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sun of spain

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Everything posted by sun of spain

  1. Unfortunately Leon can only sit and watch in despair,there's very little he can do at the moment even if he wanted to.No one is going to ride in on a white charger and save our club,the financial meltdown has seen to that.Rupert knows that only too well,so we are stuck with Lowe and Wilde for the foreseeable future. As for Leon joining forces with Wilde again,that surely a non-starter after what has gone before ? Leon can really only sit and wait along with the rest of us Saint's supporters, and see where the remainder of this season takes us ?
  2. Does anyone actually read the Echo these days,I thought their readers were in single figures ! No one takes what they write seriously do they,their credibility was destroyed with the past fun and games they got up to.They are an irrelevance,though the Echo would do well to side with the true Saints fans rather than the donkeys that are running the club at the moment.A good local paper would be delving below the surface and asking where things had gone wrong,the Echo does none of that.
  3. If he chooses that badly run penniless shower over us,he needs to be certified !! ..............Oops I think I got a little bit mixed up
  4. "Please welcome onto the pitch,our record ten million pound signing " "Rupert Lowe will be sitting in the Northam stand for the game,with the ordinary Saints supporters he so adores" "We apologise for another loss and the poor quality football,refunds are available from the ticket office on your way out"
  5. Sadly Saints supporters are like the condemned man,we are resigned to our fate !! The lifeblood has been sucked out of our club month by month,and still the miss-management continues.How much more must we be asked to put up with,this once proud club seems to be dying right in front of our eyes.It comes to something when lifelong supporters show indifference to what is happening,I guess that says it all really.Most true supporters are heartily sick with the way our club has been run into the ground,and sadly it appears that we are in for yet more pain in the future.
  6. Jan Veronica Portvliett,or that's what she used to be called before the operation
  7. Here there's a book on the way soon from JP,"How to operate a crèche and a football team" !!!
  8. You do,if you've got a freezer
  9. Surely after all the non events as regards a so called takeover,it's time to draw a line under the whole thing.People should be 110% certain that the facts are correct,before even attempting to open their mouths on the subject.Nick Illingworth should know better than to spout off in public about this,as nothing seems to have happened all he's done is lay himself open to ridicule ! Most of us have had enough of the attention seekers and those wishing to massage their ego's,which in most of these takeover stories has blindingly been the case.If a takeover happens so be it (and hopefully it will please us all ?),but let's not keep talking about it till the cows come home. My message to the takeover story merchant's is this :Keep your mouths shut until you can stake your life that the information is true.
  10. For all that Rednapp might be and the questionable way he conducts himself,death is certainly not something that should be wished upon him.This is football and HR's career we are talking about,it's bang out of order to wish death on anyone (especially on a football forum).
  11. Can't understand how he's thought so highly of in the football world,guess he sends a bottle of something to his so called friends every Christmas.The guy has a track record of spending large sums of money on some good (and many bad) players,and the alleged (by some) back-hander financial question never seems to go away ? I'd hate to think what the guy has spent on transfer dealings through his management career,probably enough to bail out the banks in this world financial crisis. He totally lost the plot with Saints,his tactics/team selections/substitutions were a joke at times.He gave me the feeling that the guy had just given up and lost all interest,presumably he was looking for a way out sometime before we got relegated ? Lowe might be a nightmare to work with,but HR let us down badly and his abject failings were obvious.A great guy to have a few drinks with perhaps,a great manager NO WAY!
  12. Very sad news,a true Saints fan. Rest in peace Bob,and cheer the boys on from up above.
  13. All just total bull...t and spin by the OS,are they using the Labour Party's Spin Doctors to pull the wool over our eyes ?
  14. The only impact he will make is when he runs into the fullback,or hits the corner flag !!
  15. But then Poopy went and won,so not 100% good !
  16. What's that blue thing round Rupert's neck,is he on a lead ? :confused:
  17. As the Sky chap said,he couldn't understand how Perry was left on the bench ? Our defence looked creaky at every QPR attack ,surely an experienced head (Perry) might have steadied things ? Dyer was dire,and McGoldrick didn't seem to have a clue !! Sadly the manager doesn't seem to have a plan B,when things are going wrong. A bad day at the office,and a hard season ahead ?
  18. So that's why we lost,I can tell my mates it was the fault of the pitch ! I don't feel so deflated now,it sounds a plausible excuse to me ?
  19. Our young Lions did us proud again,now we need all the stay away fans to come back and fill up St Marys. Forget the politics and other side issues,these youngsters need every bit of support our fans can muster. COYR
  20. And therapy for supporting PORTSMOUTH of course
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