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Everything posted by maxi_sopez

  1. Woooooooooooooooooooooo come on goal
  2. Sorry if been answered already, but why do we have two games in two days?! Seems a bit unfair!
  3. Ok People, this is my situation havent been to a game this season as now a student in Leeds. But would love to go, not a member or season ticket holder, i have bought tickets tons of times so im sure im on the system, but do you think it will get to that stage?! I dont mind if i dont get a ticket because i probably dont derserve one, but then again if i have a chance i will buy one, do you think it will get to general sale?
  4. saints is so hard this year, just so ****, lost 4 out of 6 so far, got a few loans and sold skacel thats it... no idea how to turn it round, oh well lowe will proabably sack me soon
  5. gettting it on monday, when hand in uni essays! maybe i should just get fm live is that any good ?
  6. the daily show is amazing, there all so happy compared to 4 years ago! anyone watch daily show or colbert report....so good !?
  7. bring back keith
  8. lol newcaslte so sh!t, i really want to see hulls kit apparantly the ref banned there away kit, so they have had to borrow a kit! lol
  9. Just spoke to someone at saints ticket office, apparently u cant buy them on the phone anymore, but can get them on the day at the ground. I asked in the Away End and she seemed to think so. So thats what im gonna do!
  10. can you buy on the day ?
  11. Im gonna use this blackhole as a chat up line, have sex with me we all gonna die soon lets get going....! I AM SURE IT WILL WORK
  12. No chance, gonna deffo watch Murray instead
  13. does anyone know what time obama's speech is tonight? i think it will be a truly special moment and go down in history so want to watch? I was in Berlin when he was speaking and went to see him and it was incredible, he may not have the depth and experience, but listening him speak he is second to none. I really hope he wins, because at least in the short term it will be a good thing for America in the World, where as if it was Mccain i think it will not only be a huge disappointment to all democrats but the world aswell. America needs Obama for its world relations as much as anything imho. Sadly though i think Mccain may scrape it, due to the shocking racism that still underlines the american lower and in some cases middle white class. Opinions ?
  14. Hey guys im not a member but really want to go to this game as live really close, do you think it will get to general sale ?
  15. 30,000 loool that made me laugh
  16. Hey guys, went to the grandprix and it was a great experience i sat on a hill and got a great view of the straights and the final turn. It was my first grand prix and me and my mate found it a interesting experience, one i was surprised at how passionate fans were and especially the anti-lewis sentiment . Me and my friend both were clearly lewis fans got a lot of stick and at time felt like it was getting a bit nasty, sadly also rascist comments were made about Lewis. But we were next to tons of massa fans so his blow out was a great moment! As for the race its quite hard to follow there, the screen was quite far away but i think confusement added to the fun! Anyway thats my brief review, first grand prix loved the noise and the atmosphere and definetly would go again!
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