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Big John

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Everything posted by Big John

  1. You sure about that, mush?
  2. Jason Donovan - Ten Good Reasons
  3. would people be surprised to discover that there was a meeting (at least one) between the three of them last year i wonder. i dont think they are gangsters btw
  4. "4. Teaching Maths In 2000 A timber merchant sells a lorry load of timber for £100. His cost of production is £80 and his profit is £20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20." extra point for making it bold?
  5. hamster have you considered ****ing off away from this city that you so dislike you and your ilk may be part of the problem
  6. I recall seeing Mike Osman at the gaumont doing a q and a with channon n ball iirc. He asked if there were any ugly women in the audience. no response so he said I know Southampton has ugly women, I married one of them. classy guy.
  7. I think it's fairly obvious to most sentient beings that norwaysaint wasn't advocating you give full refunds to everyone, he was just using it as an example of how good businesses deal with complaints about a failing product. That you make this the main thrust of your reply detracts from your half-baked excuse for the lack of empathy and plain rudeness often displayed by yourself and stevegrant when faced with constructive criticism.
  8. i know, ..........and his nipper would be.................. c anenome see what i did there?
  9. i used to enjoy (actually enjoy) listeneing to him on the 'moral maze' on radio foir. he has, in my opinion, promoted himself to the echelons of genuine social spokesman of this generation. he is an ass. perhaps due to his vocal tone being very 'bbc' he is viewed as a knowledgeable, wise man. he is not, he is merely a voice of the typical outraged englishman [psic]. i read a quote once that said that there is nought so amusing as an outraged englishman [sic] and how right that is, he is funny...but not in an amusing way. he peddles his soundbites and lives off of his faux working class boy done good status which his parents would abhor, i bet they are turning in their graves, his mum a cotton weaver, his dad an engineer. ahut up atarkey, shut up and let someone else who knows what they are talking about speak. ggggrrrrr.... take away this racist man's credentials and
  10. 1st 5th '76 Ian TERNer Peter CODrigues Dave PERCH NicolASS Holmes MelFIN Blyth Jim StEELe Paul GilCRUSTACAE PIKE Channon Peter OSTRICHgood Jim McCalliDOG Bobby STOATS Sub Hugh (The KING)FISHER Manager Lawrie McANENOME (sp) Well, I think it's safe to say that the thread can now be closed and a winner (me, of course) declared the outright winner. PS Glenn CODdle
  11. live and let die these people are getting their bins emptied and sewage flushed at taxpayers expense which makes them worse than pikey gypo thieving bastard travellers, no? and free schooling and prescription glasses and baby milk and loads of other stuff.
  12. What is it about gypsy folk that some seem so jealous of, do they make you feel weak and impotent and unable to say a big f you to this so called civilised system that us pure and innocents subscribe to?
  13. 50% of the travelling cOmmunity being female and those naughty ones referred to being all male, makes me question peoPles maths before I even consider them intelligent enough to have a valid point on racism worth entering into dialogue with. Thick as sh it.
  14. when saints played werder bremen i was sat in front of a couple of chaps who boo'ed alex oc whenever he touched the ball, interspersed with a few f's and b's for good measure. it reminded me of how some treated puncheon, very strange. actually i wonder how young alex would react to being dropped for a newcomer? maybe he too would throw a tantrum. puncheon is a very good player who iperhaps would benefit from having a more talented team around him. i also think that it is due to his abilities that he has stood out whilst others in the team have been happy to stand aside to see him fail rahter than get in positions where they could have helped.
  15. best way to get over a man is to get under one
  16. article on the official site about the new saints disabled supporters association or sdsa. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2401029,00.html "The SDSA will be in the Dell Café at St Mary's Stadium on Friday 29th July 2011 from 4pm - 6.30pm which precedes the Annual General Meeting commencing at 7pm. " it would appear that the club are supporting them which is brilliant. good luck to all involved well done. one thing i notice at some away games is that the people in wheelchairs have to use their own minibus, im not sure of the reasons but i personally would rather be on a coach with my mates rather than have to be segregated.
  17. i tried anne summers rabbit once and knocked two teeth out
  18. I think you've invented this situation in order to justify your use of the n-word.
  19. Funkadelic - One Nation Under A Groove
  20. Parliament - Osmium
  21. This forum is becoming an absolute joke.
  22. Erasure - Ship Of Fools The Communards - Red Bronski Beat - The Age of Consent
  23. spanking
  24. massive LOL.. far too many lol bits to highlight....read on... Waste and Recycling Manager - 134482 Waste and Fleet Transport Grade 12 £37,862 - £47,636 Permanent 37 hours per week This high profile and hugely challenging role seeks to build on the success of our multi-award winning services. Working with an enthusiastic team, committed to delivering first class waste and recycling services to every one of our customers, you will be responsible for managing the city’s waste services and our ambitious service transformation agenda. An experienced practitioner, you’ll combine successful senior-level experience with inspirational leadership skills across a diverse mix of teams. Your proven financial management skills, complemented with exceptional communication and negotiating skills will ensure that our customers are at the heart of everything we do. Finally, your well developed sense of fun, natural enthusiasm, and a ‘one team’ ethos will make you a ‘natural’ for the role. Contact details for information discussion: Informal enquiries are welcomed by Andrew Trayer (Head of Waste and Fleet Transport) on 023 8083 4334 or email: andrew.trayer@southampton.gov.uk Closing Date: 22 Jul 2011
  25. greer has brought a whole new meaning to the 'british troops should pull out' campaign
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