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Big John

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Everything posted by Big John

  1. Big John


    Who's in? Of it can be done then I will love Nicola even more. GTFOFM.
  2. Hi knowledgeable ones. Appreciate your help please. If I get the job I'm going for tomorrow I am hoping to treat my partner to a new car. Max £3k. CASH. Don't want to take risks so needs to be reliable ish. Must be convertible Must have at least 2 comfy seats in back Must be automatic Don't mind diesel 30-35 mpg please Love xk8s but look costly to maintain Love leather ;-) Mp3 hook up if poss. No 8-Tracks. That's about it really.
  3. Big John


    Did anyone ever phone him when his mobile was put up on here?
  4. They really are in it aren't they.
  5. Don't you just love acronyms. Lol
  6. Those pesky Russians eh!
  7. Elephant Man.
  8. TIC's have been with us for decades and in general only serve to distort crime so ex figures. If you are trying to solve a murder enquiry then any similarity in modus operandi can prove invaluable but when your run of the mill petty (lol) crim is sat in the interview room and has it put to him or her that a lesser sentence can be guaranteed by fessing to a few dozen similar crimes in their vicinity they will bite your hand off. It's not an irony, it's a shameful but accepted method of clearing the 'unsolved' books. It's institutionalised, it's rife and it is the reason that our Bobbys on the beat no longer exist. I grew up wanting to be a fine upstanding copper, being too tall was in hindsight a lucky escape I reckon. I have immense respect for the copper on the street as their mere presence offers reassurance to a community, albeit a false confidence as even petty crims appear know their stuff to the letter nowadays. Anyway, all possession is theft in the eyes of the lord so see it as a test of your mettle.
  9. I was bitten by a dog on Sunday. A little Jack Russell. Thought it was just a scratch until itstarted bleeding whilst I was driving home, I'd just popped into that store at coxford corner near the old is building. Starting to feel sore, a little swollen and looks like it's bruised. I am a dog lover but I realise now that I should have reported it to the police. Am I too late.
  10. Wot a cock. hamster is merely trying to ensure that it goes to someone most deserving of a freebie rather than the most grovelling poor me person. if it is to be believed just how amazingly selfless and generous this chap hamster is away from the forum then you are being very unfair on him in my humble opinion. i hear that he has done good things for those less fortunate than most of us and you see this as an oportunity to have a little snidey dig. he could just pocket a hundred pound and walk away. of course, he won't give you any grief for the dig but that doesn't make it acceptable in polite company. hamstrer, can i have it please mate.
  11. I Iirc they sing the exact last waltz lyrics but 'their' song is actually never take my gillingham away I think
  12. Puncheon with fans full support would be awesome. We've seen how good a player he can be. Bring him in from the cold I say.
  13. Puncheon would solve this current dilemma only real Adkins **** up so far. Too late for punch to save our away form?
  14. Didn't that hamster mush get shot down for saying exactly this a little while ago. Mentality of defeat costs lives, stop this silliness now.
  15. What is the last organ to stop moving after strangulation?
  16. I removed the dirty dishes before ****ing in the kitchen sink
  17. Season ticket holder versus a JCL fight to the death. Winner receives ticket for Pompey away match (includes travel voucher) Pregnant women in the centre circle, first to give birth receives season ticket for life (presented by emperor Cortese), includes cup of coffee and bacon bitty.
  18. obviously just adding 2 + 2 and coming up with 3.9 but sometimes posthumous investigations can run smoother as the 'accused' can't use their influential friends to protect them. a little digging (pardon the pun( reveals that mr saville obe had an injunction stopping him being associated with the horrendous acts carried out on minors at Haute de la Garenne in spite of the fact that he was a regular visitor years before the revcealations... as were ex pm edward heath and wilfred brambles reportedly. i read somewhere that certain members of the yachting community would visit off-shore and children from the home would be offered a days sailing as treats only to end up being buggered and assaulted but those cheeky chappy masons influence spreads far and wide apparently. if i were one to play word games i might conclude that a few of the inhabitants may have woken up to the odd cloudy morning. sir jimmy famously was a big figure in dance hall days and then discoteques, he was a regular at a very famous nightclub in the early days as were his friends from the industry tam paton and jonathan king and fluffy freeman. jimmy persey tells a colourful tale or two about the special backstage areas of the walton hop. he was not shy in telling people that he had the ear of the queen, maggie t to name but 2, now why might that be? could be a simple case of him being by far the most famous charity fundraiser (40m) and that would fir with them having good pr people, association with such a generous man can do no harm to ones public image i guess... personally, i would not be too quick to make that conclusion, partly due to him being a member of one of the most secret select and knight of malta, people think that the da vinci code was an eye opener. anyway, rip jimmy saville obe.
  19. Some narcissists are ostentatiously generous – they donate to charity, lavish gifts on their closest, abundantly provide for their nearest and dearest, and, in general, are open-handed and unstintingly benevolent. How can this be reconciled with the pronounced lack of empathy and with the pernicious self-preoccupation that is so typical of narcissists? The act of giving enhances the narcissist's sense of omnipotence, his fantastic grandiosity, and the contempt he holds for others. It is easy to feel superior to the supplicating recipients of one's largesse. Narcissistic altruism is about exerting control and maintaining it by fostering dependence in the beneficiaries. But narcissists give for other reasons as well. The narcissist flaunts his charitable nature as a bait. He impresses others with his selflessness and kindness and thus lures them into his lair, entraps them, and manipulates and brainwashes them into subservient compliance and obsequious collaboration. People are attracted to the narcissist's larger than life posture – only to discover his true personality traits when it is far too late. "Give a little to take a lot" – is the narcissist's creed. This does not prevent the narcissist from assuming the role of the exploited victim. Narcissists always complain that life and people are unfair to them and that they invest far more than their "share of the profit". The narcissist feels that he is the sacrificial lamb, the scapegoat, and that his relationships are asymmetric and imbalanced. "She gets out of our marriage far more than I do" – is a common refrain. Or: "I do all the work around here – and they get all the perks and benefits!" Faced with such (mis)perceived injustice – and once the relationship is clinched and the victim is "hooked" – the narcissist tries to minimise his contributions. He regards his input as a contractual maintenance chore and the unpleasant and inevitable price he has to pay for his Narcissistic Supply. After many years of feeling deprived and wronged, some narcissists lapse into "sadistic generosity" or "sadistic altruism". They use their giving as a weapon to taunt and torment the needy and to humiliate them. In the distorted thinking of the narcissist, donating money gives him the right and license to hurt, chastise, criticise, and berate the recipient. His generosity, feels the narcissist, elevates him to a higher moral ground. Most narcissists confine their giving to money and material goods. Their munificence is an abusive defence mechanism, intended to avoid real intimacy. Their "big-hearted" charity renders all their relationships – even with their spouses and children – "business-like", structured, limited, minimal, non-emotional, unambiguous, and non-ambivalent. By doling out bounteously, the narcissist "knows where he stands" and does not feel threatened by demands for commitment, emotional investment, empathy, or intimacy. In the narcissist's wasteland of a life, even his benevolence is spiteful, sadistic, punitive, and distancing.
  20. why lgtl? maybe we have to shoulder some of the responsibilty for the decision if it transpires that it is true. many on here defended a large section of our fanbses right to express their didlike of pompey fans through aggression. personally, i value my own safety, be it from others or our own contingent's lack of self control and restraint, sad but true.
  21. friend of mine tells me that plans being finalised for the ticket + transport arrangement. don't shoot the messenger, he's not always right but has contacts with the ticket people and travel club.
  22. Guns'n'Roses - Appetite For Destruction Can't top this.
  23. So no-one's listened to anything since then? Ok Abba - Gold
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