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Kingsland Nick

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Everything posted by Kingsland Nick

  1. From a rugby forum, posted this evening so it could perhaps be a general problem at Zebra rather than with fans' credit records
  2. http://www.inbrief.co.uk/media-law/media-identification-of-suspects.htm
  3. How is a player who doesn't celebrate a goal showing respect? It gives the impression that we are too insignificant for him to care that he has scored against us.
  4. Has the share been transferred yet? Will it be transferred this season?
  5. Will they pass the fit and proper persons test?
  6. Sweden will drop down the rankings http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/news/football-swedish-match-abandoned-player-hit-object-190254879.html
  7. Strewth
  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/15/world/americas/pope-francis-fan-of-saints-on-soccer-field-and-off.html?ref=europe&_r=0
  9. From Amazon:
  10. ''We are not just talking about pressure on services from immigration but also, and I have to say it, the crime associated with Romanians."
  11. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11661/8495252/
  12. Three golds so far for Emil Hegle Svendsen in the Biathlon World Championships http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZv2DUV2sCw
  13. GB will probably not qualify, after losing 6-2 to Latvia http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/ice-hockey/21377287
  14. The meat content of some beef lasagne products recalled by Findus was up to 100% horsemeat, the Food Standards Agency has said. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21375594 Welcome to the home of Findus For over 50 years, Findus has stood as one of Britain's best loved names in food. Using only the best ingredients and a generous pinch of imagination in our recipes, we'll help you prepare great tasting and effortlessly good food straight from your freezer. http://www.findus.co.uk/
  15. Penalty scored by Lampard at Stoke, denying Walters the chance to go for a hat-trick.
  16. On closer reading of the thread, that post linked somebody else to it
  17. 15 November
  18. A bit late - a post linking him to the Savile scandal has been on this forum since 15 October.
  19. Do UEFA Under 21 games count?
  20. TEAM OF THE YEAR For the team in an individual sport or sporting discipline that has achieved the most notable performance in the calendar year to date. The team should have significant UK interest or involvement. For the avoidance of doubt this criteria excludes Team GB/Paralympics GB but includes the likes of British Cycling, Rowing Coxless Four and the European Ryder Cup team. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/sports-personality/19997397
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