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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. two of the funniest posts ever. honestly. no, i am not being sarcastic. okay, i am.
  2. A modern satirical version of the story, in circulation since at least 2002, has the grasshopper calling a press conference at the beginning of the winter to complain about socio-economic inequity, and being given the ant's house. This version was written in 1994 by Pittsburgh talk show guru, Jim Quinn.[3] Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin also updated the story in connection with the proposed 2008 banking rescue package.[4]
  3. what nonsense cant even believe that you bothered to write this idiocy. you are clearly completely delusional
  4. look, here is a picture that proves 9/11 was a good thing for white people case. closed.
  5. kinda weird thing to say, considering the subject matter
  6. nope, jack straw changed that a few years back will you now consider everything else that you believe to be true?
  7. Delldays. I am appauled. Not once, not ONCE do you,. at any point on this thread, condemn the terrible murders committed by Myra Hindley. You absolute scum. You pro-child-murdering scum.
  8. wow, man. we were all wrong. on the strength of this testimony, and on behalf of all anti-racist campaigners everywhere, i apologise unreservedly. on a seperate note, i attended an anti-bnp march last month. i know that you and Braney Trubble would have wished you had been there, it was attended by all different kinds of people, men, women, children, from all races and creeds. amazing.
  9. Good article on The Independent about this stupid 'Islamification' nonsense: http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/mark-steel/mark-steel-so-has-anyone-really-been-islamified-against-their-will-1787816.html The arguments of the far-right groups are already obviously ridiculous. The latest slogan they march under is "Stop the Islamification of England". But how many people have had their lives Islamified against their will? Is there a single tea shop owner in Dorset who has to tell her customers: "Sorry dear, we're not allowed to serve a scone until after dark as it's Ramadan." Do radio stations have to start the day: "Allaaaaah – ah-aaaah allaaaaaah. Good morning, this is BBC Radio Sussex calling you to prayer." the people who support this group are racists.
  10. 1. Correctly recall Derren Brown's Lottery-Predicting Mathematical Equation
  11. looks like i was the only person who was right on this thread, then. send me £20 please.
  12. this, the 911 thread and the moon landing thread are all pretty sad and pathetic its like an idiot convention on here at the moment
  13. i found this post realy offensive now back to the conspiracy theories
  14. its just a magic trick. he is just a magician, claiming to be a mind reader, like lots of magicians throughout the centuries. they have been doing this trick for centuries too. i remember a very famous trick with a magician who used to predict newspaper headlines three weeks in advance, then put his prediction in a locked box. it was simple but effective.
  15. i would want my girlfriend to be: 1. not imaginary 2. there is no 2.
  16. I was at home when it happened. I had just put in some toast and was waiting for it to brown. I remember reaching into the fridge for the butter or margarine (forget which) when i HEARD A NOISE FROM THE OTHER ROOM. It was a large, clear envelope falling through the lwetterbox, advertising some christmas fayre at my local large department store. I remember flicking through the catalogue, whilst sipping tea and eating my toast. I was 55 at the time. That toast is something i will probably never forget.
  17. 1. a pizza oven 2. a pizza don't need a 3.
  18. No, but Tony Pulis was there, Row 3A
  19. absolutely loved him. would have him even if we were premier league leaders
  20. Southampton 6 Colchester 2
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