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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. life has been cruel of late
  2. wow brilliant great excellent who the f**k is Oliver Thomas blimey oh well who cares
  3. i dont think that i have ever seen so much effort for so little reward
  4. i'm a theatre-goer :mad:
  5. I agree. We should remove the £5 thing, and I can then post 30-40 times a day.
  6. then the comparison is all the more bizzare
  7. are you a theatre-goer?
  8. how is that exactly?
  9. surely, as soon as you name him, he becomes 'sung' and is therefore invalid.
  10. slumber parties are fun, whatever age you are. (Provided you don't have work in the morning)
  11. next time she comes over to your place for a slumber party, make sure that you tell her that by appearing undressed in a lad's magazine, she is contributing to the erosion and undermining of feminism, as well as making it seem more acceptable for men to view women merely as sex-objects, therefore increasing the likelihood that your own daughter will be raped, be on the receiving end of sexism in the workplace, and be assaulted (both sexually and non-sexually) both by a future parter or stranger.
  12. woooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  13. Is JP worse that Steve Wigley yet?
  14. i checked and it is
  15. oh, you guys rape is always funny
  16. Wow. 18/09/08. I was there.
  17. you are a scumbag who drives a taxi for a living ha ha ha ha ha when you die they are sure to remember your contribution to humanity. driving people from a to b. wow.
  18. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha everyone you just named are the absolute scum of the e-earth essruu is a f**king moron
  19. also i wudnt b appy 2give up my 5ver.
  20. no way. if those cheap f*cks dont wanna pay thats their problem. i 4 1 am happy with it on here now that tiggs, plastic, etc etc dont post any more. its gr8 on ere now. i wud pay 10 quid a week jus to keep those spammers off 4evaneva
  21. Tiggs and Wiltshire would be missing, if I wasn't actually them on a different account (we are all the same person)
  22. no, not Reading, Coventry. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, yeah, good one AFoM. You're the best.
  23. i was once stuck at coventry station for so long that i started reading 'all quiet on the western front' and finished it just after my train finally pulled out of the station. 100% true.
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