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Everything posted by whiteleySaint30

  1. If that is the case I'm sad to say Ralph will lose his patience soon.........
  2. Scouting for players to replace hojbjerg. Laughable bearing in mind we've known he's off for a minimum of 6 months.
  3. Arrogant I agree, but 2 of those you mention are injured. They potentially have 7 first teamers out so we should win but remember what happened at Palace when they had 8 out injured.........
  4. Out of interest- has anyone had their money back for Spurs yet? Bearing in mind they said refunds would be in batches i would have thought they may have processed some by now.
  5. I think the 'it's complicated and we are working on it'would be wearing a little thin on me by now
  6. Finally some sense, which means it won't happen.
  7. Its your bank account.....
  8. So, we won't be going back for 6 months according to Boris. Wonder if we have to wait for refunds (14 days after each gane)or if they will take a sensible approach and reimburse us now.
  9. Yep, less flexibility than was communicated when the tickets were sold. Now there's a surprise.......
  10. Yes please- would be happy with this
  11. So, who's had their email? Presume everyone will opt in......
  12. Anyone got any idea how many we have sold?
  13. So - I've renewed my season ticket. Just reading the small print it says a refund is granted if a game is played behind closed doors. What happens if a game is played with reduced capacity? Do I get a refund or will I get a code to watch on TV? I thought I would get a refund but starting to have doubts🤔 Any views?
  14. Why tomorrow? Whats happening
  15. Thread should be closed - whelk who started it clearly has no clue about football and should be banned......
  16. Well said👌
  17. How close🤔 Today close?
  18. Apparently its only a stopover on his way back to Germany.
  19. So, can anyone advise?
  20. How reliable is LeGod???????
  21. Whats this likely to mean🤔 Any significance?
  22. The embargoed section? What does that mean
  23. Been involved in 5 goals in his last 6 appearances with 2 goals and 3 assists. Nit the sign if someone who is tired.
  24. can you post a clip, would be a good one to share😆
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