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Everything posted by timayes

  1. timayes


    Both have wingers called Ryan Hall too!
  2. 21, We need a 45-50,000 seater stadium
  3. So this weekend could be his last!?!
  4. So in the same way we have been 'lucky' Shaw has turned out alright, we have also been unlucky that Gazza was not as good as was hoped, unlucky that Boruc had his mid-season 'issue', unlucky that Jose did his ankle against Chelsea, it goes on. Football is football, we, and every other team are about as lucky as they are unlucky, with results, with decisions and believe it or not with players, either coming through the ranks or bought. Is it even FACT that we did bid on Buttner?
  5. If it was a German type bar, are you sure you didn't swap it for a fetching pair of lederhosen?
  6. timayes

    McDermott gone

  7. 'Old Empire' is a particularly interesting new tipple for me, have to say at 5.7% I don't need many!
  8. I bet he didn't! Perv.
  9. England have been 'building for the future' for a long time now. I just want an England team which picks the best English players taking into account 'ACTUAL' form, rather than historical performances or future potential.
  10. That made me smile - I wish I knew an actual Arsenal fan I could say that too.
  11. Um, will this get me in trouble?
  12. Lol's at bear - funny.
  13. ^ and who are her famous parents?
  14. Princess Leia's daughter (with Ptincess Leia)
  15. I wish I could sit on my own, well away from the people who think its funny to shout out 'Bring Matty on....., ha,ha,ha did you hear the Geoff, I said bring Matty on...ha, ha ha' or people who think one misplaced pass makes someone sh!t, particularly when it's not Danny Fox who done the misplaced pass. I would like to sit next to Nicola for a match - not Markus' seat of course, that can remain Markus' forever more - but the other side. Hell, I'll even get him a half-time mini bottle of chianti.
  16. WWWWWWWW Even if I'm half right, i'll be well happy.
  17. The chip on his shoulder?
  18. How exciting, I've never been groomed before? Nasty business ref cheese on toast, lots of questions need answering for sure - have the local constabulary grilled him yet?
  19. Sorry - I wasn't aware regarding the Avatar requirements, I hope I have now put this right. I will have to do a research enquiry re the introduction threads - that sounds a bit g@y.
  20. Bloodsport, The Jizz Singer
  21. Also though, posters who don't read whole posts. If everybody posting agreed to read the entire post before posting, perhaps the people who have to go on and on about the same stuff might stop knowing that everyone reading had in fact read their post the first time!
  22. But do you know what I mean, some people just have to go over the same point over and over again just to try and prove themselves right. Does my nut in
  23. I like posters who have something to say - but only need the once to say it. Saying it many times does not make it correct, and makes the poster a bit of a tool as I see it.
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