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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. samdobson565 Joined: 10 August 2008 Last Sign In: 10 hours ago Videos Watched: 862 Subscribers: 0 Channel Views: 7 Age: 21 Country: United Kingdom
  2. hmmm... apart from appearing on national television you mean?
  3. i have forgotton the password
  4. lolllllllllz¬!! u chose urself!!!!!!!!`!!!! lollllz¬!!
  5. i was also logged on. how come you forgot me??
  6. i guess they will mention it on south today anyway
  7. any news about the people involved? or are they still in hospital?
  8. f*ckin arseholes, hope they get banned for life
  9. was he looking at this?
  10. sterilise INS, if he hasn't been already. as long as this is done, i dont care what else happens.
  11. so do i. his name is buzzin' orn and the taxi driver was essruu. HTH.
  12. moron. to say that you are crouchie is an insult. crouchie spoke more sense than you.
  13. moron. to say that you are crouchie is an insult. crouchie spoke more sense than you.
  14. you are comic genius
  15. everyone on this thread is crouchie. including me.
  16. Rupert Lowe is to blame. For our relegation, for the mess after relegation, and for the result we had today. Simple as that. Lowe out!
  17. chamin. the one advertised by the cartoon bear. see you in 24 hours.
  18. but he had a car. i always walk to the shops. its annoying carrying toilet roll, it takes up loads of space. he could have bought 12 rolls home and then i wouldn't have to walk up the shops on friday and carry any home
  19. when you ask your housemate to buy some toilet roll because he's driving to the shops, and he only comes back with two rolls thats it really.
  20. Quote of the f*ckin decade
  21. i think that the world would be a better place if all football thugs were sent to prison
  22. Racist sympathising with Nazi sympathiser shocker! (Hacienda is a racist)
  23. I bet b-anter is up in arms about this 'tragedy'
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