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Everything posted by stug76

  1. I'd always assumed he'd be better than that. I guess that's not his best work?
  2. Mine was going really well up to about a month ago - since then family stuff and a dose of flu that has knocked me out for the last two weeks and my goals have changed! Was hoping to get around in 1:45 but now I'm just looking forward to getting round and enjoying the day. Looking forward to it, it's my first and probably only 1/2 marathon so at least it will be a personal best ;-) Good luck to all those who are running.
  3. The statement in my first post doesn't indicate a preconceived political bias but is a response to the current political situation whereby I believe if we as a nation vote in a Lab/SNP government we may as well turn off the lights now. I think it will be a spectacular balls up.
  4. I get it. You seem pretty typical of a lot of people on this thread who don't appear to have the intelligence to make an informed decision based on the facts presented to them, instead preferring to rely on a preconceived political bias.
  5. I think that at best this thread shows that most people have a political leaning and any amount of 'debate' of which there has been basically none here, is going to change any body's vote. For me, I just can't believe that anyone is going to vote for the Labour/SNP. If they get in we'll have to live with a government that's sole purpose is to break up the very country it governs. You can forget the economy, you can forget the NHS, education, defense. Every thing will be a compromise on devolved power to Scotland.
  6. Could'o, would'o, should'o. Just remind me again who said we'd have spent 5 years in league 1? That Cortese thing is really tricky to let go of for you isn't it? ;-)
  7. Exactly, and look how that turned out. Think of where we could have been.
  8. Just picked one up for son no. 2, and we are all sitting round playing mario bros. Good fun console.
  9. 'stand up' comedy. Really?
  10. I've been watching Brooklyn 99 on netflix. Mildly amusing and we'll worth a look.
  11. Is funny but that's exactly how I feel when listening to pretty much all the labour politicians, it annoys me intensely. There was a Scottish labour MP on the radio the other day and her only positive she could offer to Scottish voters was that voting labour would prevent the tories getting in. Not once did she offer a policy as a reason for voting labour. The labour party, and it's politicians seen to have no conviction or belief in themselves, instead relying on an anti tory agenda which is so poor for the main opposition party.
  12. Of course Spurs are 'bigger' than us. Always have been. More fans, more revenue, better history. Why though is it 'delusional' to think that if we qualified for CL/Europe and Spurs didn't (and with only 10 games to go we are 2 points ahead of them, albeit they have a game in hand, so the situation is hardly 'delusional' in its own right) that some of their squad would fancy a move to us? What is this rule that you can only move to a 'bigger' club? How did we get players like Bertrand and Alderweireld? I don't think anyone believes that we are going to pinch Kane.
  13. So, if we qualified for the CL, none of the current Spurs players would want to move to little old Saints? And you are sure of this. Ok. By the way, what is a mega club? Is it something you've just made up to enforce your Saints fans are 'delusional' point?
  14. If we made champions league and Spurs didn't, would it be a step up?
  15. Mine too
  16. I watched it. What struck me was how badly Harry Potter has aged.
  17. What a bunch of babies on here! Boooo hoooooo.
  18. I think he's apologising on his own behalf, as a Chelsea fan for the racist actions of the Chelsea fans whether they be the guys that confronted him or the guys that were singing the racist song. I think it's safe to assume that he making a wider point about the attitude of some of the Chelsea fans. Fair play to the guy, he potentially making himself a target to stand up for a cause. Very brave. I think that incident has been blown out of all proportion, but, if it raises debate about something that is so ridiculous and in the case of football fans, so hypocritical and something changes then we are in a better place than we were before. The danger is that some people just use it as a stick to beat all football fans with.
  19. Not indecent at all. Definitely can't say they are ok in one place but not in another. That's just crazy.
  20. Is there some sort of cash prize for proving MLG wrong?
  21. Not rocket science is it. If you know that 'football related' crimes are more severely punished than non 'football related' crimes then you need to pick the crimes you're going to commit carefully. If you want to commit crimes that is.
  22. Whoops! How long have you been waiting to post that? Any resolutions to get out a bit more next year?
  23. He doesn't miss the point at all, because his point is that he is so elevated above the ordinary fan and everyone else on this forum is misguided/led or annoyed by the media/biased towards the saints. He's above all that, along with his mate. You should be fine with that because being a saints fan that isn't a bit misguided or is affected by the media or even a little bit biased is probably missing the point of following a football team. For most people it's an escape from the day to day grind, and most normal people have no interest in being impartial or reactionary in respect of football. So if I were you I'd be happy every time that CB Fry picks you up on anything. Enjoy your party!
  24. What a load of rubbish. I'm prepared to believe that there has not been a single incidence of a mother pushing a toddler around a supermarket whilst hanging an open bag with a handgun in it for the last 20 years if ever. I just don't believe that it could happen. Anyone who owns a gun in this country is either legit and its locked up safely at a gun club or the intention is criminal in which case they are hardley likely to be carrying it around whilst doing the weekly shop! Gun crime does happen, of course it does but this sort of accident doesn't. It certainly couldn't easily happen as you suggest.
  25. Things like this don't happen here. We don't have licenses to carry concealed guns in supermarkets.
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