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Big John

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Everything posted by Big John

  1. Worse things happen! I heard on Radio 4 that someone got murdered tonight! I would rather get f*ck*d than murdered. FACT (as the kids say).
  2. Maybe it's not Saints fans that are the concern. The police have also moved their games against Charlton, Millwall, Orient, Leeds and Gillingham to Friday night games, their Boxing Day game against Colchester has also been changed to a 1pm kick-offl. http://www.southendunited.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10444~1702749,00.html http://www.southendunited.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10444~1703328,00.html Welcome to the world of the lower league hooligans people. To be fair I think that Southend did used to have a notoriously bad reputation back in the seventies too, so maybe the idiot gene has skipped a generation?
  3. Guided Missile (comedy genius) may or may not be who people think her is. FACT (as the kids say). But good luck to you G with YOUR bid. ;-)
  4. Grant Holt. Impressive work ethic and although not young and currently League 2, he might be able to work hard for David McG to mop up a few more than he did last season. http://www.cu-fc.com/page/News/0,,10424~1698796,00.html I hear that he has a lot of respect for us, and even as 'back up' may be considered a good acquisition. Edit: Linked to Colchester as they have just been knocked back. Shrews board want to sell him as they missed out on their 'bonus' last season (failed play-offs) apparently.
  5. Send in the clowns - Judy Collins Maybe this should be the pre-match though?
  6. Notice how there are no funny women out there, not now not ever. FACT.
  7. I hope he learnt from 'RL' and 'Let's Go Wilde' so maybe a subtle one like this.
  8. ca plane pour moi
  9. Maybe he feels that what he has to say is more pertinent than the OP? Hence going to the trouble of altering the default setting. Does it really matter thoough if it is important to him, let him carry on.
  10. Cough. Good night all.
  11. As it is Friday and nothing ever happems on a Friday apart from bottles of Pinot being un-corked I will say this. However someone might riddle-me-ree, they are all variations on the identity. In my opinion.
  12. Did you like that? Would you like more, YOU WANT MORE? By Jeeves, this identity guessing is a beautiful game in my opinion.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Stanley View Post OK i'll give you a hint: "The Arches Might Provide A Clue, Not Strolling But He's Going Too" Oh MY GOD- It's Ronald Mcdonald, You like nuggets? Here's one for you... Them arches may well refer to a Big Mac, who shares his given name with Jim Davidson. It's not Jim though is it.
  14. I know that Barry has made a few quid from his exploits, but do you think he has Hearned as much as the O's richest fan? http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/lloyd%20webber%20to%20follow%20the%20orient_1028714
  15. MJ had aspoken to Peter Reid about being our manager/coach - FACT.
  16. Not sure that the new chap would even need to reposition a yacht to sign a few documents tbh. Unless of course people think that his ego is getting the better of him.
  17. you.. and you and you..... not sure about you, is that sarcasm? I am surprised considering the 11th hour brinksmanship that we have all been glued to re the takeover of Saints that you lot don't get it! The point is not that you will be cancelling, the point is that you tell Sky that you are cancelling. You still get to watch that cricket ****, but for less. It ain't rocket surgery. 1. phone Sky 2. Tell Sky that as it isn't footie season you want to cancel for a couple of months. 3. person says "Hey we still got that cricket **** coming up" 4. you say "cricket ****? I hate that cricket ****" 5. person says "how about we give you it for £2 a month for the next few months"? 6y. you say "Okay numbnuts, and when dd you say that cricket **** was starting"? Loads of us do it, and you pay the difference, cheers.
  18. Big John


    Well if it wasn't it is now, well done. Bearing in mind the seriousness of that allegation, I would recomend that you yourself might wish to seek leal advive KS.
  19. My partner works at the General and I take them there and pick them up. I must confess to knowing a few 'ways around' the current system, but when I arrive half an hour early (sometimes I am on time but she is asked to stay due to unforeen circumstances) I should by rights be paying for the privilege of sitting waiting to pick her up. Is this right? It is not. Is it also okay for a consultant to have FREE parking at hospitals? I accept that they are highly trained and brilliant people but why are they not treated like us mere mortals when their salary should reflect that. I also ask the same question of some senior managers, what makes them so special that they are excempt form the stealth tax that other staff have to pay. Ironically or annoyingly they are two groups who CAN afford to pay yet due to their high earnings probably live far eniough away from Coxford to need a car to get there. btf, do you pay to park? I don't mind and expect to be corrected on some of my points, but would appreciate an answer to the last question please? BJ
  20. Does anyone know a local businessman named Dudley C?
  21. What match are you most looking forwrd to... ...and why? Whilst on the subject, when do the fixtures come out?
  22. What car does our new owner drive? Anyone know?
  23. Corrected that for you.
  24. You sure?
  25. Big John

    The Saint

    Matty, what do ya reckon? Can we have The Saint back please? Who knows how to start one of those facebook group thingies?
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