Big John
1,057 -
Everything posted by Big John
frogs are clinically mad ergo a box of frogs is a lot of madness in one place, frogs have been known to attack and kill humans in some parts of rural france. google it, it's very interesting.
hth oh.. about the size of a small pony's i'd hazard...
an empty sac
tell them that you are nervous. just hearing the words coming out of your mouth will relax you. don't tell the 'woman tied to the railway lines' joke
i have a 9 inch roast garlic and onion coated salami in the kitchen. keep your black pudding
Maybe not the best away atmosphere granted, but the Cobblers fans were extremely friendly and I would like to praise their stewards for the friendly banter and for not jumping on those out of control little kids who inveded the pitch ;-) at the end. Very restrained I thought.
I assume that you already know that it is a form of hypnotism SSA? You haven't started this thread in an attempt to put the forum into a trance I hope? ;-)
You might reply that the person is correct in that you are not there to coach them. You need to suspend their thought process which will make the person subconsciously consider why they are actually there and conclude that they are not at risk in actually being 'coached' as THEY are in control of the situation, which of course they are. If you are using this technique for genuine professional purposes then that is probably precisely why the two of you are having the conversation in the first place, ergo, they want/need your help but due to conditioning (or programming at perhaps an early age) they can't or don't want to accept that they do. I could of course be completely wrong. Interesting subject.
/\ I am over it now thanks to a near perfect room temperature Shiraz. Don't let it happen again Wurzel.
How can someone seriously make an argument against this method of selection yet put their life on the line for QUEEN and Country, or does the monarchy gain an exception on some ****-eyed reasoning? Seriously, it may not be a perfect system but at least a bad politician does eventually bugger off, not like the parasites that we as a nation suck up to and apy habdsomeley for the priviledge. They make me sick. It's so distasteful and it beggars belief that they still get away with itl.
What about the States?
So, is the joke on 'us' or is this a mickey take on older people? I can see that it was not inteded to to upset anyone, however inadvertently some people have been drawn in and with genuine sincerity made some heartwarming comments that are now deflated. Hot sure I get what the joke is though, as from my understanding both Wurzel and Fitz are 'mates'. Apoplogies if that is not the case, but if true then is Wurzel trying to make a monkey out of FF or is this one of those instances of two (or more) brilliant minds coming together and creating what will go down as the greatest wind-up in the history of the Great British tea-brak? Jolly japes, carry on.
People who moan when you are 'late' for something. Late by you time perhaps, in my world time does not exist, well not in any concept that you would understand.
God bless anyone with any type of cancer. A cruel disease that knows no bounds and recognises not status nor riches. God bless.
We'll be talking about the JPT for many years to come if we get to Wembley. Imagine how great it would be if we can actually win our firts trophy for more than 30 years. Wouldn't be surprised if it's a sell out if it's us versus Leeds too. Wembley is a magical place and a magical word, I would love to go. We still enthuse about the ZDS and remember the squad fondly don't we? How is Kevin Moore by the way, anyone got an update?
So, is she some kind of superwoamn? Brilliant, does her Dad own a brewery and does she.....you know....
Remember to save the images to a vairety of random folders all over the C drive, and set the screensver to play all image files found anywhere of C. He'll never find them all, get them back for the pompey shirt under the centre circle.
Would I be right in thinking that people serving on nuclear subs have to agree to some form of anonimity agreement? Would her picture appear in the papers if one ever did get to go down there.
imo the letter could not have been more personal, errors and all. Mrs Janes is understandably sad and angry that her son has died. If I were in a similar position I would not want to be part of this circus that has been creted to sell papers. After the media circus packs up and leaves town the poor woman has got a lot more grieving to do, let her be.
I'm surprised to be honest that it has taken so long. Red Arrows, welcome to the 21st century.
can't wait to see the display over Bournemouth next summer by the chintz arrows, once she has got to work on the soft furnishings.
Do their planes have mirrors for her to check her make-up?
Whatever next! Nuclear subs? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/defence/5314144/First-woman-joins-Red-Arrows.html
It's available here: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-execution-of-gary-glitter/4od#3008769 Just need to click "I am over 18" and watch 2 mins of ads. I will reserve judgement for now, but doubt very much that this will change my view on the death penalty. It is not our place to retrospectfully (sp) take lives, not even the lives of killers. Sorry
Is this about the C4 prog? Did you think you were watching the news Dog?