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Everything posted by bolo

  1. I have only posted 8 times. BUt must have contributed around 999000 views! ;-)
  2. Also in the previous year we had shaved off close to 2mil off our overdraft by playing the kids. All i see with Pompey is that they kept spending what they didn't have.... CHEATS!!!!
  3. There you go, showing no remorse at all.... Plus this is the second time you will have shafted local companies in the past 10 years....
  4. I honestly would have had some sympathy, even for pompey, if it wasn't for the fact that the club have basically carried on cheating and spending money they didn't have when it was blatantly obvious. Add that to the fact that most of your fans and your stupid manager seem to blame everyone else (the fa, the pl, refs, me etc) and i hope you will forgive me if i don't have much sympathy. The year before we went into admin we at least tried to reduce the debt. WE reduced our overdraft by 2 mil and barclays put us into admin over 40K!!!!!! bloody rediculous your club hasn't been put out of its misery yet.
  5. err what about football related debts? Its not as if they are gonna vote in the CVA!
  6. 34.2 / (138 - 14 (secured loans) - 22 (player sales + wages) =102) = 33.5% Put that in your pipe and smoke it....
  7. + secured debt + football related items isn't it?
  8. are there not extra penalties for clubs going into admin twice? I seem to remember Luton being hit for more because of being in admin more than once....
  9. when antti set up svensson?
  10. Scott you bar steward none of the smut was intended!!! Although i do like a white russian now and then! ;-)
  11. Sorry can't make it, Kerry Katona has put paid to that!!!
  12. Right i have money on Huddersfield to win on Friday, so you know what is gonna happen!
  13. Its not that bad... Been doing it twice a year with virgin in recent years. Over russia you can get a little but nothing too taxing. Depends what you define as bad!
  14. Anyone get it on YOu Tube again for us ex pat non-proper fans?
  15. I'm in HK at the moment... anyone want to set up?
  16. I only got 10 out of 11. My excuse is i was out of the country during the match!
  17. hmm looks like just you and me. Can you bring the ball, i couldn't fit 1 in on the plane over to Blighty....
  18. bolo

    Papa Waigo

    Err Lallana's goal came from a long throw in....
  19. Right i know you are all religious bar stewards, but is there going to be football going on at Fleming Park this Sunday?
  20. sorry i am not worthy, being a born and bred sotonian!
  21. Flying over from HK tonight... I leave the country and we make a final. Sods Law!!!
  22. Can someone give me some travel advice... Hong Kong to Wembley please!!!
  23. Yes i got a ticket!!!!! get the **** in!!!!
  24. I reckon the top 4 is just the a table based on matches between the top 4. Chelsea have beaten arsenal twice, liverpool once and man u once. and so lead that table.
  25. does anyone know why pompey went into admin the first time around (pre mandaric)? did it involve taxes?
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