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Everything posted by bigtonesfc
I got infractions for trying to put my side of the other story i cant mention.The Brighton forum was warned by the police for racial or whatever reason,so was what i was writing about as bad?If so surely the police would have given this forum a warning also!Or was it just that it didnt suit certain people?
Did the police tell you to infract me?
No,i read about on another forum,possibly Orients!So sorry,no alterior motives!
http://www.leytonorient2.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=222106 Just for you!
He was not a cold at all,why do ***ts comment on things that they havent seen,and go by other idiots who,like the Echo,would rather dramatise the story than get the facts!
The Holte in the early 80`s was one of the noisiest i`ve`ever been too!
Had a good time in The Bulldog Swindon.
http://apps.facebook.com/footballgrounds/ I have 55 to my name inluding 1 Europe
Happy days!
Thanks for speaking up for the majority then!I`ll be off!
EDL have attracted members of the BNP,who,like yourselves,have taken it all wrong!We dont encourage racism of any kind!Anyone who spouts their ****e is not welcome!
I wrote the original thread which obviously you didnt!
This will probably get deleted or closed by the powers to be on here but heyho!I am not an organiser of the EDL,im am not a racist,im not right wing or poliltically motivated in anyway!I am just one of many who do not understand why some people will tolerate our troops coming home to be abused by people living in this country.They are allowed to shout and support the killing of our own people,but thats ok,its their right! Show me any links with far right groups the EDL have,and i`ll be off,proved wrong.Some people will be suckered in to listening to unresearched,sensationalistic journalism such as the comic Echo rubbish yesterday,your choice!But alot of the people on this forum are shooting their mouths of confusing the EDL with BNP or NF,which also shows their own ignorance!
My mate told me the bookies have stopped taking bets on Strachan being sacked as Pompey manager!
Could you show me said Nazism on any of my posts?Ive explained my position,and wont repeat it too a lot of idiots who read something totally different to the words put in front of them!We are Non-racist,and have mixed race members amongst us!FACT!Probably wont suit certain people still riding their rather high horses though.Dont mind debating,but debate what you have been told,not what you think you been told!
I`m off too burn a mosque down then watch Saints win 3-0.......................................................just joking mods and admins!.......it`ll be 4-0.
I find it equally if not more insulting that i have to explain why im so angry with the scum who killed our lads,and have family waiting in our towns to abuse the men that fight to allow them to live here to carryon abusing them!But you carry on supporting them!I couldnt live with that on my conscience.
Or maybe they are so blinkered like yourself that ..and this is the last time i say it,they dont bother reading what the League is about and just assume its BNP/NF etc!I will not explain anymore,just go back to beginning of thread, it aint hard!
How come the "neutral" administrators and moderators on this forum are all off a sudden on the side of people who cheer when British soldiers are killed,and are opposed too people that dont like this?
Jeff,you are a total ****,i tried not to reply to w**kers like you because i have expressed my opinion once,dont need to repeat it to simpletons that cant be arsed to read my original statement.and go off on one about things that have never been mentioned!If you dont like this topic feck off to something that you do like!
Think some people cant be arsed to read anything on here and just assume its the BNP/NF under a different name .Its nothing like that!Read the links first!
Well this racist goes to football with an Indian mate and has a season ticket next to him,and i have mixed race nephews and nieces!
Well thanks for your time tonight........Oh!