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Everything posted by stug76

  1. Are you absolutely sure about that? FWIW, I thought you could park across a drop kerb as long as you aren't restricting someones exit.
  2. Have you already paid too?
  3. It must be fantastic being you.
  4. Is there anyone on here that is, or can recommend a goalkeeping coach for a few sessions to help my lad out with his kicking? I'm trying my best to help him but I don't have the technical knowledge to spot what he's doing right or wrong so we need someone who can point him in the right direction before I give him bad advice and cause more harm than good.
  5. Are you kidding me???? If you can't get carried away now, you probably never will. We're second in the league with the best team in a generation, paying great football. It might not last forever but that's probably more of a reason to enjoy the ride because when/if we go on a bad run and have a few injuries it's not going to be anywhere near as much fun looking at the table. If it's realism you want, go read an encyclopedia.
  6. Yeah, a cup win and another cup final and I'd like to play a big Italian team in Europe, someone like Milan.
  7. Gotta love it. Going toe to toe with Arsenal at the Emirates, bringing on 12m subs, another youngun coming through the ranks, 5 in a row. Does it get any better than this? Well I suppose there's a couple of scores to settle with some ex-managers which could make it 7 and then a couple of home games against Sunderland and Stoke. It might get better, you never know!!!
  8. Oh, ok. Just comes across that way. That's all.
  9. He really got under your skin, didn't he?
  10. I was effectively agreeing with what Ralph said, but just added that I didn't think we were that far away from the the point where we start to seriously think about expansion. Attendances might well be down on our 'all time high' but we have a good team, good manager and a board that backs them. Things have not been this good for a long time. If it continues for a couple of years, the economy continues to grow and we get a bit of luck along the way, who knows?
  11. 5 matches in? Probably need to wait a bit longer before we jump on this particular band wagon.
  12. As an growing business you dont wait until you are running at full capacity before you expand. If the signs are there that we could get in excess of 30k for normal games along with an expected 35 -40k for the bigger games we should expand. We arent that far away from that imo. Add to this the extra match day revenues, the long term benefits of supporter loyalty, the kudos of a larger stadium, potentially greater corporste revenues etc its not quite as daft as some are making out.
  13. It works well? Lol! I think the naming of a stand is an appropriate tribute. It gives the stadium a bit more character too.
  14. Southampton. Obviously.
  15. A new low. Time for a new username Batman.
  16. Un****ingbelievable! What is the world coming to???
  17. I think you missed one so Ive added it in bold for you.
  18. Would you say that's reflective of your opinions on Saints during the summer?
  19. Thanks for keeping us updated.
  20. Thanks for keeping us updated.
  21. I knew you'd say that.
  22. So, let me get this right. If a crowd funding campaign fails to meet it's target, no pledges are made and everyone keeps their money in their pockets? I'm assuming that there is no return on investment promised with this? So if Pompey don't meet the target it's all been a waste of time, however if they can convince someone to chuck in the missing 20% (50k) they will get the 80%(200k) to play with, less an administration fee for the crowd funding and probably a little bonus for the mystery investor. Is that really a possible scenario? All they need now is some local "hero" to chuck in the final 3k have his (or her) picture taken for the News and they can keep the Champagne flowing. If you were genuinely going to chuck in 50k, you'd go the whole hog and go with 53k to get them over the line wouldn't you?
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