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  1. Agree. Take the knee if you want, don't do it if you want, but I don't understand why people feel the need to boo it. But then your EDL reference is pretty to-the-point
  2. I think your sums is bad. If he has improved then maybe scores 1 in 6? 45 more will see him overtake Beckham.
  3. A win away! Up to 7th, apart from goal difference
  4. The big, big imponderable with any signing is whether he will fit in/the deal will work out. Something like 1/3 of signings just don't work for one reason or another - no fault, just doesn't work out. That is clearly not an issue here: he is a no-risk signing, and partly because of that a really good deal for the club
  5. Because other (thick? gullible? deluded?) people read his posts and think vaccines are all a hoax/control-thing/autism-causer or whatever. So kids get mumps, measles, rubella, polio, flu, covid (when/if there is a vaccine). It does cause harm.
  6. He obviously was a fantastic footballer, the best the club has ever had. Plus the rare 1-club. Equally obviously he is pretty thick and/or gullible. Some of the bollocks he spouts is painfully embarrassing. Sorry Matty, Covid-19 is very, very real, and its not Bill Gates/5G/Fauci/Five Bankers or whatever moronic conspiracy theory is the current flavour of the day. Just because Boris fucks it up it doesn't mean the virus goes away.
  7. In what possible way can you describe him as a "fraud"? He is not a politician. He is an academic. He is not a decision maker. He is an advisor. His expertise is hard-earned over the decades by proper, peer-reviewed research. He is an exopert in this area. Sure he was more than stupid to break flimsy "lockdown" rules. And hyporcritical. But in what way a "fraud"? Fraud and hypocrisy, I would think, by the right wing press running him and his affair as the headline, instead of UK now being the European leader in the covid death count. Much more of a concern than an academic having an affair
  8. I guess half an hour on the internet is what he calls "research"
  9. Just to comment on this, its not all about the risk to them, its the fact that you start with 1 or 2 infected, asymptomatic very fit young specimens, then a month later you turn out 500 very fit, young, asymptomatic/symptomatic specimens who then spread it around
  10. Yeah, that was my mate what wrote in on the interweb. He made it up. HTH
  11. Left?? WTF??? You are the one with the generalisations, wild slanderings and ****wittery comments.
  12. Well there's an upside to everything, then, it seems. He is the leader of the "herd immunity" strategy. It's a strategy, but one with a price that no doubt (and with regret, they will say) the tories are prepared for other people to pay. That plus the long-term treatment of the NHS brings a certain ironic whiff to the events. As I said, i do not want him to die, but a chance to reflect on his world view would not go astray.
  13. Well while I don't want Boris to die, I don't wish him an easy and speedy recovery, and Dominic Scummings a slower one. Maybe they will take this thing seriously after this?
  14. Wow. Well said. C u n t $ indeed
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