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Big John

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Everything posted by Big John

  1. Love Kamil Kosovski. Had his picture on my office wall at one time.
  2. Big John


    My other half is quite well known in local government and he showed me a leaked memo tonight. All transport services in Hampshire are to be sold off to the highest bidder. Hopefully most contracts will go to the current service provider because the private sector could never do the job nearly as cost effectively but also on reliability. Transport is the single most important part of everyone's lives. Imagine if you were isolated socially and that community bus doesn't turn up because you live outside the radar because it costs too much to run that route. I have the memo in my hand, if anyone wants any more details of it's contents then please ask. BJ
  3. Our's and America's government will be **** scared when he gets deposed. We would be stuffed in the Middle East without their politicians 'support'. Tomorrow is the day that the people of Egypt claim their country. Expect the army to step aside and let them through to the presidential palace. This has been hinted at on Tv tonight. The World is watching.
  4. and there was of course the suggestion on here a while ago that suggested that Fry asked Markus for a 'bonus'. Markus apparently told him that if ever he repeated the request he would report him to the police. all alleged of course.
  5. danny wallace
  6. /\ bad moon rising i think
  7. any news on the wembley debacle?
  8. My friend told me today how he had found someone tied to the railway lines near Ford's whilst walking his dog. He took them home and cleaned them up, one thing led to another and he had sex with them in every conceivable position, he is gay and pretty hedonistic by the way. I asked if he'd managed to get a blow job as I know that he absolutle y loves oral sex, "nope" he said, despondently..."I didn't find the head" Vote BJ
  9. I shall play your silly little game, count me in.
  10. he ended up in the cells charged with possesion.
  11. Don;t you just love 'mates' who want to go to tghe footie with you one week and the next it's Carlisle and they're busy doing diddly squat. A friend in need (of a Man U ticket) is a friend indeed eh.. Still ....
  12. I would be surprised if the 'kids go free' will apply tbh, it may not be sold as the 1885 package. Even our poor disabled supporters may have to pay for their carers but again I am not saying that that is a bad thing as the enabler receives the full hospitality too, maybe a concession but not a freebie would be palatable (pun intended). Anyway, I have probably been led up the garden path and they'll do it for a knock down £125 to prove that nothing is fact until it's on the official site....what do I know..
  13. I am not complaining one little bit. i went on staurday and had a whale of a time, the win (although predicted by some) really was the icing on the cake. Compared tp the Man U game I think the £57.57 we paid was a bargain. Not sure I quite agree with the inverted snobbery against those who can afford it though, that's is the good thing with wealthy people...they don't necesarily appreciate the money and hence splash it about for Joe Soap to have a few crumbs. It's not healthy my friend to envy anyone having anything, it really isn't. Be content with what you have, waking up in the morning is priceless and one day we won't. NB Hope this doesn;t read as up my self, it's honestly not meant in that way.
  14. Can you describe yourself, I would normally have had a red and white stripey top on but due to the restrictions (boo hiss) I had to wear as collared shirt, slacks and shoes. In fact i think oi looked quite dashing.
  15. Big John

    Billy Bragg

    that capital 'S' makes a world of difference though.
  16. i'd be guessing whitey g. what's the usual KO times when they have 2 games showing, it's been a long time since I've watched live footy on a saturday apart from live live.
  17. I understand what you are trying to say swanny, you've just got your estimation a bit wrong, I think they work in financial cost vs. loss of life, including in that cost legal, disruption and repairs and consequential alterations which they try to avoid by getting it right beforehand. you're being bullied and people trying to make cheap points.
  18. /\ horses mouth. ;-) Wonlt be confirmed on the OS as the club have still to agree what time they will televise it. Tallks today. btw, it will be a saturday as both us and Man U have Tuesday games the following week and moving both would cause too many issues for fans (tickets already sold), United away to Villa on the Tuesday then away to Wolves on the saturday, they will want to prepare for both even if they play a second string against us.
  19. /\ imho Kenny knows a decent youngster worth a punt and he watched him from the Itchen twice over Christmas. I doubt he is really in the habit of watching Div 3 football just cos he is in the area visting friends as was reported. He certainly wasn't here to watch Puncheon or Adam.
  20. I hav eit on fairly good authority that the club do not want a repeat of the situation whereby Man U fans are mixed in with the home supporters. It is againts thier policy. I expect every ticket sold to be to people on the database and not risk anyone having a +1 to sell on a profit. It will be bad enough to stpmach having them crowd out the corporate areas, hence the price hike in that area.
  21. Big John

    Billy Bragg

    It'll be a lot easier with Cameron's new employment laws to make it legal to sack your footman after 24 months rather than the current 12. On one of your other points; no-one in their right mnd would take a backward step so it's a moot point, what we are talking about is how a socialist prefers to move forward ie not at the cost of your peers but with them at your side (sort of).
  22. Liverpool (and moreso King Kenny) need to make an impact signing atm and imho could nurture Alex perfectly. Arsena want him whereas teh Liverpool board feel that they need him. Also, Arsenal might consider a gentleman's agreement to let him go post-promotion which would suit Nicola's modus operandi but Liverpool love their super subs so my money is on him going after Oldham or perhaps Notts County, once the ink has dried.
  23. Won't be the same for the MU match GM, give it another go mate. It's £150 across the board for that one and I do not personally have an issue with it though as it is advertised as a family event. btw I really hope that they wheel out Nick Holmes and Peter Rodrigues again for that one as Man U fans in my experience tak eexception to being reminded how they bricked it that glorious day. fwiw, I thought that it was pretty ace to see all the nippers having their piccies taken by their dad's with their idols, a moment to treasure. there were also quite afew empty seats about in the centre section so not a real problem in that respect.
  24. Superhero, you're havin a laugh.
  25. £30 a ticket = fair £20 concessions = fair 1885 Club - one hundred and fifty ****ing quid (plus VAT I understand)! Carlsberg don't do profiteering but if they did ....
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