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Everything posted by bigtonesfc

  1. Cheerio all!Must meet on another thread sometime.:smt039:smt039:smt039:smt039:smt039
  2. Cant beat the big steak!
  3. The Ship Inn,Redbridge.Good grub,decent beer garden to take kids in!
  4. I like it!
  5. No,his house is set up for someone who has thallidimide,and why should he?
  6. Us lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Shows how much the standard of the Championship has improved since then,eh?
  8. Well somebody tattooed the "ENTER HERE" on it!:butthead:
  9. To clarify things,the woman neighbour came in and attacked Miss A (who is 5`0,and 7st),in my disabled friends house in front 3 under 11 kids.Being the only one physically able to do anything about it,i managed to get the woman (who is rather "big-boned")out of the flat,then the boyfriend comes in also agressively.Not knowing what he was going to do i struck him,he went down and played dead.We tried to turn him over to see if he was ok but he would not let us.Myself,Miss A and her son then left.I was arrested down the road and spent 16 hours in the civic,then released with NO charges.
  10. I beg to differ with you!
  11. No stories were given,the woman with us also had an injunction taken out on her too.She went because she lives close too the area and takes her kids to a park next to it.There is another hearing in September.
  12. Yes im going to Bour..................oops wrong thread!
  13. I was served the papers at work,i asked if i needed to attend if i wasnt bothered about being banned from an area i never go too.He replied that it was my choice!
  14. Means we`re top in league 1!
  15. We are off on the train saturday morning.
  16. Well the fact he had to go to hospital wouldnt look too clever on my part,i think he was after a claim,but it went the wrong way for them as they also have to do an undertaking in this injunction!
  17. Got a free half hour,he read the statements and said i could appeal but i cant get legal aid,so more expense,and i may not win anyway!So basically the cheapest option is to take it on the nose.
  18. I think the police let it go as a domestic,but the neighbours told the housing people that,although they had initially caused it by entering my mates flat,we carried on assaulting them in theirs,....total bullshot!
  19. I was actually in my friends house,who happens to be thallidimide with a woman and 3 kids when the woman neighbour got one of the kids to open the front door and proceeded to attack our friend.I managed to get her off her and out of vthe flat when her boyfriend came in,it came to blows(well one blow actually),that stopped it,so we left.Igot picked up going home by the police..as i said no charges!
  20. CAB couldnt help!And i`m trying to pay the housing association before i get hit with more costs.
  21. County Court,was no charges just costs for the injunction case.
  22. I was recently involved in an argument in a tower block with my friends neighbours.I got arrested but there was no further action.1 week later i am informed that the housing association that own the property have taken an injunction out on me. There was a court case that i did not attend as i was not going to appeal it,as its an area i never usually go too.Last thursday i get a court order instructing me to pay costs of £1233,to be paid by monday 06th july.Can this be right? I have also tried to contact the housing association,to arrange payment but they do not return my calls. Any help appreciated!:confused:
  23. Maybe he`s had his cards cut up!
  24. They spelt the family name wrong!!
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