person who has ever lived. He has no brain. What Martin Luther King failed to understand is that when someone has wronged you, the only way to get closure from the incident it to kill them and their family and dump their body in the sea. Then make innapropriate jokes about them and dance on their graves and shower in their blood. Martin Luther King was a brain-dead c*nt. Martin Luther King is a bit like toothpaste but there is no point explaining why to the likes of you lot.
  8. Let me try and explain this simple concept to you brain-dead c*nts one final time. Violence + Violence = Violence. Or, in this case, Violence + Violence + Violence + Violence = Violence When does this war on terror end, exactly? Once one side has killed literally everyone on the other side? Is that it? Bin Laden is dead. I will not mourn for him. But he will be replaced, and things will carry on as normal. Dancing on someone's grave like you sick f*cks will not end violence. When the bodies start piling up on our side you guys will all scream hysterics and call them animals, vultures, inhuman when they dance on our graves. More retribution, more violence, more death. That is what will come from today. But not peace. And not victory.
  9. Thank you for offering yourself up as a prime example of a stupid f*cking moron I referred to in my post. There is no point trying to debate world issues with people like you on here because you don't even understand basic sentences and you draw absolutely bizzare conclusions. If I told you that I didn't watch the Royal wedding, you would probably conclude that I was Carlos the Jackal.
  10. I thought Obama WAS Osama? BTW, every single person that celebrates his death on this thread is a complete moron. Like a bunch of little kids. This 'avenge death with death' mentality that all you little boys on here preach will keep the world on a never-ending cycle of violence and revenge. So Al-Qaida retaliate. So the West retaliates. So they retaliate. Someone has to take the moral highground. It won't be Al-Qaida. So it has to be us. But we wont because of an electorate made up of you dumb f*cks. You stupid f*cking morons. The world of violence we inhabit as human beings is the one we DESERVE to live in, due to our idiocy, hypocracy and masculinity, with absolutely no self-awareness, no objectivity and no attempt whatsoever to learn from history.
  11. You retard. Read the thread again. You are such a retard. What a retarded man you are. You are a retard.
  12. It is so weird that you have a girlfriend.
  13. That's because you are an arsehole.
  14. This is a true story: One of my ex-gf's dad did something similar to this. He began complaining about the traffic near his house and the noise coming from a nearby nursery school every morning. He drummed up quite a bit of support doing it, and even got mentioned on Have I Got News for You. The council, in retaliation, made him a hate figure in the local press, like 'local man wants to shut down nursery school.' He then began to gate hate mail and threats as a result. Then, when he refused to back down, he got a phone call late at night from the council, saying that they would suggest to the local press that he was a paedophile, unless he backed down. 100% true. Now I never liked the guy, and he never liked me, and he was being an arse about the school (don't buy a house near a school then, stupid!) but no way did he deserve that. That was down in Hampshire. I now live in the Midlands and the way the councils up here do business is almost exactly the same, according to some people I know.
  15. dune finds an excuse to take pictures of children
  16. I hate my boss. He is always slagging me down.
  17. I agree with freedom of speech, absolutely, but you have contradicted yourself. You say there is freedom of speech, then you say baj should take action if something 'oversteps the mark'. So what you are preaching is 'freedom of speech, up to a point'. A paradox. I enjoy debating political issues. Always have. And despite what Turkish says below, the opposite is true. It is the right wing who are intolerant of others. That's what the EDL is!!! Intolerace of other cultures. I have no problem with white people, asian people, christains, jews, muslims, whatever. I would never call an EDL member a 'chav', for example. If dune was a gypsy and a racist, I would attack his belief, not his culture. If a muslim says we should kill people who draw pictures of Allah, same goes. Africans who believe in female circumcision. Anyone who dune can say what he wants, as long as he is willing to be challenged. Same goes for me. I don't believe the EDL should be banned. It sets a bad precident. But neither should muslim clerics who preach hate. Just debated, and mocked.
  18. Maybe it is a matter of opinion. Maybe. But I see what Verbal meant. Note dune posting the entire EDL mission statement on previous threads. He has also made statements such as "I think such a moderate organisation should be welcomed because it's about time that patriotism was wrestled away from the far right and this is exactly what the EDL is achieving" and "I think most British people would agree with the EDL and imo they should be respected for getting off their arses and speaking out." He is clearly an EDL apologist and is trying (in vain) to make people change their opinions against the EDL and to make them more acceptable in society. I think it is splitting hairs to suggest that this is not an attempt to 'recruit' for the EDL. What is it then? Dune has not encouraged violence directly, and has tried to convice us that the EDL is peaceful (not true). So he is not encouraging people to commit disorder, as far as I know. But recruiting, almost certainly. You'd have to be incredibly naive to believe otherwise. And Dune would march at an EDL rally for certain, if only his parents would let him.
  19. you are a bigger t*at than him. so no one cares what you think.
  20. I was always annoyed about the stupid hype surrounding the Harry Potter boy being in Equus. I saw a headline in a newspaper that said 'Harry Potter to have sex with horse in West End play', and Equus is one of my favourite plays by one of my favourite playwrights, and to completely mis-represent the play and turn it into 'boy has sex with horse' made ms so angry. That is why we are so uncultured in this country. Everyone sees things the way the media sees them. Equus is an incredible piece of writing.
  21. dune does this a lot, when he says something and then says later that he didn't say it. I personally think that this is a positive thing, as he presumably now knows that aligning himself with a group as stupid as the EDL will in turn make him look stupid, so now he is trying to deny it. The proof is here: http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?27976-The-Moderate-EDL-under-attack-from-the-Far-Right Note dune using up two posts to print the entire EDL mission statement on that thread.
  22. At least now we can put a gormless picture to the thoughtless posts. I always assumed Dune looked like that. I can see him now, going off to his little racist rallies with his little racists friends, then going back to his parent's house for fishfingers, chips and beans cooked by his mum (good ol' british dish!) Then he goes to his bedroom, drinks a can of carling, masterbates, and considers what it would be life to one day doing something productive with his life.
  23. A wise man told me once that if someone is sh*t at their job and they can't get rid of them, they promote them instead to get them out of the importantday-to-day stuff. Everyone knows that managers get paid more to do far, far less. Anyone else experienced this phenomononon?
  24. My boss is a complete pr*ck. In fact, so is every member of the management team. They don't know what they are doing at all. I want my workplace to burn to the ground.
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