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Everything posted by sfcjmcsfc16

  1. and u deleted me ! haha pathetic
  2. Online booking says sold out!!! Anyone else having problems!
  3. think ur find i was a very bad team messing around in unranked matches, and brang my keep out after 2-1down anyway play a rank game sometime see who wins then!
  4. will we were playing a mess around urank game, take a joke man!! jeeze!
  5. not scared are we will?
  6. will im back at 12 fancy it?
  7. will give u a game mate!
  8. Im useless guys, but i have a headset and can talk about the saints! most of the match as io guess i wont be scoring much! add me Jamesc16
  9. Ive got the dlc, for fallout, would consider game sharing for the call of duty world at war map pack!
  10. no thankyou mr deanovski
  11. £25 here
  12. Does anyone have the cod world at war map packs they would gameshare
  13. posted this on the matc thread 1hour ago beat you to it just cant make a topic myself.
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/8295792.stm HIGHLIGHTS
  15. Got my ticket today- See you all up there!
  16. Anyone with radio want to hear pens!!
  17. some 1 send me link for game raido please saints player not working!
  18. Shame im after ps3 copy aswell!
  19. £26.71 in asda just been down!
  20. Anyone give me some info on the offside do they get a few wrong? would make it alot more real if so!, any handballs? etc, cheers guys!
  21. are you selling the unit to me then? ta
  22. Best Wishes.
  23. Any have probelms clicking book online seems to not be working!
  24. Is now!
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