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Big John

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Everything posted by Big John

  1. Precisely. You ain't talking about us Barry, get your facts right. Anyway, I am reliably informed that certain match results in snooker aren't necesarily what they may at first appear - to your average punter.
  2. Big John

    The Saint

    This why we should resurect it, it is an excellent vehicle to promote upcoming games and snippets of info to supporters. I belieive that we NEED this station to let people know whats going on, it's going to get really exciting next season and this opportunity must not be missed. Local companies will be queeuing up to advertise once the revolution starts. Let's not become a backward thinking club ever again, it was and should still be an assett to our club. Jeez, even the official website has been sold on the cheap. Whatever you say, the OS is a good website and again we are entering a period of our history where we need as much control of the information technology as possible, let's not become another clone club who 'fit in' with what the FL decision makers want, they are a bunch of arseholes that have just taaken 10 points of us, they didn't need to do that the bastards. Let's NOT toe the line, I say. Let's go it alone. The Saint radio station will add many hundreds to the gates imho.
  3. Please do not misunderstand why I ask this, but what is the bckground to the assault. Is he a decent young lad? If so, I expect he is just another victim of the scum that walk our streets, I hope he is okay. Can this decline in decency be reversed? I worry, I really do.
  4. How many would you predict out of the 3-4,000 ST holders PL? Sheikh yamoni do't cate about you lot, he wants to **** up the premier league, and he will destroy your clubs heart if you lot ain't careful Come and join us in the Championship next year. ******** to the big boys, it's fun down here.
  5. That is though.
  6. I went to my first ever cricket match last year, it was Hants versus Kent. Agroup of about 15 blokes asked if I would look after their CASES of beer in my car as they would not them take it in. Inside the ground they proceeded to get ****ed really quickly and spoilt the match for anyone in 'shouting at' distance. A right bunch of *****s (pardon my language). It became apparent that they were all Pompey fans and were having a stag do. AT THE CRICKET FFS. Idiots! See above. ****heads should be dealt with appropriately, and everyone else should have been enjoying a lovely afternon in the sun. But there isn't much profit in that is there. They just want money, money, money and they do not care about that the problem with alcohol is nothing to do with price, it is who you sell it to. Some misfits in todays society are nothing more than ignorant selfish effluent from the Thatcher years. This nanny state is so against the rights of decent law abiding citizens (that is what they want us to be). OUR rights count for absolutely sod all, government after government have made it worse, and WE are paying the price. REFUSE to vote at the local elections, they are all arseholes.
  7. Ford in Bridge. Maybe Claus was driving it!
  8. Youch I couldn't even begin to watch any others, I felt that, i can tell you.
  9. These children are - if we are honest - simply playing out their parents (usually mothers) failed childhood dreams. Similar to the lads who are the next Georgie Best fo their Dads. They are plainly being damaged or as some may say 'toughened up' ready for life's knocks, but I do wonder why anyone would put their children through such an ordeal. In the school that I went to the other kids would be chomping at the bit on Monday morning waiting to rip into them.
  10. Ali Dia
  11. Big John

    The Saint

    Could the club broadcast through SWF? That WOULD be good PR and if only available to Full members would go some way to reaying the mods and owners for their relentless support in troubled times.
  12. Big John

    The Saint

    The Saint won awards and plaudits for increased listener numbers. If as Colinjb suggests, it can be run on neutral costs then I think it should be ran up the flag pole to see if anyone salutes it. Imagine the figures (and ad revenue) fior a Friday night exclusive phone in with Matt and the new owner and manager? Not wishing to be disresectful but maybe they needed a change to the ad team's focus. I would like to ask also, if anyone knows what is happening re. the Radio Hampshire local heroes awards? I think they were to be held at the Concorde Club, if the bokings still active, maybe the new owners could take over the reins of that one as a gesture of intenet regarding making us as community club again.
  13. Does it follow then, that people have been known to look at you and their teeth have fallen out as a result?
  14. Top top bloke he is.
  15. Big John

    Susan Boyle

    They all had ears you fool! OBS asked you a sensible question, at least have the decency to answer it.
  16. I like the song but have to ask what the thinking was behind going all Celtic, was it done with the cancelled Rod Stewart gig in mind? Is it just for download as kind of campaign anthem or are you selling it mail order and in local shops? Two small criticism (constructive, and hope you don't take this the wrong way), the youtube video really does need some work, and the line about going "..I go down to Chapel End", would sound better " I go up the Northam End" as that is the part of the stadium that is renowned for their singing after all. The Chapel is, if we are honest, a wee bit quiet except when there is a 'kids for a quid' offer. By the way, who wrote it Lee? The production sounds absolutely top drawer lads, and at the concert should be a massive hit, just make sure the lyrics are in the programme for all to join in.
  17. West Quay Robbing Centre represents to me everything that is bad in today's money driven, prozac addicted society. I have been there once and that was because I was told the view was nice from the top. Now I understand that the view is dominated by that other modern day church for the poor deluded people called IKEA. For that reason I am out. Not "out" in a gay way, although if I were gay I still would not attend. Why not do it in Primark, or would people rather give free advertising to the Western worlds wealthy rather than the sweatshops of Asia?
  18. Certainly not wishing to disuade anyone from supporting the SOS/SaintsAid concert, but it does clash with their event, but if you can't do StMary's you might want to consider this fantastic deal. Here & Now concert Wembley Arena Sat 23rd May 2009. Buy 1 ticket @ £12.50 and quote discount code "BREAKING GLASS" recive 3 extra tickets. http://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/event/22004148CF87B45A?did=ukwemhanoffer&camefrom=CFC_UK_BUYAT_hotukdeals_beatthetouts Acts performing: Rick Astley Kim Wilde Howard Jones Kid Creole & The Coconuts Altered Images Brother Beyond Hazel O Connor There's appparently a Nottingham gig for which you just quote "ASTLEY" for the deal.
  19. Not sure about deserving charity Hatch, but as an elderly person, she shouldn't need to ask in the first place. Maybe she is lucky that she is a kind of celebrity, but as I say, there are thousands more out there struggling to make ends meet and literally freezing to death in their own homes,as the option is to hand it all over ato this corrupt government. Maybe we all need to have a good ling hard look at ourselves and start thinking of others less fortunate than ourselves a bit more. Not aimed at you Hatch, just a further rant at the system.
  20. Nice way to help out and raise awareness of her situation. I note that the individual who bought her mementoes a while back, (clothes and letters) actuially gave them back to her after the purchase, very very well done to whoever that was. This story does though highlight the plight that many thousands of our elderly and disabled face when they have to sell everything to pay for care that some get for free, a discgrace in my opinion. Why should Milvina need this sort of financial help is beyond me, and highlights even more the corrupt detached world of politicians who dont' care about the decent honest people who can't speak out. As for the £20k, no, it won't last long at all. I recently had cause to visit the extremely nice Sunrise at Bassett Care Home, it is beautifully furnished, well staffed home, with a person centred focus on the individuals needs and wishes. The cost? just shy of £1,100 per week! Ther's money in old age, but certainly not in being old aged.
  21. Done Thank you Hatch
  22. Are there any up and coming lads in the far east that could sell a few shirts and get us decent TV rights deal? I know we aren't ManU but English football is massive over there and League 1 must be getting fairly close to their level.
  23. How much and with what incentive could we prise Reidy from Thailand? Although, I grant you that he is not doing too well out there, it must be a nice lifestyle and you would need some pretty good in-between men to pull it off. Another plus is that I am pretty sure that his brother is an agent. Where's that list of registered football agents?
  24. To be honest, they could have used the Native American Indian, or the Aborigine model as an example of how an indiginous people's might be effectively neutred. It's just another eligion in my opinion. Not that concerned to be honest, as long as they don't put me on a reservation with a load of Pompey fans.
  25. Serious question: Does the official attendance figure include the 'suits' or only those who actually put their hands in their pockets?
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