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doc oli

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Everything posted by doc oli

  1. Charlie Austin shouldn't be allowed to have an international break.
  2. An excellent second half performance. slick passing and movement, all on the deck, and unlucky not to win by more.
  3. Stayrodriguez
  4. They play 'expansive football'. This means nothing. And yet Mark Chapman has made a career out of uttering it weekly.
  5. Not sure what size pitch our lot have been training on, but how they kept managing to **** their switched passes well out of play was beyond a joke.
  6. Celtic used to hire good managers to get them to the later stages of the Champions League. Maybe Celtics ambitions have changed. They were looking to be a Champions League Club I believe.
  7. Celtic used to hire good managers to get them to the later stages of the Champions League. Maybe Celtics ambitions have changed. They were looking to be a Champions League Club I believe.
  8. Yesterday's Wanxit has now paled in to insignificance following the overnight news.
  9. doc oli

    Euro 2016

  10. And at least Bergkamp would have easy access to the ferry for our European trips.
  11. "Tadic not had his most effective game today" - 2 assists.
  12. Oh Shane.
  13. 3:15. Our defending there.
  14. Each one of those dier tackles were worse than victor against wet spam.
  15. Plenty of positives. We really looked hungry to win the ball back when they had it, snapping in to tackles and forcing the errors. A bit more composure, or a ruthless edge from Shane long and we would have taken all three points.
  16. If victor makes that tackle it's a straight red and 10 game ban. Pikey
  17. Probably on Garde-ning leave.
  18. Easy to say now, but don't think we were even THAT bad first half- we've certainly played a lot lot worse. We just completely fell for their counter attacking game. Fortunately for us they thought they could do that all game and the space they afforded us in their half eventually told. Mind you, it took three great finishes to secure the points.
  19. Always loved his work ethic, but has really come on leaps and bounds the past few months. The one remaining hang up is that he seems to need to miss a couple of chances before scoring- but by starting more games rather than 10 minute cameos he's getting more time to get chances.
  20. Dean is a disgrace.
  21. If I never see Mike Dean again I will be happy. What a ducking queen.
  22. At least it's woken the fans up. Need them now.
  23. Never a red. Not dangerous. Barely touched him. It was how he shaped up for it that got him sent off.
  24. They are playing like we did in Europe.
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