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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. i thought of one for 'H': David Howells
  2. my favourite guest host was tom baker. he was funny and crazy in equal measure.
  3. le tiss was a hero at saints, but has only one vote (so far). TW has 7. Think that answers your point.
  4. i thought of one for 'b': Steve Basham.
  5. almost everyone feels like this. and every sensible, intelligent and concientious person feels like this. its just a small minority of unintelligent thugs that the racist parties are appealing to. they have no hope in hell of ever having any semblence of power. and they would f*ck it up and lose it pretty much instantaniously even if they did.
  6. hes on a wind-up
  7. either way, you're an idiot
  8. oh wait, now i see.
  9. who gives a sh*t??? :confused::confused::confused:
  10. yes. both your ignorance and your desire to blame foreign people for the problems in this country make you a racist. time and time again i come across people who say 'i'm not a racist, but...' and then list 101 reasons why they hate foreigners/non-whites/non-british people. why do racists not realise they are racist? because racist has such a negative connotation, they try and hide hate behind pragmatism. no one is fooled. And how anyone can honestly blame 'foreigners' for sponging off the state when we have MP's using tax money to buy themselves a moat is quite simply mind-boggling.
  11. have you ever spoken to UKIP councillers or voters? They very much are racists. And they aren't any more smart or sophisticated than the BNP racists either. And don't tell me Kilroy wasn't a racist!
  12. nice definition of a fascist, imo.
  13. i did that once. i opened the door and said that i felt it insulting to my intelligence that he would put a bnp leaflet through my letterbox. he looked terrified and promised not to do it again.
  14. =D>=D>=D>=D>=D>
  15. BNP Stock Photography This popped through my door today. Freedom of speech is a great thing and they have every right to post flyers through my door. However, as a graphic designer I can't help but play the game of 'They're not real people, I wonder where they got the stock image from'. Its a good game and keeps me quiet for ages. Anyone else recognise the pretend people our friendly faced fascists are touting around as real testimonial? Email me at crooksdesign@googlemail.com , or comment on Reddit if you find any. I'll start. Old couple on the back is iStock number File #: 5048614 http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-5048614-senior-woman-hugging-her-husband.php not real people.... More thanks to Redditiers iStock number File #: 2192770 http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-5132168-construction-worker-portraits.php iStock number File #: 6426547 http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-6426547-love-my-mommy.php And they even have a Polish Spitfire.... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/03/04/polish_spitfire/ Thought the Guard looked real - Oh, hang on..... http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2436087.ece http://www.fotosearch.com/SIX116/047pe1/ This isn't even a stock site - they nicked it... http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1941091/posts All solved! The family on the front is a BNP shot http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/news/article:904-People-like-him-voting-BNP Begs a question is this a violation of iStock rules and if so, what are they going to do about it? http://www.istockphoto.com/license_comparison.php
  16. jawillwill stop infesting this thread with your hate
  17. Darren Purse http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/cardiff_city/8042634.stm released today
  18. Premiership in five years? no chance.
  19. surely she first needs a decent singing voice, and some decent songs...?
  20. Thanks for everything Stanley You have singlehandedly destroyed The Saints Web. Now get lost.
  21. what difference does it make, either way :cool:
  22. the lad is twenty years old. twenty! i hope that you didnt have your professional career written off at twenty. i also hope that you didnt have 10,000+ people judging you every week whilst doing your job and having idiots on a website like this one slagging you off what the hell are we doing for this guy's confidence? why dont we encourage him, instead of constantly shooting him down. Sure, he might not be ronaldo or torres, but then hardly anyone is! some players take longer to mature than others. sure, he might turn out to be a ryan ashford or a phil warner or whatever, but he might also turn out to be a chris baird or a james beattie. maybe. if adam does go for peanuts like everyone suggests, and he goes on to make a decent career, most of you still wont learn your ignorant lesson. It has happened plenty of times before: Scott McDonald Brian Howard Kevin Phillips (as a youth player) Luis Boa Morte Dexter Blackstock Garry Monk I am sure there are better examples than these. i am sure some people can name them. but you get my point. was is the point of slagging him off? really?? (this isnt just aimed at you window cleaner, btw)
  23. :smt023 absolutely spot-on. he is a young player, ffs! so we give him away for £50,000 like some people are saying. then he matures into a decent player and for the sake of one bad season and a knee-jerk reaction we have wasted both money and talent. a few on here called for the blame-game to stop. that is true. piling on all this pressure on a young saints player (or two) is ludicrous imho. i would say that you have all gone nuts, but you were all f*cking nuts to begin with. tossers.
  24. this comment was also very funny
  25. the farmer running away was very funny
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