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Big John

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Everything posted by Big John

  1. Bugger Bognor! Write that down.
  2. The people of eastleigh make exceedingly good cakes. Well, they used to. Three of plus points though. 1 - The airport 2 - The resurgence of the railway works 3 - The Spitfire. Where would we all be without the Spitfire, eh?
  3. Johnny B, seriously mate. You come across a s very decent level headed employer and bloke in general. I hope that you can see your way to stepping back just a couple of steps and looking at who you are working for exactly. You clearly respectr and like the people who work for you, you clearly have a social conscience, you clearly do not realise that you have been brainwashed into thinking that you are putting all your efforts in to making the World a better place. Please understand that whichever party is in power, they will shaft you royally. they will convince you that you are doing all the right thing for all the right reasons. **** them. Please don;t do what you are doing for 'them', carry on doing it for the greater good. look at where we (working people) come from and most importantly wher we (as a community) are heading. Politicians don;lt care about you and I, they care aboit wealthy white men who live lives of abject luxury, but they do not sleep well at night. They are not like us, they are where they are on the back of people like you and I. Carry on, but please take a step back my friend. all in my very humble opinion. Please do not take offence.
  4. ..a Chesney by any chance?
  5. Yeah silly me, why would we want 2 Lamberts, he's crap, right! Anyway, neither will happen it is just a question that came to me. I dreamt that both Narwich and Gillinam were skint.
  6. Who would you prefer to see in a Saints shirt? Jackson = 10 goals (cup tied x 2) Holt = 16 goals (cup tied x 2)
  7. To the Rickie tune praps? He stands at almost six feet four Ot-sem-o-bor He'll never let you feckers score Ot-sem-o-bor He came to Saints instead of Ward He bought a house in Chadler's Ford And Northam boys all love Ot-sem-o-bor I'm starting to think that we could actually adapt that tune for each member of the team and sing them at Wembley.
  8. Might explain why we went for the lower wage option rather than Elliott Ward. AP is surely having to balance a book at the end of the day.
  9. I am saying nothing, just in case Nicola bans me fromht eground and halts the transfer of ****** before the ink is dry... http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/PreviewDetail/0,,10280~1931295,00.html TicTacs eat your heart out nipper.
  10. Snow?
  11. He's not been wrong yet.
  12. Of course, Moorfields is right up there for most procedures but Southampton has some consultant surgeons who fly over to the states to lecture their top surgeons reularly. I'll concede that morfields is the top unit but even they seek advice from those at Southampton occasionally. They really are respected..well most if them.
  13. Radhi Jaidi was taken to Southampton General Hospital early on Thursday afternoon. That my friend is a fact, an undisputable fact. He went to hospital as he sustained an injury to his eye during a training session. His eye was examined by one of the countries top consultant surgeons at one of the (if not, the) countries best eye unit. From all accounts on here, he was obviously discharged later that day, but the young lady who drove him there was asked to do so as it was thought unsafe for him to drive himself. hth
  14. http://www.ratedpeople.com/find/plumbers a great source, and if you are neeeding an urgent job, none come close. Feedback is paramount in my experince and RFW plumbing & heating ltd is second to none. imho of course. http://www.rfwheating.co.uk/ tell Richard that Big John recomendede him
  15. ..as his Dad was promised the managers job. The key in signing players and appointing managers is just as it is in comedy...........................timing
  16. The (aqeous) humour in peoples responses is culpable. If he's out long term we'd better hope someone lens us a decent replacement.
  17. You'd be surprised how close that is to the truth. S_S, in and out job. And a Corp Hosp consultant treated him, so no hanging about like us mere mortals.
  18. I find it hard to beleive that no-one has realised that this chap was giving himself a blowjob with a vacuum cleaner, 3" is the diameter of a standard vacuum cleaner pipe , apparently! Henry signs for Redbridge.
  19. Big John


    A 'Moosh' is your friend. Bastardised through recent histiry to be an disparaging term but ultimatley a term of endearment. If someone callem me a 'moosh' I would shake their hand.
  20. Bassett Green road just down the road from the Co-Op? Brilliant fella, brilliant.
  21. Please don't ask for my source, suffice to say I have seen this with my own eyes. Radhi Jaidi was today admitted to hospital following a training groud incident that resulted in him sustaining an eye injury. Thankfully the Huddersfield game has been called off otherwise he may have missed the game. FACT
  22. Riches to rags praps?
  23. Greyhound bus are running coaches up: http://www.andoveradvertiser.co.uk/business/4828168.Saints_go_marching_in_with_style_/ Unallocated seating too I believe plus the two areas we have been given are adjacent iirc: http://www.mkdons.com/staticFiles/fa/6e/0,,10420~93946,00.pdf North East and North Stands.
  24. Big John


  25. the first mrs hailed from Luton, she was a right slag (that is what attracted me to her in the first place). She wa sa very 'popular girl' around Southampton in the early 80's,if you frequented the Top Rank around that time it is quite likely that you had her. This is not a comment on the people of Luton as I am sure they are generally decent folk.
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