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Big John

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Everything posted by Big John

  1. Will, will you offer me 4/1 on him beating you? just a fiver for fun and proceeds to charity?
  2. Has the bird aviary been mentioned?
  3. Will what odds will you offer me on him beating you? seriously
  4. /\ who is this comment aimed at Will?
  5. Sometimes, something just makes one laugh when one least expects it, this is one such occasion. :smt046
  6. TBF Will, you have posted a golf thread on the main (Saints) forum. Mr C was just doing the decent thing and making it related to something releted to the football. You could do worse than to mention the 'incident' to Matt if the opportunity arises actually, it will surely put him off his game, thus increasing your chances of not getting beaten by him, which you have hinted at is your reason for posting this information. You might consider a thank you to Mr C rather than a rebuke?
  7. Is there a world of difference between what this chap has done and what millions of others do to their kids every day through passive smoking? Maybe a lesser crime, but still criminal in my opinion is the fact that kids are being poisoned by their parents as they sit and watch the Simpsons or do their homework.
  8. As with their Millwall, Gillingham, Leyton Orient matches, the Essex Police force request Friday and in some cases Thursday matches. Southend is not the 'kiss me quick, squeeze me tight' seaside rresort that some might imagine. Lots of 'scalps' to be had, so they want to keep the visiting numbers to a minimum. I beleive that in bygone days, their reputation would stand up to that of Millwall's infamous 'Halfway Line' and ones who used to wear skull caps (name esacpes me). Epitomised 70's hooliganism to a large degree. For those travelling up, you might wish to enjoy a pleasant walk along one of the longest piers in the World, it's a beauty.
  9. Debatable tbf I would say that at The Dell was a ground of four stands, each with it's own unique and equally pivotal role in making the place so special. I would venture that The Dell did not actually ahve a 'home' end.
  10. Who are your influences? I can hear a strong hint of The Members (Sound of the Suburbs) and a hint of The Undertones.
  11. I believe that Totton was once England's largets village, hence the inhabitants have a strange superiority/inferiority complex. They resemble Bournemouth and Eastliegh supporters a bit; they have their own team, but for some strange reason their local team is their second team. It must be difficult to cope with this contradiction for some. Although Totton is a nice place to live, not least due to it being literally minutes from the New Forest, for the people of Southampton, it is a slight inconvenience that we tolerate as it has the best pizza take-away shop in the region. All in my humble opinion of course.
  12. Car parking could do with an upgrade in my opinion, cricket fans are not as hardy as uf foootie chaps in my experience. Golf, new hotel too? I think they should stick to cricket personally, wouldn't want another premier league set up with a 3rd tier team would we now
  13. Hah, missed. Glad you took it as it was intened Minsk. This is always an emotive subject and is extrememly uncomfortable for many people to analyse and debate rationally. For what it is worth, I know someone who genuinely once felt that their families life was in danger. You know what happened to this person who had previously said that they would 'do time' for their nearset and dearest? The person became paralised, albeit temporarily, they froze, simply could not move from the spot. They were quite traumatised by this fact and confided in me that they were ashamed of themselves! Such a shame as they are the sort of person that you would never guess that appears so full of self-confidence and self-esteem. Suffice to say, the family came to no physical harm. I would also imagine that in similar set of circumstances I could kill, but talk is cheap isn't it..
  14. But you wouldn't do time for it S_S, you would suffer the same fate as the person that you had killed. And ironically, I would think doing this in front of a full courtroom would possibly be considered 'beyond reasonable doubt' that has been discussed earlier on here. Or would you claim deminished responsibilty or temporary insanity. This subject is pretty clear cut, it is not necessary to kill a murderer, it really is not. What do people thin k seperates us from murderers ffs?
  15. Wow, please don't take this as provocative, but that is really quite disturbing. You say that you could not only carry out this act, but would do so in a bloodthirsty manner that some would consider to be torturing said murderer. Out of interest what in your opinion is the relevance to this subject and your military background? It does come across as you are trying to make your self sound 'really hard'. I will resist that temptaion to delve into this further as I fear that your 'defects' (don't worry, we all have them) will surface and you are probably not quite ready to face these demons. Suffice to say, I really do hope that you have not killed someone in real life who you should not have. There are clear rules in the forces on this I believe, correct me if I am wrong. This thread IS NOT about YOU. Some, my self included would say that the only time it might be considered "necessary" to kill someone would be when you are doing it to prevent that person from killing you or perhaps another person. In my book "necessary" means just that, when you do not have a choice. I am also drawn to your reference of doing things "for queen and country", well, if that be the case, well for your information YOUR queen and country does not require you to kill people convicted of murder, so you should perhaps stand at ease mate.
  16. What does this tell you then delldays? You allowed your commanding officers to put you in a dangerous situation and you simply followed orders, you were probably lucky not to have access to the high tech specialised equipment that requires regular and proper training to handle, just like your high speed pursuit car in the other example, it can be dangerous in the wrong hands. I really do not think you are making your point well here, sorry. I can't help sensing that your posts are actually about YOU and not people's legal rights to withold their labour in times of dispute. And Stu from Romsey is more concerned with how much the fire fighters were asking ofr, they were being greedy apparently, therefore they should not be entitled to flex their collective muscles. With these attitudes they too would be driving around in Green Goddess's ringing hand bells as they lose control trying to meet response time quotas after working a 12 hour shift, nay seven consecutive 12 hour shifts as they need the overtime. I think we should leave the firfighters out of this one from here on, as they really are not helping with your arguments.
  17. ars nut
  18. Sounds like this firefighting lark is dangerous stuff eh? You lot take the **** out od 'civvies' playing weekend soldiers, and yet, when you play at being firemen, you complain about the conditins and the risk of injury. Are you sure that you are in the right job? Or does it pay too well for you find an alternative. Tell you what, to quote Stuart from Romsey, if you don't like being a scab, get another job. TFIC of course.
  19. Ex and current forces personnel on here, calling people names for standing up and being counted. What hypocrites. So you go off to fight for what exactly, do you care, do you buggery, you are just following orders and rightly so. You know when you sign up that you WILL do as you are told, it is in amny ways an admirable thing to sign up to, and yes, we do all sleep better at night because you do it. Thank you for doing so, sincerely. However, when the fire service did withhold their labour, people notice. I do not recall the enemy slipping through the back door due to you not being on watch. Do you really think that it is okay for a government to use a countries own armed forces to break the will of it's citizens? In my opinion, the disputes would have been brought to a conclusion at a very early stage, if you had not been used as puppets in the disputes. All of a sudden you lot speak out, ironic don't you think? Stand in line, chest out, shoulders back and stfu.
  20. I would love to get them in the cup, I really would. Home or away, I think that they would crumble.
  21. Are spectators welcome? I can't come personally, but as it is a fund-raiser, others may wish to attend.
  22. I call that talking out of Uranus. There is a disproportionate amount in the two cans, you would have approx 25-30 hoops left over by my reckoning.
  23. Would you consider selling them?
  24. You've answered your own question there spy. When buying The Echo one cannot even rely on the date in the top corner being correct. Nice local rag, but the Guardina it is not.
  25. How do you know that it is your ankle then?
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