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Atticus Finch of Maycomb

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Everything posted by Atticus Finch of Maycomb

  1. Sorry, WSS. Lets be friends.
  2. Apart from the racist bit. Racist. And I bet as soon as the economy improves you stop being a racist, right? wrong. Unsubstantiated, sweeping-statement that makes no sense whatsoever and therefore means nothing. Read your previous post. Why is he, exactly? And what exactly is the problem? No it isn't, and he never said that anyway. He was actually talking to me. You are. Racist.
  3. WSS has actually made me feel bad because in his first post he was only joking, and then in the second post I had been rude to him and he was not rude back to me. Plus he called 'Baj' 'Boj'. What does everyone think? Does WSS deserve an apology? It would make history for this place, someone apologising for being a knob.
  4. Hi, my name is Atticus Finch of Maycomb, i have not paid my 5 pounds so can someone start a thread for me pointing out that Weston Super Saint is a t*sser? email me at mynameisatticusfinchofmaycomb@gmail.com Thanks in advance Atticus Finch of Maycomb
  5. I am one/all of these people and I can confirm that WSS's post is incredibly clever and at the same time humourous WSS, I thought you were banned? What went wrong? Which Mod should we drag out into the woods and shoot for letting a little, irritating f*cker like you back in?
  6. Just to clarify, I did not write that racist nonsense that I was quoted saying in Hamster's post. This is my post: In response to:
  7. You speak perfect sense Sir. I tried to go to Hounslow council for some help with council tax (1400 a year) but found it impossible to get any aid despite being English through and through and paying tax in previous years. Yet if some **** had just hitched a ride in a boat from Pakistan, gone straight to the building and walked in the que behind me he would have got benefits coming out of his ears. That is whats wrong with the country and until the tossers running it change it and we start looking after our own, we are ****ed. It is maddening but i try not to let it bother me. ****ing **** **** **** **** This is all 100% completely true. Why is it that white people never, ever ever get the breaks in life? Or people in Western society for that matter? And disability benefits! Dont get me started! They are a complete sham. The luckiest people on earth are black and asian muslim disabled people from third world countries. They are the ones rolling in dough, getting all the luck, the women, the wine, the parties, the drugs, the rock, the roll and the highlife. This true not only now, but throughout history.
  8. i never really understood what was funny about this joke. the picture actually looks nothing like the newsreader this one is funnier:
  9. Thats weird. Word filter blocked my completely inncoent use of the word 'u.n.t.i.l'. Well, part of it anyway.
  10. I havent seen the main board since before Christmas, but I will guess that it has gone something like this: Win against Huddersfield: "We're going up! Pardew is God!' Lose against Tranmere: "Sack Pardew! We are rubbish!" Win against Leeds: "We're going up! Pardew is God!" Lose against Swindon: "Sack Pardew! We are rubbish!" Win against MK Dons: "We're going up! Pardew is God!" And repeat *****il Pardew gets fed up and returns to the Premiership)
  11. Hey Mods, can I come back on the main board, please?
  12. It is weird that this thread appeared actually, because once a week I volunteer at a City Far near me, and they are offering incubators for sale or rent. The incubators cost around £140 usually but they are second hand and they are selling them cheap for £50 tops. They automatically turn the eggs for you and hold up to 50. They are perfect for Speckley (sp?) roosters, which is what the City Farm is over-run with, but they also work well with Sussex and Cochin. I am assuming that you are looking for 4 or 5, but they have ten for sale and I you wanted I could negotiate a decent deal for them all. I am on quite good terms with the people who run it and they are desperate to get rid.
  13. This thread is really really sh*t now. Are you all ashamed about heaping this juvenile abuse on the above individual? I hope at least some of you are. I couldn't care less about W******d and have no opinion on him. But I think you are all morons.
  14. Did anyone see the bit that read: "If we were able to stay I would expect the average gate to be higher in the Conference than it has been in the Premier League this season." Blink and you miss it, really.
  15. Brilliant thread! Superb humour!
  16. haha Arizona seems to believe that 'modding' is a real job and that if he is not at home glued to his keyboard then he needs to get cover or book the time off delusional
  17. please do. then you can get banned for hacking other peoples accounts, then you can go on b-anter and claim that you got banned on purpose because it was getting really sh*t anyway because all the good (racist) posters had been banned and that even when your ban expires you will never ever come back and if you do you will eat your own sh*t that is how confident you are about it Idiot
  18. at least you have learnt something from the experience i have always presumed you arrogant and big-headed up until now, but you admitted your mistake and i respect that in a person
  19. I love the logic of this post. So if New Zealand gets destroyed by a tsunami, the only way you would hear about it is if someone from the area keeps you posted on this messageboard
  20. i thought that honour belonged to SRS's girlfriend :confused:
  21. best post on the whole thread
  22. Oh, now you've done it. He was praying, praying that someone would ask that question
  23. No, the tories are the posh racists BNP are the football-thug racists. UKIP are the competely f*cking mentally delusional racists.
  24. All UKIP members I have met (quite a few) have all been just as racist as the BNP supporters I have met. Funnily enough, it occurs I have never met any UKIP 'supporters'. Just members. They have very few supporters I guess.
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