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  1. See my post above -The regulations apply from May 2004, Derby went into admin in October 2003 before the present regulations were agreed.
  2. league regulations:12.3.1 With effect from the 10th May 2004, if any Club shall: - a have a manager, receiver or administrative receiver appointed in respect of that Club or any part of its undertaking or assets; b have an administration order made in respect of that Club; c have a winding-up order made in respect of that Club; d pass a resolution for the winding-up of that Club; e enter into any arrangement with its creditors or some part of them in respect of the payment of its debts or part of them as a company voluntary arrangement under the Insolvency Act 1986 or Scheme of Arrangement under the Companies Act 1985; or f have any proceeding or step taken or any court order in any jurisdiction made which has a substantially similar effect to any of the foregoing; that Club shall be deducted 10 points. I would say the legal advice the League got was that point f covers our situation.
  3. If you read the league statement, you see FL asked their lawyers about the intrepretation of their rules. If you then read the aforesaid rules , one condition for applying the deduction(among others) is the appointment of an administrator to run the football club, and then at the bottom is a catch all clause which says any action in any jurisdiction which has the same effect will also invoke a penalty. An administrator is running the football club- qed. Any thoughts that the administrator has either the will or money to challenge this is just wishful thinking.
  4. The rules of the Football league were designed so that if a holding company went bust,unrelated to the football operations it would be manifestly unfair to dock them points (as in West Ham case). In our case this doesn't apply. Expect the deduction we deserve it.
  5. Just had a tenner on Time For Rupert at 50/1 , just had to back it
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