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Big John

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Everything posted by Big John

  1. If the club can recall circa 5,000 programmes for an apparently minor gaff, that no-one as yet can identify, taking the full loss of not just income but refunding advertisers...then surely they could at least consider an alternative to the comic relief badge. Not a reall gaff in the greater scheme of things but many clearly feel that some form of consulation with fans is due.
  2. Irish Stu (in da name of da law)
  3. He scored a goal at Wemberley Rickie Rickie He's scored more goals that wayne Rooney Rickie Rickie He scored a goal against the Skates And that's why he is my best mate Rickie Lambert Southampton's goal machine. No?
  4. Big John

    Stupid Ideas

    It's in case one gets nicked.
  5. How about Eddie Howe for manager of the season, done an amazing job really. Next season wil be a tough test though. I might put ten pound on a south coast treble, saints promoted, Pompey and Cherries going down. Odds?
  6. pole dances
  7. That would make for an excellent euphemism.
  8. A sailor who berates the warmongers! Only joking delldays, I actually agree with you. I believe that the Falklands was as much about demonstrating to us the Uk public how no-nonsense she was. From that point on no-one dare mess with her, well not unless they were desperately fighting to protect the very fabrc of the societies that they grew up in and which made for decent communities. Even Army estates don't have the same community spirit as they once enjoyed nowadays.
  9. Keep an eye out for Zampa, the Millwall mascot, he'll be the one with the marathon banning order this time next year. And that will all be the fault of the police too. http://www.millwallfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10367~2034413,00.html
  10. compliments
  11. On my second go I noticed that Newcastle's has an apostrophe after James', or was it the other way around? damn I'll have to have another go now. 91,000 I give up. Closest 2 km, farthest about 400km
  12. Agreed doddisalegend. That one (attempt at a) sentence is like saying, if any man has ever admired a pretty girl in a nightclub and not thought about raping her he is not a real man' Ironically, or perhaps not, people are saying that those in court aren't the actual die-hard holligans. Perhaps this is due to the hardest of the 'die-hards' are simply better at not getting caught, just like all the best burglars never get caught? Makes one wonder who they might be, these who happily start trouble but are nowhere to be seen when it really erupts, well not actuall not to be seen, ususlly they are there, just right at the back..
  13. All the fault of the police of course.. :confused: My neighbour got burgled only last week, he caught the girl who did it and very sensibly waited for the local PCSO to turn up, whacked the officer over the head with:confused: a 9 iron and buried the body under his patio. He won't be free to roam the streets anymore encouraging people to break the law and hopefully this will reduce the number of break-ins in my area. In fact I reckon that with LESS police officers on our streets the crime figures will go down and the prisons will have more room for real crims like those scary fraudsters and people who don't pay their taxis. Lees coppers = less crime?
  14. You are without a shadow of doubt an intelligent man, but alas you are also extremly stupid with it, a dangerous but thankfully a rare combination in todays society.
  15. Used to play at Millwall which is enough reason for some and yesterday had an altercation with Kelvin, trying to snatch the ball from him following the back-pass in the second half. Don't know what his rush was and ended up in the book for his troubles. I'm actually surprised that he plays up front as he has a pretty naff scoring record. Nice haircut mind.
  16. Nice litttle game on the FL site, click where you think the ground is on the map and points awarded for acccuracy and time taken. Not as simple as you might think especially the Plymouth/newcastle ones. I got a miserable 77,000 points. More levels as you progress. http://www.football-league.co.uk/gameswide/20091021/football-league-ground-location-challenge_2270768_1832558
  17. Big John


    Best of luck young man, I hear that you are very good, not just on the ball but positioning and reading the game too. You also have a very good mentor in your father, also a decent player (for his years).
  18. [for the] MEMORY
  19. My sister always told me that the C&A label in her underwear was there to ensure that she put them on the right way around.
  20. Big John


    No i didn't, sorry. I don't know the answer but the relationship surely can't carry on ike it has been. The similarities between the union ethos and new labour's are not that clear to my eyes. Not sure what to do about Ashcroft but he again is surely not representative of all tories and this whole area needs sorting out. I hear so many people nowadays telling me that they aren't going to vote in May and surprisingly they come from all the main parties support groups, so maybe the anticipated slump in voting numbers will make no difference either way as they cancel each other out?
  21. tortoise
  22. Big John


    Maybe if people opted in to the political fund they (Labour) might get a better feel for what their supporters want from them. As it stands, I feel that the party takes it for granted and only cowtows (sp) to the unions when it suits them. TU's are treated by political parties as toothless tigers in my view but wouldnt it be interesting if one of the big guns switched allegiances or just put the lot in some investment vehicle for a couple of years? At the end of the day, Labour will come up with Labour policies and a manifesto that suits them.
  23. Millbrook Towers
  24. Big John


    Here you go Ginge: http://www.ourunion.org.uk/PoliticalFundExemption.pdf None of the political parties should have any union members money in my opinion and the opt out 'option' is clearly wrong. People should have to opt in surely? And whenever did knocking someone from the top rung of the career ladder make anyone below better off? Don't just take and 'anti' stance because they earn good money or have more annual leave than you have. I reckon there is a lot of envy on here which I beleve is driving much (not all) of the argument. I wouldn't personally wish to contribute over and above what I'd already chiiped in were I a member for ANY one particular dispute, as I understand that these big unions have massive fighting funds for this purpose already. Maybe they are scared that their assets will be frozen by the courts should the employer launch another legal challenge?
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