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sun of spain

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Everything posted by sun of spain

  1. The Norwich game was the 28th,a 1-0 away win courtesy of Leon Best.
  2. Sadly on this day 6 years ago,one of the all time greats sadly passed away. A great footballer for club and country,and a Manager who inspired his players with desire and passion. A true Saint,never to be forgotten.
  3. Only just heard the sad news of Marcus's death,as I'm abroad.Must confess that it just left me stunned and so so sad,even though I had never met the man. A real gentleman who lived his life and ran his businesses the decent way,and above all a true Saints fan. Thank you Marcus for all that you have done for us,you will live long in our memory. R I P
  4. That "Blue Victim" character is a wheeze ! First they post about morally winning anyway despite any Court verdict, and then they open up a can of worms questioning the validity of the CVA and parachute payments paid early. One of ours perhaps ?
  5. Keep an eye out for a program on one of the main TV channels,all about the Pompey financial fiasco etc.Should be on a week or so before the Cup Final,and will hopefully lift the lid a bit more on what has been going on. :-({|=
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Sylvia Saint View Post AA's response.... AA's Response: "I am disappointed with the contents of your email. I will be in Portsmouth during thursday to saturday if you want to meet I will be pleased to correct you on the contents of your email and set the record straight. I take offence to your comment that we need to up our game. I do not accept anything you have said as constructive. Quite clearly the meetings with your various Group's have become counter productive. They were offered in good faith to create a dialogue between the supporters of the Club and the Administration team. In light of your current email and that the information you are taking away from the meetings is so far away from the mark, we are going to have to reconsider the necessity of any future meetings. And so we seem to have a re-run,of what happened with AA at Swindon.:roll: As soon as the fans there started asking difficult questions,he cut them loose and refused to talk to them. The guy is playing a dangerous game,all eyes will certainly be on him.:-({|=
  7. Have they finally got it,an extract from one of their forums ? Seems there's one or two clued up skates out there,the reasonable voice of Pompey is finally being heard. Quote : "We can't play in Europe because we didn't bother to fill out the paperwork. We have no-one to blame but the management of the club. No one else is responsible. Added to that we are not even eligible to play as we are in Administration... And once again, the Europa League is a loss leader as far as the club is concerned, you won't make any money out of it as a club unless you get to the final stages. Before then you're going to be spunking cash away.... Any anyway, us being in Europe would make a complete mockery of the spirit of the competition... it's not like we've legitimately got to the FA cup final is it? We've essentially cheated our way there, paying a half a million pound loan fee for instance for O'Hara whilst flicking the bird at Cancer charities... fcking despicable."
  8. Interesting bit on a Pompey forum,about the possibility of being thrown out of the FA Cup. Not sure if it could happen,but surely rules are rules ! :confused: The rules say that we could be chucked out of the Cup ... I think there's been a post on this before, my apologies if I am repeating it, but here is chapter and verse: (f) If any Club when applying to enter the Competition, or at any time during the course of the competition becomes subject to any of the following insolvency events: (i) a manager, receiver or administrative receiver appointed in respect of that Club or any part of its undertaking or assets; (ii) an administration order made in respect of that Club; (iii) a winding up order made in respect of that Club; or (iv) entering into any arrangement with its creditors or some part of them in respect of the payment of its debts or part of them as a company voluntary arrangement under the Insolvency Act 1986 or Scheme of Arrangement under the Companies Act 1985. Pompey obviously fall foul of part ii - what action the Professional Board takes though is the question. It seems unlikely, only 2 days before the next round, but there it is.
  9. What do you mean no one has seen the new arab owner,he's over there in the shadows.
  10. And would it be wrong,if it found its way to the BBC ?
  11. Wee Gordon of course,at least his teams are fit and play with some passion. Oh and the after match interviews,are entertaining in themselves.
  12. Surely he must have been confused,where he was ? He was probably asked to come to SM by our new owner,but got the letters round the wrong way ?
  13. Swiss on a roll before pulling out,which takes the cake. Swiss say "It's a slalom not a race" Swiss tabletheirown (get it) lower bid,which cheeses off Fry. Swiss do demolition job on other consortium's,with ball and crane. Saints will be yodelling all the way to the bank,if Swiss deal comes off.
  14. He probably is,but he's still being paid an even bigger wedge of money the longer this drags on. Debt collectors and Administrators,are the only people making money these days. What a weird world we live in ,when the vultures get paid handsomely for picking over the bones of unfortunate individuals and businesses ! :mad:
  15. The man is a legend,and nothing that happens with this ongoing takeover saga will change that. I trust him so much I'd lend him my last 25 million......oops what have I just said !!
  16. Thats it then..... we've formed the waggons into a circle,and the Injuns are attacking us from all sides.....as each hour passes our ammo is running out.....will it be the expected massacre or will the cavalry ride in at the last minute to save us ? Sorry to be so melodramatic,I think this is about where we are at ?
  17. A post dated " MLT OUT",for when (or if ) he becomes Chairman. There I'm the first,so there :smt118
  18. Better be quick,the Indians are circling the wagons FFS ! :mad:
  19. Pompey are as bad as that other despised mob......... THE FLAMING FOOTBALL LEAGUE !
  20. A case of the Football League saying "let's teach them a lesson",and now realising perhaps that the decision was flawed ? It's blackmail any way you look at it by the Football League,why should the fundamental right of appeal be signed away in order to get a licence.Tony is right when he says,"how confident are the people who made that decision that it was the correct decision in the first place".
  21. Please god we get the good news we've craved for,after what has seemed to be an eternity. I think it will be the finish of me if this all goes t.ts up,I'm a gibbering wreck as it is. Here I sit verging on total breakdown,my hair has fallen out,I've got a nervous twitch,the empty whisky bottles are piled a mile high in our front room,my appetite has disappeared,I'm irritable and can't sleep,and her indoors is threatening me with divorce as she thinks I'm having an affair after not showing her any attention (it's genuine I have got a constant headache for christ sake) . Can it really get any worse than that,oh lord please please please give us some good news ! Not much to ask,is it ?
  22. What ! This is no time for you to be joking,most of us hang on your every word (and are verging on mental breakdowns with the stress of all this).
  23. An ALIEN Someone not of this planet,who hasn't a clue about all the past mess and grief we've all put up with ! We know they're out there,perhaps this is the time they decide to show themselves (smiley thingy).
  24. She is going through a messy divorce at the moment,from some Aussi guy.
  25. All sounds pretty positive,let's just hope our dark days are gone and the good times return ? Thank you for taking the trouble to reply Mr Lynam,and for all the hard work you and your team have put in.Now you just need to firm things up in the next few weeks,Saints fans worldwide are depending on you.
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