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Everything posted by timayes

  1. Yeah, good one, you're not fooling anyone......
  2. timayes

    Howard Webb

    Echo what most have said, it seems miss/mrs massey is very popular, and rightfully so, she never seems to get it wrong. HW handled the game well enough, neither team gave him too many difficult decisions to make.
  3. 340 pounds - more like a wrestler!
  4. quote / point of the day.
  5. Yes, I do wonder at times.
  6. Old TigerFerry seems to have a massive chip though eh?
  7. Shaw and Clyne bombing up and down the wings, wth Gaston floating in and around a front three (Oz, Lallz and Lambz). Love it, Its almost a Nichol like 4-2-4. Goals, Goals, Goals!!!!
  8. Some of it is for sure, I wouldn't know who what's his face is, and certainly couldn't pick him out of a line up. Personally, I feel that the bureaucracy shown within Brussels is not disimilar to that shown by many government agencies within the UK, behind the scenes pen pushers deciding the fates of millions of frontline staff - be it teaching, health, armed forces to name but a few. This whole country needs a radical overhaul, i'd say from the top down - but let's face it, this is never going to happen. We need PROPER people doing PROPER jobs. I like a lot of what Farage comes out with, but I would fear the actual expertise in running a country will not be far different form the likes of Cameron et al. He is not quite a career politician, but a history of working in the city hints to me that there will unlikely be a thorough understanding of what it is like to live life as a common man.
  9. I had a feeling we would beat Liverpool, sadly that same feeling is not with me this weekend. I am full of pessimisticness, so if we can keep a clean sheet I think that would be awesome. Having said that, I also thought that Swansea would do a number on us, so WTFDIK? Cant predict it, which is why this season is already so great.
  10. Poch told him to play it up a bit and not get involved - sensible big club tactics.
  11. Absolutely this - much more pride in seeing home grown talent emerge, come on and excel compared to having bragging rights of having sold a really expensive left back, and replacing it with cheaper foreign 'talent' The longer Luke stays and wears our colours the better. Also what difference does it actually make to anyone here whether it s £15m or £30m, some people actually seem to think the club is their own business!!!!
  12. I think I can see what you are getting at, although I think Osvaldo has shown enough even without 'any decent service' to show that he is not 'a colossal waste of money'
  13. Fiona Phillips (now we are back in the prem).
  14. To answer the op. No. The amount of people crying is amazing, football is like that, even the bests layers and the best teams have off days. Judge over half a season, one bad game from three is pretty childish.
  15. I bet he has picked up a load of swearwords, if not from just from watching the kids, but their parents too, if my trips to fleming park at the weekend are anything to go by.
  16. They have been mugged right awwwwwwwff!
  17. you got mugged 'arry? WE GOT MUGGED YOU SKATE [uNT
  18. The bigger worry should be that the smallest bloke on the pitch was unchallenged and in all fairness, with blokes on the post or not should have (and did) bury that header. I can only put it down to early match confusion, who's picking up who where etc, but best get it out of the way now, shouldn't think it will happen quite so easy again this year (fingers crossed) TOORL.
  19. timayes

    Gaston Watch

    AL was the best I have seen him since PL promotion, thought he was unlucky to come off, but GR came on and did pretty good himself. Interesting dilemmas coming up for Mr Pochitino. WTFILN.
  20. timayes

    Lee Mason

    Not seen it myself, but my vie (from Chapel) it seemed tight, although I appreciate, I may as well have been sat in Debenhams to give an accurate thought - who has seen it on tv? Perhaps I'll go to the match thread, I'll see what is said there. COYR.
  21. His talent was there for all to see, I am not sure what some people were expecting, but bearing in mind last year we introduced SDR as a 2nd half sub, I am well pleased with the direction and ambition shown by SFC in the last 6/7/8 months. He will go on to be a legend of that I am sure, I just hope we continue to offer him what he needs to stay here. UTS.
  22. People turning left from the right hand lane (Esp on A36 /M27 Ower roundabout heading from Salisbury) Supermarket bread offers 80p for 1 or 2 for £1.00 - why should I not get a deal because I can keep my d!ck in my pants, only suits those with massive bread eating families Those cyclists riding on the road next to a designated cycleway/Pathway - going past the Ford factory for example Other than that, not a lot really.
  23. So how happy are we allowed to be at the progress we all personally believe the club is making? I understand of course that allowances need to be made so as not to upset those on here who just think that everyday they live brings them another day closer to dying! I for one think we can achieve something pretty good, we are putting ourselves in a great position to break into the top ten, maybe even top eight, there are plenty of so-called bigger clubs fans who would like to have made the signings we have I am sure - sources; http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/13-14/comment/talkingpoints/25431.html, and I am sure if I look hard enough Sunderland, WHU and newcastle fan sites may be singing the same tune. Cant look now, I've gotta watch the gunners get beat, and have my tea.
  24. Hope he picked a watch up in Duty Free
  25. There are more great players than there are great clubs, and as a top striker, if I could not get into a champions league club, I would HAVE to look at my options. In a world cup year, this HAS to be where I can play the most high profile games and make the most impact. And if that is an ambitious club on the up who is going to reward me handsomely, than happy days.no, they're not my first choice, but career wise, very possibly a great choice. Quelle sera sera.
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