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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. If it is the Swiss then it will probably be this Paul Pullman (sp?) fella that has been lurking around the club in recent weeks
  2. i figure, what difference does it make now? we are losing all our players, we are in a crap league, still wont have any money when the debts are all paid. let sleeping dogs lie. football is a game to be played, not watched.
  3. why bother? we wont exist soon anyway.
  4. Well, I enjoyed myself.
  5. i wrote this haiku: Born in sixty-three, I grew up on his music with the Jackson Five. A-B-C, Simple…, Little Bitty Pretty One, and Dancing Machine. Got to be there. Ben. Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough. She’s Out Of My Life. Billy Jean. Beat It. Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’. I danced to them all. Waiting, patiently for Thriller, the video. And so worth the hype. He was changing, though. No longer little Michael - with that great big grin. We are the World. Bad. The Way You Make Me Feel. The last I listened. Youthful memories. I wish you peace from yourself. Good bye, King of Pop.
  6. very good :smt041
  7. are you making fun of my deceased pet alsatian in this post? bit callous, don't you think? as everyone here knows, i rescued that alsastian from a burning building and gave it mouth to mouth and that alsatian went on to lead the D-Day landings, freeing our cowardly, spongy european neighbours from the freed and democratic reign of the amightly and holy adolf of hitler. unfortunately that alsatian died in my arms on a beach as the sun was settng, but luckily we were able to make love one final time.
  8. deppo, i cannot remember if you are one of my alternative log-ins or not. perhaps stanley can shed some light on this matter.
  9. at least i replied to your stupid, pathetic, idiotic, small-minded opening post. no one else even gave you time of day for that. you should be grateful. anyway, you're such a knob, i'm not even gonna post this response.
  10. f*ck. thwarted. stanley, you're a knob.
  11. it happened to a friend of mine. he was a bit dopey someone cloned his card and paid for their travel to work in central london every day for about 8 months. got a refund when the bank spotted it he was blissfully unaware
  12. dont worry about it, master bates. you are a liar and an attention-seeker, so you dont need to worry about anything you say, as it will definitely be nonsense.
  13. why do you think we get asylum seekers from the middle east? it is not because we are a 'soft touch' at all. it is because people who are in oppressive governments do not 'believe' anti-western propaganda. people in these countries, on the whole, know that they are being oppressed, know that human rights are being denied to them, know that the truth is being suppressed. the unfortunate thing is that they believe the west to be free, a paradise even, compared t what they are used to. needless to say, they get a shock when they come here and come up against a barrage of hatred and racist bile. i think we should be proud of being seen as the land of the free, and not become more like the countries we are effectively (or literally) at war with. and, as i said above, our leaders are sometimes seen as genuine heros of freedom, as opposed to the infidel. not in all cases, but more than you may be aware.
  14. this is not strictly true. a lot of iranians see blair and bush as heroes. honestly.
  15. i dont know why you bother to reply to threads. nothing you say is ever interesting, insightful or even remotely funny. i would even go as far to say that i prefer stanley (mole) as a poster than you. i genuinely have more respect for mole than you. genuinely. mole has a ludicrous point of view which i absolutely despise, but at least he has one. you don't even have one.
  16. you see nick griffin as a father figure. there, i said it.
  17. to be perfectly honest, stanley, i couldn't give two solitary sh*ts about you or your father. do you honestly think anyone else here cares either? you, who up until now has always celebrated lack of feeling or empathy as if it was a virtue. you, who has said repeatedly, repeatedly, that the world would have been better had the nazis won the war. you who make jokes about animal cruelty, you who shows no empathy or sympathy whatsoever to other races, religions, people in need of our help, who will gleefully ignore any evidence of bnp or facist scum hurting or even eventually killing other people. if the bnp ever got in (never happen) that is what would happen. this would happen primarily due to people from other nations needing our help to espace dictatorships and brutal regimes which we will pretend are not happening, and will send thousands and thousands of people to die. what if i told you i was abused as a child? what if i told you i was brought up by foster parents who locked me in a cupboard? would i then automatically win any political debate by default? you have been a snivilling, ignorant, hate-filled racist tosser for years on here, in various guises. now, rightly, you are repeatedly being torn apart by people smarter than you and with more compassion than you, and your only response is to exploit your own father's death to try and score some sympathy points. nice effort, florence nightingale. aren't you such a hero. if you dont like people challenging your bigotry and prejudice, either change your views or take your sob stories elsewhere.
  18. i nursed that ambulance 24/7
  19. i think tha tis really insensitive that you mention mutliple IP addresses. My family were all killed in a multiple-Ip-address-related accident (i wont bother with the details, I m sure you can figure it out). At one point I held my dying mother in my arms, and whilst coughing up blood and sick she looked me in the eyes and said 'make me proud son.' i cried all over her, and my tears seemed to finish her off, because then she threw up blood and the pie she had been eating all over me and went into death rattle for about 45 minutes before her spine snapped in two. And, to this day I have always lived as she died, juddering like a maniac and covered in my own sick. And the thing is stanly, you KNOW all this, because it was serialised in my book and was also a well-publisised television series starring Oswald Mosley. And the theme music was a jazzed-up version of 'Deutschlad, Deutchland'. So I would appreciate it if you and your little gang of multiple log-ins (Ponty, nickh, boj, you know who you are) refrain from repeatedly harping on about how I am motherless in the world and how i deserve to be motherless because i am scum and anyway my mother never loved me anyway
  20. That list is stupid. Most of them aren't even available. Magilton just took over at QPR! Did you miss that? And why is Baird in the list? Some people have been slagging off mine (and others) preferred choice of Widderington, but Baird only played about 50 games for us, and he is now playing at Fulham. Plus he is only 27. Hardly manager material
  21. grow up :cool:
  22. widderington is the only stand-out choice in that sorry bunch
  23. i thought of one for 'D': Jason Dodd.
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