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Everything posted by stug76

  1. Whoops! Missed the point again Turdey.
  2. Happy to help. Education is all around.
  3. It's possible to form an opinion of someone without meeting them. Do you have an opinion of Cortese for example? I've never met you, and I think you're a bell end.
  4. RIP. It's a shame that some people can't show a bit more respect. PAP are you a scouser or something?? Boy can you moan.
  5. I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. Quite possible to be a bell end and a Saints fan. You do read the forum right?
  6. It was Fox's man to close down.
  7. No, Fox should have gone to the man, stopped the shot rather than heading to the goal line.
  8. It has nothing to do with a pro or anti Cortese argument. All I'm asking is, if Adkins has a contract, and that's being paid as per the original terms what is the basis for the action that Adkins is taking?
  9. Forgetting the fact he was a great manager for us for a moment. If he is on gardening leave, receiving full pay on what grounds is he taking action? He has a contract that is being paid, presumably as per the original agreement. If he wants to move on he does so and forfeits the rest of his contract with us. If he wants to get paid in full for the contract he waits it out.
  10. Me and Turkey (its really Turkish - but he thinks its so funny when you get his name mixed up with another word thats mildly offensive - lmao!) are best friends. I didn't want to be at first, but he kept asking so I thought, yeah, why not. I'm glad I did, its great having a forum best friend, its like I'm Tom Cruise and he's Dustin Hoffman!! Have any of you got a forum best friend?
  11. Hey Turdey, he was saying that he thinks it will be a draw, but its a tough call - probably because both teams are playing well and are in similar positions in the league. Its probably a fair comment, I think you can put your claws away. Its great having a forum friend isn't it! If I look like a ****, say anything ridiculous be sure to let me know wont you.
  12. Cool. I thought you'd like it, you always laugh when people get your name wrong!
  13. Hey Turkey, now we are best friends, I thought that I should let you know that you are behaving like a bit of a ****, no offence, just friend to friend.
  14. stug76

    Lucas Biglia

    At least we are getting somewhere, I appreciate your admission that you're a disaster of a human being - perhaps you should seek help for your self worth issues? Good luck with your search for new friends.
  15. stug76

    Lucas Biglia

    To be honest I'm not looking to find friends on internet forums, but good luck in your search.
  16. stug76

    Lucas Biglia

    There was a thread about wind up merchants or something and he confessed to trolling. We'll have to agree to disagree on his worth to the forum I guess
  17. stug76

    Lucas Biglia

    I think the point is he doesn't do anything "best". there are plenty of funny people on here, there are plenty of knowledgeable people here he's not best at either. He's a self confessed troll.
  18. LOL, there's nothing like a good Stadium expansion thread to get the doom mongers out is there!! IF this is being mentioned in the stadium tours as the op suggests - and I've no reason to doubt it - then it's just another indicator that "it's happening".
  19. On reflection, a draw would probably been a fair result. Although, it was united that had the better chances and looked more threatening when near the goal. They have that little bit of craftsmanhip and quality that we don't (no surprise really). Too often we end up chucking it in to Ricky rather than being patient. Oh well, good night if we can match United from where we've come from. It's happening baby!!!!!
  20. Excellent 2nd half, just need that little bit of quality up front to make the difference.
  21. You are such a miserable ****! You are going to look so stupid!! Its happening!
  22. You've got to laugh at all the sad doom mongers on here. What a sad state of affairs when you all have to jump on anything positive. Its happening, and I bet you'll all be giving it the large one to all the "plastics" when we are in Europe. ****s.
  23. What if WE are the big team?
  24. He's starting to crack, c'mon enjoy the ride!
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