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Everything posted by bigtonesfc

  1. If you dont like the thread feck orf,unless you can put your argument across properly!
  2. Read the papers mate about British soldiers dying who "aren`t at war"!
  3. http://www.englishdefenceleague.org/uaf-spark-near-race-riots-in-birmingham-080809.html For you Barney!
  4. Correct,the peaceful protest was attacked by the same extremists that use freedom of speech to spout their sh*te whenever they feel the need!
  5. This is where the problemm arises,because you oppose a certain extreme religious stance,then people assume you are against all other religions bar our own!But why shouldn`t we be able to disagree with people abusing our soldiers and threatening us in our own country.Would we get away with it in another country?
  6. Only if you want to take it that way,the difference is the EDL anti-Muslim extremism,anti-violence and anti-racism!
  7. DD,there is a Plymouth EDL group!
  8. How is defending England xenophobic?And which bit was the racist part?
  9. Good man JB!
  10. Just a Facebook group in support of EDL!Trouble is DD they ARE allowed to spout their crap!
  11. This is a fast expanding band of people,black and white,who have had enough of Muslim extremists being allowed to shout about murdering British people and ruining our soldiers home comings!We are NOT a racist group at all!We welcome the majority of Muslims in this country,but enough is enough,we need to put a halt to their doing this in our streets ! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=133679987803
  12. http://www.charltonlife.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=11920&page=1
  13. Charlton 0 Saints 4 23 arrests!
  14. They`ve won 6 out of 6,we havent won yet,and they are sh%tting it! hehe
  15. Unbelieveable! http://www.charltonlife.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=28951&page=1#Item_0
  16. bigtonesfc


    They`d shat theirselves,it was old hat in the old days,even paid the away end in the Archers a visit in me youth,then learnt it hurt!But it was always an adrenelin rush,win or lose!..And as the old saying goes it was normally only the ones up for it that had the rows!
  17. Dont `spose Totton counts as a "close district"?
  18. Maybe Stockport will tire their selves out,then we slaughter `em second half!.....maybe!
  19. Least we`ll have all those new grounds too see!
  20. Cant get that to work, watched too much porn ,used me fair usage thingy up i think!
  21. 6 of us going by train,dont know time yet!
  22. A quote from said site, "Apparently they`re always there after every game.....seems the old bill there are useless and let it happen all the time..." Are they for real? http://www.griffinpark.org/forums/showthread.php?t=73997
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