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Everything posted by stug76

  1. That's good times for training runs! I'm planning on dropping down to halfs at the weekend and throwing in some HIIT during the week. Need to get the strength up in my legs.
  2. I did the Copenhagen marathon at the weekend, my first. Fantastic city, great event. Highly recommended if you are looking for something a bit further afield. Run didn't go according to plan, knee went at 10 miles so hobbled my way round in 5 hours. All my own fault, didn't train enough/correctly. Almost all of the course is in the city centre, it did include a couple of loops which felt a bit wierd but I guess it concentrated the crowd (who were fabulous) into a smaller area. Now to book up the next one ;-)
  3. Fair enough! I was just wondering where you might get the extra 13 miles in the city. I enjoyed the start and end of the half in the city centre and think it would be a shame to lose that. Up and down the Avenue would add a few miles, like I mentioned before the docks might be an option but I suspect that security would be an issue. Woolston/Western shore maybe. Don't know why I'm even trying to work it out to be honest.
  4. I'd love a Southampton marathon, missed out on the half this year as I was lazy registering and then missed the slot! To give you an idea, I've just run from Redbridge to Ocean Village, St Mary's, Bitterness Triangle, Woodmill, Burgess Road, The Avenue, Winchester Road, back of the sports centre, Ski slope, Lordshill, got lost on the trails behind Lordshill, Lordshill again, Nursling BandQ, Redbridge which was about 17.5 miles. So there'd have to be a lot of doubling back to keep it in the city centre. Sure they could do it though. Be good to go through the docks with one of the big ships in. St Mary's is a given, Woolston Bridge, Ocean Village were good in the half. Not sure what else you could include?? I'm off to Copenhagen at the end of the month for the marathon, I will report back all the good bits. Sent from my GT-N8010 using Tapatalk
  5. You don't seem to like the government's role in the NHS and are against privatisation. You obviously have a lot more knowledge or experience on this topic (do you work in the NHS?) what's your solution given there is no money in the pot? Sent from my GT-N8010 using Tapatalk
  6. I'm intrigued by this dispute, largely because of the lack of information available, to someone on the outside, to make an informed opinion. I don't trust either party to be honest. One point I would pick up on though, is that in my experience, the NHS is terribly inefficient. The flows of information is woeful, as an example, I took my son in to A and E and I would say apart from waiting, we spent most of our time filling out forms, with the same information on them. Everyone we spoke to would go through the same questions. It's this sort of bureaucracy, and presuambly this goes on at all levels, where the private sector is, or could be much better. To assume that sevice levels would be the only place where efficiency savings could be made is plainly wrong, almost scaremongering. I guess that the NHS (3rd largest employer in the world?) is so large that its almost impossible to please everyone and changes will inevitably upset someone, and the inertia to change must be massive. Perhaps it does need to be broken up? Sent from my GT-N8010 using Tapatalk
  7. If you are looking for a quality, solid timber door, you could look at The Hampshire Door Company (http://www.thehampshiredoorcompany.co.uk), based just outside of Winchester. They were on Radio Solent yesterday discussing 'Saving Britain's Front Doors' with Alex Dyke and the guy sounded like he knew his stuff. **Disclaimer I should probably declare more than a passing interest in The Hampshire Door Company ;-) **
  8. Good window all round I think. Really enjoyed the league last year so dont mind if we use the squad in the cups and try and improve from last year in the league. Sent from my GT-N8010 using Tapatalk
  9. Cheers for the comments. London to Barcelona! That's quite a trip, are you going to go for it?
  10. I went t on my first ride this morning - http://app.strava.com/activities/334490667 I bought a Btwin 500SE to start training for triathlons. Pleased with how it went, stopped a couple of times to make adjustments and the bike felt much better on the way home. I noticed that being on the drop bars (?) seems to gain an extra gear, any other tips for a total noob? I'm a long way from what some of you guys achieve but I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to going out again!
  11. Lol, it's got nothing to do with Saints or your ability to control your emotions! From my point of view, the ball bit hit his hand from about a foot away. Nothing he could do about it. The goal is irrelevant.
  12. That was a goal!
  13. Well you found it so interesting or important that you needed to link to it, yet you didn't give any reason as to why you thought it needed to be shared. I just thought that was strange really. I'm sure that you are trying to reinforce a point but I'm not what that is.
  14. Why have you posted that link without offering any opinion on it?
  15. Looks good, as you were then. Ed is going to struggle to keep his job, I wonder who the unions will cost next? What happens to Clegg? Awful result but might still be deputy. (Assuming that exit poll is as accurate as suggested!)
  16. I think Labour might have played this very well. As you say if they cosy up to the SNP they are effectively giving up in Scotland which would make a very fragile state of affairs should the SNP self implode over the next 5 years. The SNP went early on their anyone but Tory campaign so they really have to back Labour regardless of whether Labour invite them to the party or not. So Labour get the SNP backing, and still get a chance to fight their corner at the next election when I suspect the SNP will have a stronger devolution emphasis to their manifesto.
  17. Surely if the state provides EofOp, ie guarantees the same education/health/welfare etc to everyone is met your remit for a government? I'm working to provide a future for my family both whilst I'm alive and when I'm dead. If I'm going to get stung in inheritance, I'll just make sure I pass on my wealth sooner.
  18. Pretty much sums up my experience word for word, albiet I'm a sprightly 41 and finished a couple of minutes behind you! Being My first event of this size it was interesting to hear others comment that the support was good around the route. As I remember it there was people most of the way round, Burgess road offered some welcome encouragement at a time when I was feeling like I was going backwards! I hadn't enjoyed the training, but the day more than made up for it and I'm looking at doing the Bristol half later on in the year which I didn't think would happen.
  19. Who is killing the poor? We? Me? You? I must have missed this earlier but what are you proposing as an alternative to the current capitalist system? Are we just going to wipe the slate clean past ourselves on the back and start all over again? Have you sub concisely ceded your position on real world politics and have now moved on to some sort of utopian ideal debate - which you will win by the way as you are the only one debating on this 'level'. Hope you get better soon.
  20. Ok fair enough. So if you want to have the 3 year contract you can unless you don't want to. Rent rises will still occur even if the market takes a dive. Im sure there are benefits but it's hardly a policy to get excited about.
  21. A couple of points on the landlord thing. Generally speaking, it's in interest of the landlord to keep tenants as long as possible. It's a pain to change tenants, cleaning, vacant periods, contacts, references etc. Also, if contracts are going to be for three years, don't you think that there will be some consideration for inflation in the longer contract? Given the lack of quality housing stock, it could cause prices to go up, hardly protecting the tenants is it? Lastly, as mentioned by others what about students who must (guess) make up a reasonable percentage of the rental market? They don't want 3 year contracts and there are plenty of others like them. Maybe you just have to offer a 3 year contract? At the same rate as a 1 year contract? Maybe it's all in the detail?
  22. That's like a different guy, much better than the other stuff. Which is the real Bill Hicks's?
  23. Not trolling, he's never really been my radar. I'd have been 15 in '88 but for whatever reason I don't recall seeing much of his stuff. I'm aware of his reputation and thought it would be better, smarter. Lets all laugh at Regan because he had cancer and didn't die. Even the audience seemed uncomfortable with that. Was he just a shock comic? An early day Frankie Boyle?
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