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Everything posted by bigtonesfc

  1. itchen,we`re the itchen,we`re the itchen over here!
  2. bigtonesfc


    And written in crayon!:D
  3. bigtonesfc


    The Skates appear to be a tad despondant this morning! http://www.fansonline.net/portsmouth/mb/index.php :D:D:D:D:D:D
  4. Part of a horrible drink i believe..Dandelion and murdoch!
  5. Should get a good few sold today if the unrenewed tickets are on sale!
  6. You have a PM on this NickG!
  7. Should of bought one when they first came out!
  8. Wont have that problem next season,eh?
  9. Is it Tubbs and Crocket,Miami Vice?
  10. Its a bit blurry!Which one is AP?
  11. Think people will stuggle in Itchen North,tried to get a seat,for a mate, near to where we all got our STs,nearest we could get was 30 odd seats away!
  12. Pay day for the salaried this week,which will boost it further!
  13. Plane spotter!
  14. I demand a proper pint of cider at half time,not a poxy little Magners bottle!You cant be a roughty toughty football lad,when you walking round with a panda pop bottle in yer hand!!
  15. Me mate just got our tickets for Hearts in the Itchen,but the ticket office said there are no tickets for Saints fans in the Northam.Can this be right,if so where the yoof gonna go?
  16. Hehe,how clumsy!
  17. Looks like there are a few Jambos making the trip down,what a crap trip it is! http://www.hmfckickback.co.uk/showthread.php?t=55507&page=3
  18. Welling up!!!
  19. http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=118269
  20. Was there for 2.5 years meself,was in Gorgie Road newsagent when told princess Di had been killed.Even went to work with maroon hair the day after Hearts beat Rangers in the cup.Went away with them too Motherwell,and had some good times on pish with the Hearts lads!
  21. If im not mistaken,i think i see AP`s 1st cheque being passed along the line in the bottom left!..£20m,spend wisely Alan!
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