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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. I thought I had seen the bottom of the well of human stupidity, but then realised that the well is in fact bottomless its been said before, and now i'll say it. if you don't like it, why dont you go around with a black bag and a f*cking poopascoop and pick the sh*t up yourselves. Cause I aint f*cking doing it. I am not the dog's servant or slave, and will never ever bow down to an animal.
  2. My little nephew was mauled to death by a housecat.
  3. no but they taught me not to pay attention when a jumped-up, know-it-all, bossy-boots tries to tell you how to live your life and what to care about
  4. i always suspected that you had several usernames, but now you have confirmed it
  5. you are a nutter Wiltshire is right. Its not hard to avoid stepping in dog poo. Don't you people look where the f*ck you are going????!!?? This country is pathetic. Everyone is always complaining about everything but nobody has any common f*cking sense. I have a cat and a dog and they both sh*t outside and i have no idea what happens to it and nor do i care. I also smoke and throw my cigarettes on the floor and out the car window. No one could convince me that there is anything wrong with that - because there isn't.
  6. How many people have bothered to come up with a theoretical maths equation to argue against you? Anyway, you're welcome. I love you too. Or, people can just be allowed to attend whatever matches they want, whenever they want, without being judged or critisised...? Too reasonable? Is there something inherently noble about attending lots of football matches? Does it make you a better person? Does it win you the Nobel Prize? Does it get you into heaven? I dont get the fascination with the concept.
  7. As usual, Hopkins, you are spot on. These sort of threads come from such a stupid, moronic, short-sighted, thuggish, idiotic place. It is no real suprise that it is Dulldays leading the idiotic bating on the pompey forum, really. It is two football clubs from two towns which are not very far apart from one another, and, lets face it, two teams that the whole rest of the country really couldnt give a toss about. But for fortune we grew up as Saints fans. We could easily have been pompey fans. Or bradford fans. Or boca juniors fans. Or not like football at all. Nothing seperates saints fans from pompey fans or any other football fans. Some are smart, some are stupid. Some are passive, some are violent. Some are passionate, some less so. To genuinely, genuinely believe that there is something better, more passionate, more noble or more impressive about cheering on the red side rather than the blue side is so stupid its almost impossible to believe. If Yeovil Town won the premiership in five years time you wouldn’t be able to go anywhere in this country without bumping into people wearing Yeovil shirts. Attendance at football matches is probably worked out like this: (Division the club is in) x (Games won in a row) x (Last season’s final position) x (People who live within 20 miles) x (How big the opposition is) over (People who dont like football) x (People who dont like the weather) x (People who cant afford the tickets) The point I am making, basically, is that Delldays is a knob. And most other people on this thread. You f*cking idiots.
  8. You left me out I guess it is easy for you to be funny. If you post something stupid, you can always get your friend Arizona to edit it for you.
  9. I am impressed, Dulldays: You are now the thickest person to post on two entirely different messageboards. Well done you! \\:D/ \\:D/ \\:D/
  10. Never go to Gibraltar. The women are all too attractive for you.
  11. I like all the Test Match Special commentators, even Geoff Boycott, who is actually my favourite. Not all that keen on Michael Vaughan as yet, mostly because he is quite a hypocrite, like said that Ian Bell should 'just go out and bat', as if its that easy, for Vaughan it certainly wasn't at times. Jonathan Agnew is really good. So is Henry Blofeld and Chris Martin Jenkins. Really hate Botham and Nassar Hussien on Sky Cricket. Both come over as t*ssers. And so does Atherton. I like Michael Holding though. Bumble is kind of a nothing man who makes a lot of mistakes. Hate Stuart Hall. And Motson and Lawrenson. And Murray Walker.
  12. Write to Noel's HQ. Now.
  13. Which of course entirely ignores the fact that their never has been an MP called Ron Brown who belonged to the Labour Party. You have confused MP's Ron Davies and Nick Brown, who are both Labour and both gay. But I guess all gay MP's are the same to you. The tories all talk about family values and are all anti-gay, whilst subsequently engaging in debauchery that the rest of us can only dream of. I am not saying that all gay men are murderers. I am, however saying that all conservative MP's are murderers. And all the ones that went to Eton are gay. Which is all of them.
  14. The only funny one so far
  15. You have to be a complete and utter t*sser to genuinely want Pompey to go out of existance. Which is why none of the comments from the people above suprise me.
  16. You are the cpmplete and utter tool, not David James. David was trying to be both polite and also find merit in someone else's artwork. On this occasion they were taking the p*ss out of him but on another occasion it could genuinely be a piece of art that someone is genuinely proud of. Would he have been less of a fool in your eyes if he had just said 'your work is sh*t'. What would he make of Jackson Pollock or even some of Picasso's stuff? Genuinely? Even if be thought what he was being shown was utter tripe, which it was, that doesn't mean that he shouldn't be polite and generally keep his negative opinions to himself. He's a goalkeeper, not an art critic. He would have been worth insulting if he had just been rude and obnoxious, like the way most footballers are portrayed. But I think he did himself proud in that video. Rio Ferdinand, on the other hand, is a tw*t. Whenever I have seen David James interviewed he always comes across as honest, straight-talking and obviously a very intelligent guy. In your posts, however, you portray non of these traits.
  17. Hmm, ya think?? Conservative MPs are only saying this because all the semen dripping down the legs of murdered rent-boys on Clapham Common all belong to Conservative MPs.
  18. no, listen, let me explain: In my original post on December 30th 2009 at 03:46 PM, I wrote: All well and good so far. Some seventeen hours later, on 31st December 2009 at 10:22 AM, Ash, whose public profile can be found here: http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/member.php?u=249 chipped in with: Now, as you and I guess many others might think, the two comments are completely and utterly independent of one another. But look again: Mine: Ash's: Not see it? How about now: Mine: Ash's: See it now? The humourous link isn't actually anything to do with **** buddies or any of that. And ignore my meningitis comment, that is also not related. It is actually in the reference to the fiver, and the car: Mine: Ash's: The use of the reference in Ash's comments to both the fiver and the car simply cannot be coincidence. Therefore, I suspect quite strongly (and I am usually right about these things) that Ash was making a humourous suggestion that he and myself had entered sometime in the past year into a no-commitments, no-strings-attached sexual relationship. So you SEE? CAN YOU SEE WHAT HE DID THERE? WELL???? CAN YOU???
  20. 2009 Good: Found a fiver whilst cleaning out the car Bad: Contracted meningitis
  21. referential, topical news event-based humour!!! Hatch has combined the recent christmas single based reference with the even more recent story about the fella executed in China. YOU COULD ALMOST CALL IT A 'COMEDY/NEWS-MASH!!!'
  22. Top Gear was boring? No WAY! Next you'll be telling me that Boj isn't a very good singer...
  23. I am opposed to the death penalty, but i think caning him five times on the hands for drug smuggling might be a little lenient.
  24. This book seems like a real bargain. I would like to buy two. Would you accept £40 for the pair?
  25. I saw a version of Hound Of The Baskervilles with Spike Milligan as Sherlock Homes. It was all right but it got a bit silly after a while and they kind of ruined it. I dont know why they didnt just follow the original story its not as if Arthur Conan Doyle is a bad writer!! I hate it when they change the film story from the original book it came from. I think it is disresepctful to the writer and Spike Miligan is nothing like I imagine Sherlock Homes to be like he was a comedian mostly.
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