To paraphrase a great man, we love the bones of Nigel Adkins. Good luck to him, I'm sure he will get another job as soon as he wants one and hope he is back at St Marys soon so we can give him our thanks.
In Guillem Balague's tweets he referred to two people about to get a "superjob". Any speculation as to the other person? The director of football from Espanyol was also linked.
Think we should make the most of a TV game to show everyone watching what we thought of Nigel, 90mins of singing his name. After that though we have to get behind the team and the new manager or the negativity could end up with bad results and potentially relegation.
Absolutely huge result!! Thought Boruc and Hooiveld were superb after coming in for some criticism recently. Shaw was magnificent and I would be gutted if he was out for a long period, that boy's going to the very top.
Tomasz Hajto and Jordan Robertson are my favourite saints of the wilderness years that have killed people (possible new thread?). My favourite player with little impact has to be Oscar Gobern, Preston away, one of those "I was there" moments.
Abdul Majeed Waris looks like he has potential, young quick striker from Ghana who scored 5 for Hacken in the top division in sweden today. HCDAJFU in my opinion.
Connolly-ly-ly scores in the league and in the cup
Connolly-ly-ly if he keeps scoring we'll go up
Connolly-ly-ly we all want him in our side
Connolly-ly-ly he hates the pr1cks who sing he died
For Forte I was thinking something along the lines of:
Give Forte the ball and he, will run
Jon Forte has scored and the, Saints won
To the tune of I Fought the Law by The Clash.
As much as it kills me to remember, I believe it was:
Shalalalalalalala Clap clap
Shalalalalalalala Clap clap
Shalalalalalalala Clap clap
And the saints are going down.
Saints could easily be swapped for skates tbh.