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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. They should have a marathon over that bridge every year.
  2. Saving the planet is a con. The planet survived Tyrannosaurus rex, the king of beasts. It will survive us.
  3. f*ck off you paedo
  4. dune is such a c*nt. dune drags up VFTT's past once again, and still goes unpunished for publicly mocking a disabled MP. Where is Boj to come along and 'have a joke' with dune on this thread now?
  5. i am a college teacher and today a student beat me up. if i dont go in tomorrow i dont get paid. the police arrested him, as they always do when he beats someone up. tomorrow he will be back at the college and i will be expected to teach him again. teaching sucks.
  6. Cant stand dune, he is a cock who takes himself far too seriously, makes fun of disabled people, is a racist and i find his posts rude and idiotic. It's no surprise that Boj likes him.
  7. Aren't I Norwaysaint?
  8. Let me settle this: dune posted that because he is a c*nt.
  9. Okay, I admit to this. I am Norway and Atticus and Kadeem. We are all both the same person. Remember when I pretended I was celerating National Norway Day? http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?30226-National-Day You all fell for it like idiots. There IS no National Day in Norway! National costumes, haha. Who would believe that? Only the idiots on this forum.
  10. It is true, though it is annoying to have to keep flying to Norway every time I run out of posts.
  11. I'm with you. Why should someone from Norway be allowed to post on our British football forum anyway? What does a Norwegian know about our ENGLISH football club? He should go back to Norway and support his own club on his own Norwegian forum (if they have the internet in Norway).
  12. I hope norwaysaint got infracted in this thread for his vile comments
  13. Deppo gets banned forever and Dune is allowed to get away with mocking disabilities One question:
  14. is a legend (sp?)
  15. Anyone who doesn't tip Jeff Le Taxi is a hero in my eyes.
  16. At the end of the day, the only way Boj will ever listen is if you hit him where it hurts, the pocket. He says that he does not make a profit from this forum. Rubbish. There is no way that this forum costs one solitary £5 to run, let alone the hundreds (thousands?) he has pocketed from people applying for the 'privilege' of posting more than 3 times a day to argue with Hypo. There are literally millions of forums, many of them better and with more members than this one, that do not charge a penny. The only problem is that there is no suitable, popular alternative for Saints fans. People that are hacked off with the way this forum is run - and I don't just mean the ludicrous banning of the best forum member on here - should first of all declare that they will NOT pay in the future. Not £5. Not £1. Nothing. And then stick to it when renewal is due. Second, we should start a decent Saints forum alternative that does not charge and does not crash on match days. Then we should leave this forum in droves. It probably wont happen. But it would be easy enough to do. Anyone who complains about this forum and then carries on paying £5 only has themselves to blame.
  17. He says, without any irony whatsoever.
  18. If deppo reported one single post, then I'm a banana.
  19. let me get your strategy straight. you tell lies to back up your idiot arguments, then when proved wrong you pretend that you did it on purpose to upset everyone then tell more lies. what is the point? really, what is the point? surely hypo has done more on this one thread to warrant a lifetime ban than deppo ever did, anywhere? why is boj not going through every single hypo thread and infracting him for each offence, like he did with deppo? it surely is a mystery.
  20. I promise to love you. With long, hard sexual favours. I will play the man. Or the girl, depending on preference.
  21. Come to my place sometime. I would like a free estimate. Please. Come.
  22. I miss you. We all do. Come back to us.
  23. Oh right, so not Iraq then. I wish I was privy to your inside information on public opinion. Oh yeah, I remember a million people marching on Hyde Park against Labour's perceived favour to lone parents. It makes my blood boil.
  24. Have we signed Rohan Ricketts?
  25. I was trying to figure out how you would know this, then I remembered that you were once 'outed' as a child kidnapper opn a previous thread: http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.p ... ost1039342 So are you admitting to being a serial rapist too? Or did you come about this information another, more wholesome way?
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